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100 Days of Real Food

Choosing Raw – vegan and raw recipes — A Celebration of Vegan and Raw Food 85 Snack Ideas By Lisa, on July 31st, 2012 If you’re in a rut here are some snack ideas for inspiration. Please leave any additional suggestions in the comments below… Fruits and Vegetables… Apple (good with peanut butter) Banana (good with peanut butter)Carrots (good with hummus or ranch dip)Celery (good with peanut butter and raisins a.k.a. Zucchini ChipsWhole-Wheat Zucchini Bread (made into muffins)Whole-Wheat Pumpkin Bread (made into muffins)Whole-Grain Cornbread (made into muffins)Whole-Wheat Berry MuffinsPecan Maple Breakfast CookiesEasy Cheesy CrackersKale ChipsHomemade PowerballsWhole-Wheat Biscuits (good with butter and jelly) or Buttermilk Cheese BiscuitsCinnamon Glazed PopcornWhole-Wheat “Baked” Donuts For even more homemade snack ideas be sure to check out the “Healthy Snacks To Go” e-book from Kitchen Stewardship! Posts may contain affiliate links.

SPROUTED KITCHEN - A Tastier Take on Whole Foods Snack Girl: eat healthy snacks Fitness Organic, Grain-Free, Gluten-Free and Paleo Recipes Healthy Tipping Point — When Everyday Decisions Add Up to Something Amazing Appetite Sarah's Scoop What Would Jessica Eat?
