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Show me what you can do - Mia Smith

Show me what you can do - Mia Smith
Vi har alla varit där. Du ska hålla en muntlig presentation inför klassen. På ett annat språk. Svetten lackar. Att få bedömningsunderlag för muntlig produktion är en logistisk mardröm. Jag har tidigare bloggat om vikten av att plocka in den extramurala engelskan i undervisningen för att öka motivationen och visat exempel på hur eleverna får uttrycka sig genom olika mer nydanande textformer. Mina 7or fick en liknande uppgift, dock med mindre uttalad mottagare. Elevernas filmer blir bara någon minut långa, men det räcker gott för att jag som lärare ska hinna bilda mig en tydlig uppfattning om hur deras talade engelska låter. En bonus är att eleverna lär sig hantera ytterligare funktioner på sin dator, vilket ju också ligger inom ramen för skolans uppdrag. En ytterligare effekt är att jag lär känna mina elever ännu bättre. Related:  speakingGeography and cultureSpeaking

The Great Balloon Debate – The Canswedian English Teacher Sitting here in a super important meeting at school….so I decided to write a blog post. I just heard someone say it will go fast. We’re going on hour two now. Aaaanyhoo… The Great Balloon Debate is a great speaking activity/icebreaker for more advanced students (maybe grade 9). The scenario is that there are eight people in a balloon – but the balloon suddenly starts to fall out of the sky. Read the attached file – there are different scenarios you can do, but for time’s sake I get them to choose four people to stay in the balloon, and just keep narrowing it down until there are only two people left in the whole class. I had one girl win because she shouted … ” FOR GOD’S SAKE! Update: The meeting is still going on… Here is another website with a different template than I use Balloon Debates: Templates and Tips!

Realia möter digital läsförståelse Vill du också veta hur du ska planera för och bedöma kunskapskravet för “realia” där eleven ska diskutera företeelser och jämföra med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper? Då Mia Smith och jag började reflektera över hur olika fokus engelsklärare generellt la på bedömningen fick vi en tanke att skapa en planering som bygger på Skolverkets olika material. I de uppgifter vi sett bedöms ofta bara skrivuppgifterna och inte själva jämförelsen kring realian. Inte sällan utan stöd för att eleverna ska nå målen. För att synliggöra hur vi tänker kring stödet men även bedömningen har vi delat en planering sist i inlägget. Innan du tar del av den vill vi synliggöra hur vi tänker kring planeringen för att få validitet, för att se till att vi verkligen bedömer det som ska bedömas. livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används (Lgr11, engelska åk 9) Kunskapskravet som ska bedömas är detta: Virtuell samplanering Livsvillkor Samhällsfrågor

Explain Yourself! The students try to give a reasonable explanation ​about a made up statement.​They can do this exercise in pairs or in a small group. The teacher can also let the students come up with their own statements. - You have a tiger in your bedroom. Explain yourself!- ​You have got your hands covered in blood. Explain yourself! Intonation – Simple Conversation in Different Voices – The Canswedian English... Right now, I am enrolled in an English Grammar course at a Swedish university. Teacher’s license in Sweden = more English. Go figure… There is this one professor that pre-records all the lessons so we can listen to them before the seminar. It takes ALL of my strength to stay awake during these pre-recorded lectures. Why you ask? Have you ever seen Ferris Beuller’s Day Off? Needless to say, I am big on making students speak with intonation, pauses and emphasising important words and phrases. So – how do I help them with this? Step 1: Put various words up on the board like Hey, Bye, what? Ask them how they would say the word “Hey” if they were happy to see someone. What about bye? This purpose of this warm up activity is to show/remind them that the overall tone and meaning of a word can change with the emphasis, intonation and drawing out of a word. Once you have gone through that, move on to the main course. Step 2: Give the students a very simple conversation. Person 1: Hello

Att reflektera kring "realian" med hjälp av en skrivmall I engelska (och moderna språk) ingår en förmåga som innebär att eleverna ska reflektera över: livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används(Lgr11, engelska) I detta inlägg tänkte jag visa på hur jag valt att arbeta med kunskapskravet med en skrivmall för att göra en källkritiks övning där eleverna får visa på följande kunskapskrav (E): Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt med viss relevans använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.Eleven diskuterar översiktligt några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra enkla jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper. Vår skola deltar i ett Erasmus+ projekt, ett sk K2-projekt, där eleverna redovisar olika uppgifter på en elevblogg. Källkritik med reflektion och jämförelse ger mer bedömningsbredd Olika stöd för att jämföra Klicka på bilden för att kunna ladda ner den! Bedömningen

Describe the picture Syfte Att träna på att beskriva en bild så utförligt som möjligt. Läraren reflekterar Övningen är enkel att genomföra och är ett roligt sätt att träna på den muntliga förmågan. Metod Eleverna bör vara bekanta med prepositioner som on, under, over, beside, in front of, behind och between. Läraren förklarar hur en bild kan förklaras, från helhet till detaljnivå. Start with the whole picture. Uppgiften Eleverna sitter parvis eller i mindre grupper. Förstabilden ger eleven stöd i form av stödord och lägesorden. Exempel på bilder och hur nyckelord kan ge eleverna stöd Redigera och spara presentationen Lgr 11 Förmåga (kopplingar till åk 6) Formulera sig och kommunicera i tal (och skrift). Centralt innehåll Vardagliga situationer, intressen, personer, platser, händelser och aktiviteter. Kunskapskrav I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar av olika slag kan eleven formulera sig enkelt, relativt tydligt och relativt sammanhängande.

