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4 Sites Gratuits pour Envoyer des Gros Fichiers de 300 Mo à 10 Go

4 Sites Gratuits pour Envoyer des Gros Fichiers de 300 Mo à 10 Go
Written on 21/1/2011 at 06:10 by Zack Envoyer des fichiers joints par mail dont la taille dépasse la centaines de mégas voire plus, relève de l’impossible car dans leur très grande majorité, les services gratuits de courrier électronique limitent la taille de ces pièces jointes à 10 mégas en moyenne. Alors pour faire sauter cette limitation et envoyer par courriel – comme disent nos amis canadiens – des fichiers ou images pouvant atteindre les 10 Go, il est impératif de passer par les services en ligne gratuits comme les 4 que j’ai sélectionnés pour vous. GigaSize Envoie jusqu’à 300 Mo avec la possibilité d’uploader jusqu’à 10 fichiers simultanés DropSend Envoie jusqu’à 2 Go dans la limite de 5 par mois pour la formule gratuite Windows Live SkyDrive Espace disque gratuit de 25 Go avec partage de fichiers et dossiers MegaShares Envoie jusqu’à 10 Go par un simple glisser/déposer Tagged as: App Gratuites, Internet Article by has written 7567 articles .

Flashcards: The world's largest online library of printable flash cards 30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, “information overload” is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the “stuff” out there and pluck out the best, most share-worthy tidbits of information, especially if your topic is niche. Let’s face it, Google definitely has its shortcomings when it comes to content curation and the more it tries to cater to all audiences, the less useful it becomes. The demand for timely, relevant content that is specific to our unique interests and perspectives has given rise to a new generation of tools that aim to help individuals and companies curate content from the web and deliver it in a meaningful way. Here’s a look at over 30 content curation tools (mostly free, but some paid/professional tools as well) that will help you cut through the clutter of your information stream to find the gems. Comments(65)

Free File Sharing Made Simple - MediaFire Syncany – Le Dropbox open source Syncany – Le Dropbox open source Tout le monde connait Dropbox... Cet outil de stockage dans le cloud est hyper pratique pour disposer à tous moment d'une sauvegarde de ses fichiers et d'un partage. Dropbox serait vraiment l'outil idéal si ce n'était pas géré par une société privée qui conserve toutes nos données (parfois sensibles). Syncany fonctione de manière similaire à Dropbox, possède une couche de chiffrement et permet la sauvegarde sur (au choix) un espace local (un disque partagé par exemple), un serveur FTP, un serveur accessible en SSH (SFTP pour être exact), un serveur IMAP, un partage webdav ou si vraiment vous le désirez, sur des services de stockage en ligne comme, Amazon S3, Picasa ou encore Google Storage. D'autres solutions similaires (open source ou pas) existent déjà pour faire concurrence à Dropbox mais elles ne sont pas toutes à égalité. Alors ne vous enflammez pas trop car pour le moment, Syncany n'est pas encore disponible en version stable. [Photo]

19 Word Cloud Resources, Tips, & Tools Posted by Shelly Terrell on Sunday, February 14th 2010 Part of the Cool Sites series Learning new vocabulary can be quite daunting for most students. Wordle Wordle is one of the best ways to engage learners if you know how to use it well. Alternatives Tech Tools & Pedagogy– Word Clouds- Marisa Constantinides’ post includes a comparison chart that lists the options for each of the following word cloud tools and shows you visual examples of each. A few more alternatives include: ABC ya! Resources Tips You can make phrases in Wordle by using the ~ to group words. Tagul Tips I use Tagul when I want to have each of the words in a cloud lead to a link with more information or to have them in a specific shape such as a heart, star, rectangle, or regular cloud. Two ways to customize links: By default, Tagul will have the clickable links lead to Google search results of each word. Challenge: Don’t have students memorize word lists, instead have students use one of these tools or tips.

Improving Our Capacity to Manage - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 By Gary Hamel with Polly Labarre In my last post with Polly Labarre, I noted that few teenagers dream of growing up to be a manager. Prosaic it may be, but management is one of humankind’s most important inventions, encompassing the tools and methods we use to mobilize and organize resources to productive ends. It is, quite simply, the technology of human accomplishment. Our capacity to improve the state of the world is ultimately bounded by our capacity to manage. That said, the management model that predominates in most organizations has its roots in the 19th century. Nevertheless, in most large organizations one can find a scattering of restless managers who are eager to disrupt the status quo—and one or two who’ve actually taken a risk and launched a small-scale experiment. So a couple of years ago I asked a small band of management thinkers to put their heads together—what could be done to multiply the impact of these would-be management renegades? A hack from Tory Gattis Recession.

Hohli - A Simple Tool for Creating Online Charts Hohli Online Charts Builder is a nice tool for creating a variety of charts for online display. Using the Hohli Online Charts Builder you can create bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, Venn diagrams, scatter plots, and radar charts. To use create your chart first select the type and size of display that you desire. You can see my sample bar chart below. Applications for Education The Hohli Online Charts Builder could be a good tool for any student that needs to create a data visualization for an online or in-person presentation.
