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Max Senges Listening Post Ablenkung - iPhone App Downloads Dropped In September, iPhone 4S Anticipation Pegged As Culprit Marketing technology company Fiksu’s data for the month of September shows the year’s biggest drop in application downloads, a trend it claims was impacted by mobile consumers holding out for the next Apple iPhone. Last month, the company speculated that a hiatus in sales of older iPhone models was impacting app downloads, and Apple’s recent admission of a drop of 3 million device sales last quarter appears to validate that claim. The company publishes its Fiksu Indexes monthly to measure fluctuations in competition for rank in the app stores and the cost to acquire loyal users in order to help mobile app marketers benchmark their performance against industry averages. In September, the Fiksu App Store Competitive Index, which measures the average aggregate daily download volume of the Top 200 free U.S. iPhone apps, dropped by 6% from 4.06 million downloads in August to 3.8 million.

University of Helsinki - Helsinki Summer Seminar International Investment Law: Between Public and Private? International investment law has over the last two decades or so become highly visible, and investment arbitration has become intensely used. For all the benefits this may generate, it is increasingly becoming clear that relying on investment protection may come to affect the public sector and the distribution of common goods. The Helsinki Summer Seminar aims to offer a forum for discussing a variety of salient political issues, including the effects of investment on development, the ever-important energy sector, and the possible conclusion of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The 27th Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law is open to students, researchers and practitioners with a keen interest in the topic. No other scholarship are available.

Der Eurobond ist noch nicht gestorben EZB-Ratsmitglied Klaas Knot hält die Einführung von Eurobonds zur Lösung der Schuldenkrise langfristig doch für möglich. "Ich sehe Eurobonds als einen guten Weg zur Vermeidung von Liquiditätsproblemen in einem Mitgliedsland und Ansteckungsgefahren", sagte Knot am Freitag. Die deutsche Regierung lehnt Eurobonds dagegen nachdrücklich ab, sieht sich aber in Europa vielen Stimmen gegenüber, die das anders sehen. Dazu zählt zum Beispiel die EU-Kommission, aber auch Eurogruppenchef Jean-Claude Juncker. Eurobonds sind Anleihen, die gemeinsam von den Staaten der Eurozone ausgegeben werden. Es gibt sie bisher nicht. Das derzeitige umstrittene Bond-Ankauf-Programm der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) zur Bekämpfung der Schuldenkrise stelle eine Gefahr für die Haushaltsdisziplin in der Eurozone dar, fügte der niederländische Notenbankchef hinzu. (Reuters/ekh)

Euro-Krise: Alle Macht den Deutschen? | Politik Hegemon wider Willen – Berlin dominiert Europa und ist damit überfordert. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Mit politischer Macht verhält es sich wie mit Millionen von Euro auf dem Konto: Man spricht nicht darüber. Man hört ihn in Brüssel, in dieser dramatischen Woche mit ihren Rettungsgipfeln und nächtlichen Krisensitzungen. Anzeige Man hört den deutschen Einfluss auch in Berlin, im Bundestag, wo die Abgeordneten erneut über den Euro-Rettungsfonds EFSF abstimmen. Man hört jetzt viel über Deutschland in den anderen Hauptstädten Europas, in Paris und Rom und London: Was die Regierung in Berlin alles tun könnte, um die gemeinsame Währung zu retten. Es mag jetzt bei der Euro-Rettung alles auf Deutschland zulaufen, weil es das einzige Land zu sein scheint, das wirtschaftlich stark genug ist, die Lasten für die anderen zu tragen. Chronik Die Euro-Krise seit 2009 Mai 2013 © Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images 28. © John Kolesidis/Reuters April 2013 © Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters März 2013 Januar 2013 29.

How to Apply | Hertie School of Governance Step 1 | Create an Online Account and complete the Online Application Form Step 2 | Upload the following documents: Curriculum Vitae Letter of MotivationOfficial academic transcript(s) English proficiency certificate (for non-native English speakers) Step 3 | Contact a Referee for an Academic Letter of Reference Step 4 | Submit your Application For more information consult our FAQs or read the detailed application instructions below. Admission Requirements You must have completed at least an undergraduate degree (bachelors or equivalent) in order to be admitted. Please submit your English proficiency certificate (if applicable) as soon as you receive the results. Application Instructions 1. 2. Current CV indicating your academic background, work experience, voluntary activities. 3. 4. All documents must be submitted in English. There is no application fee. For more information please consult our FAQs section. The deadlines for the next MPP Programme beginning in September 2014 are:

Maastricht Graduate School of Governance - About us Public Policy and Human Development (MSc) The Master of Science (MSc) in Public Policy and Human Development emphasises the connection between public policy and decision-making processes, or more specifically, the effectiveness and efficiency of governance. Students are equipped with a variety of skills, tools and knowledge which enable them to work as policy designers and policy analysts. They are capable of working within public and private institutions at local, national and international levels. Public policy issues are growing in complexity and there’s an increasing interconnectedness between local, national and international levels of decision making and implementation. This can be seen in current public policy concerns such as: the impact of immigration policies healthcare access for children in developing countries mitigation of the effects of global warming the conflict of China's economic growth and its sustainable development the watchdog role of the media

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