What Makes a Good Presentation? – The Canswedian English Teacher So, you have told your class that they are going to do a presentation on something-or-other. You show them what should be included, how their Powerpoint should look, you even talk about how important it is to have proper grammar… But do we ever really teach them what it means to give a good presentation? I finally clued in to this last year. I made a Powerpoint last year, some activities and introduced it to my classes before they did their first presentation. Go through the Powerpoint with them – stopping at the slides that ask for activities. Warm up by brainstorming with them what makes a good and bad presentation. Here is the handout for the body language and gestures activities. And for those of you have seen enough Powerpoints to last a life time… here are some other options to show your kiddies.

Skottlossning vid parlamentet i London Skottlossning har brutit ut vid parlamentet i London. En knivbeväpnad man har huggit ner en polis vid byggnaden – sen attackerade han ännu en polis varpå han sköts ner. Mannen tog sig till parlamentet efter att ha kört på flera personer på Westminster Bridge, skriver Sky News. Två personer uppges vara döda och ett dussintal är skadade, enligt Reuters. Polisen kallar händelserna för terrorattentat. En polischef säger att attacken vid Londons parlament betraktas som en terrorattack och en antiterrorundersökning har inletts.Ytterligare poliser, beväpnade och obeväpnade, har kommenderats ut i London under onsdagskvällens rusningstimmar som en del i att hålla folk säkra. Det är mycket hård bevakning i kvarteren i Westminster där parlamentet med Big Ben, flera regerignsbyggnader och premiärministerns bostad på Downing Street ligger. Den här bilden är tagen mot Westminster Bridge då utryckningspersonal hjälper ett av offren. Ja, och det var det utgångsläge polisen tidigt jobbade utefter. • Whitehall.

Good Luck TOEFL - Free TOEFL Writing Topics list - Agree or Disagree topics TOEFL Essay Question Types – Agree or Disagree The lists of Agree or Disagree TOEFL Independent Writing topics below will help you prepare for this type of question on your exam. Look at questions in the following four categories as well, to be prepared for all the types of TOEFL essays. 1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 7) Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. 8) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 10) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 11) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it) - Mikael Cho Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on International Women’s Day The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the occasion of International Women’s Day: “Today, we join people all over the globe to celebrate the remarkable achievements that women have made everywhere, and reaffirm our commitment to gender equality worldwide. “This year, Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EqualityMatters, which reminds us that society is better – more prosperous, peaceful, secure, and cohesive – when women’s rights are respected, when women are valued and empowered, and when they lead the way in our communities. “While we have taken significant steps toward gender equality, we know that much more work needs to be done. Women around the world continue to receive lower pay and fewer promotions. They are denied legal control over their bodies and reproductive health. “That is why we will continue to place gender equality and rights, and the empowerment of women and girls, at the heart of our international development work.

fluentu “All right everyone, pair up!” This sentence can be met in many ways. Blank stares. Two class troublemakers reaching for each other’s hands. The shy kid in the class trying very hard to become invisible. It’s no secret, getting students to work well in pairs can be hard, and it doesn’t stop with just having them pair up. ESL students doing pair activities can often try to skive off doing the activity at hand. As far as the teacher is concerned, it can be tough making sure that the students who are actually working are speaking correctly. Well, it’s time for all those problems to be ancient history. Techniques for ESL Pair Work The first mistake many teachers make when assigning pair work is letting students choose their pairs. While that may be fun for those in the class who are already friends, your job as the teacher is to assess each student’s strengths and weaknesses and put them with someone they can work with well. “We’re going to go about this activity in pairs! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Engage Now - Student Interactions - teacher heath Do you hear your students say things like: "No! That's Wrong!" "What are you talking about?" "Stop being so bossy!" Students Learn MORE when they discover new ideas from each other. I created 4 posters to hang on the wall, model, practice and constantly refer to during lessons. PROBLEM 1: Students weren't LISTENING to each other: First and foremost, I created a list of things that I wanted to 'see and hear' my kids doing that showed they were LISTENING to each other. PROBLEM 2: Students weren't STATING their thoughts clearly: Then, I created a list of idea 'stems' that would encourage students to use evidence to back up claims - this way, other students can see why a student made a claim. PROBLEM 3: Students were ARGUING and DISAGREEING: I created a list of 'respectful' ways to disagree. PROBLEM 4: Students weren't ASKING EACH OTHER FOR CLARITY: This was so weird to me. Here's a Music Video that shows each of the 4 topics in the posters:

The 10 greatest controversies of Winston Churchill's career Image copyright Getty Images The UK is marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Winston Churchill. He is regarded by many as the greatest Briton ever, but for some he remains an intensely controversial figure. During Britain's darkest hours in World War Two, Churchill's leadership was vital in maintaining morale and leading the country to eventual victory over Nazi Germany. In 2002 Churchill saw off the likes of Shakespeare, Darwin and Brunel to be voted the greatest ever Briton. But in a career spanning some 70 years, he had more than a few moments of controversy. "There's a danger in Churchill gaining a purely iconic status because that actually takes away from his humanity," says Allen Packwood, director of the Churchill Archives Centre. "He is this incredibly complex, contradictory and larger-than-life human being and he wrestled with these contradictions during his lifetime." Here are 10 of the most common debates that have raged about Churchill's legacy. Image copyright PA 1. 2. 3.
