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Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals
In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto’s GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats. According to the study, which was summarized by Rady Ananda at Food Freedom, “Three varieties of Monsanto’s GM corn - Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 - were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities.” Monsanto gathered its own crude statistical data after conducting a 90-day study, even though chronic problems can rarely be found after 90 days, and concluded that the corn was safe for consumption. In the conclusion of the IJBS study, researchers wrote: “Effects were mostly concentrated in kidney and liver function, the two major diet detoxification organs, but in detail differed with each GM type.

Prop 37 election fraud? Prop 37 election fraud? Right now the votes for Prop 37 to label genetically engineered foods are still being counted. On Tuesday morning, Dec 4th, Prop 37 hit 6,004,628 votes on the California Secretary of State’s website, but this tally was quickly reversed within an hour of being publicized by Food Democracy Now! Since November 6th, the vote count in California has been updated daily until December 4th, when the vote count hit 6 million for the first time. When contacted, the Secretary of State's office stated there would be no further updates to the vote totals until Dec 14th when state law requires the election results to be certified. At the same time, Food Democracy Now! We find this news troubling and think it’s important that the Secretary of State’s office know that we are watching these developments closely and expect honest and fair election results. (Right click or option-click the link and choose "Save As..." to download the image.)

Hidden Dangers: Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup It’s super cheap—cheaper than sugar—and that means processed food manufacturers can load up on it, sweeting their goodies at rock-bottom prices and further driving our waistlines out. It’s high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and it’s found in some pretty surprising places. In fact, the foods with high fructose corn syrup may be foods you eat every single day. While this Huffington Post article on the hidden presence of HFCS says “the jury is still out” on whether it’s dangerous or any more dangerous than sugar, we know differently. Big money is made in the corn industry—big, big money—and therefore big money is spent counteracting every study and inkling that suggests any product of the industry is less than great for you (HFCS included). Staying informed on the latest research and watching your foods like a hawk can help keep you and your family safe. YogurtsBreadsFrozen pizzasCereal barsCocktail peanutsBoxed macaroni and cheeseSalad DressingTonicApplesauceCanned Fruit

Top 10 Worst GMO Foods for Your GMO Foods List Genetically modified foods (GMO foods) have been shown to cause harm to humans, animals, and the environment, and despite growing opposition, more and more foods continue to be genetically altered. It’s important to note that steering clear of these foods completely may be difficult, and you should merely try to find other sources than your big chain grocer. If produce is certified USDA-organic, it’s non-GMO (or supposed to be!) 1. One of the most prominent GMO foods, avoiding corn is a no-brainer. 2. Found in tofu, vegetarian products, soybean oil, soy flour, and numerous other products, soy is also modified to resist herbicides. 3. According to NaturalNews, genetically-modified sugar beets were introduced to the U.S. market in 2009. 4. Aspartame is a toxic additive used in numerous food products, and should be avoided for numerous reasons, including the fact that it is created with genetically modified bacteria. 5. This one may come as a surprise to all of you tropical-fruit lovers.

Russia Bans Use and Import of Monsanto's GMO Corn Following Study Following the groundbreaking French study that graphically linked the lifetime consumption of Monsanto’s GMO corn in rats to massive tumors and direct organ failure, Russia’s premiere consumers rights organization has suspended both the importation and use of Monsanto’s GMO corn within the nation’s borders. The move may soon be echoed by other nations, who may soon be urged by France to ban Monsanto’s GMOs due to serious health concerns. France, who also recently upheld a key ban on growing GMOs, has been instrumental in alerting the world to the dangers of GMOs and Monsanto’s overall corruption. In the nation’s latest announcement, it was revealed that France’s Agriculture Minister was launching an investigation into the GMO study, ultimately calling for European authorities to ban Monsanto’s GMOs in order to protect citizens in the event that the study was found to be sound. Monsanto’s GMOs led to horrendous tumors that led to rats literally dragging them along the ground. NaturalNews

We're Eating What? The Drugstore in U.S. Meat. Food consumers seldom hear about the drugs oestradiol-17, zeranol, trenbolone acetate and melengestrol acetate and the names are certainly not on meat labels. But those synthetic growth hormones are central to U.S. meat production, especially beef, and the reason Europe has banned a lot of U.S. meat since 1989. Zeranol, widely used as a growth promoter in the U.S. beef industry, is a "powerful estrogenic chemical, as demonstrated by its ability to stimulate growth and proliferation of human breast tumor cells" similar to the "known carcinogen diethylstilbestrol (DES)," The Breast Cancer Fund, dedicated to identifying and eliminating environmental causes of breast cancer, is a "powerful estrogenic chemical, as demonstrated by its ability to stimulate growth and proliferation of human breast tumor cells in vitro at potencies similar to those of the natural hormone estradiol and the known carcinogen diethylstilbestrol (DES)."

Organic Consumers Association Docket No. APHIS-2012-0032 AND APHIS-2012-0019 I am writing to request that APHIS reject Dow Chemical's petition for nonregulated status of soybean designated as DAS-44406-6, genetically engineered for tolerance to 2,4-D, glyphosate (Monsanto's RoundUp) and glufosinate and soybean DAS-68416-4, genetically engineered for tolerance to 2,4-D and glufosinate. I oppose nonregulated status because it would cause the following: Increased Herbicide Use - Currently, only 3 percent of soy acreage is sprayed with 2,4-D. Deregulation of Dow's soy would drastically increase the use of 2,4-D. Source: "Implications of GM crop cultivation at large spatial scales," presentation given in Bremen, Germany, June 14-15, 2012, by Charles Benbrook, PhD, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Watermelon explosions in China It is often said that the excess of some things can be dangerous. In this article, we’ll give you an excellent example of this. Just imagine that you are going through a field of watermelons and the watermelons start bursting like a bomb. If you are in China than you may also have witnessed it. On May 7, 2011, in Jiangsu province of China, many farmers experienced such explosions in their Watermelon fields. How it happened: According to researchers, all the affected farmers used large quantity of said growth accelerator.

Ready to eat: the first GM fish for the dinner table US decision after 17-year battle over fast-growing salmon could pave way for same step in Britain A GM salmon which grows twice as fast as ordinary fish could become the first genetically-modified animal in the world to be declared officially safe to eat, after America's powerful food-safety watchdog ruled it posed no major health or environmental risks. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it could not find any valid scientific reasons to ban the production of GM Atlantic salmon engineered with extra genes from two other fish species – a decision that could soon lead to its commercial production. The verdict clears one of the last remaining hurdles for GM salmon to be lawfully sold and eaten in the US and will put pressure on salmon producers in Britain and Europe to follow suit. Several government bodies including the advisory committees on the release of GM organisms and on novel foods and processes would have to review the technology before it was approved in the UK.

Genetically modified ‘frankenfish’ to appear in US stores soon Regulators with the FDA have released a preliminary report that suggests they will soon give the go-ahead to a team of scientists who’ve created a sci-fi “frankenfish.” On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration released an environmental assessment report regarding a salmon-hybrid developed in the laboratories of AquaBounty. The FDA must wait two months before they make final their decision regarding the fate of the frankenfish, but through their study they have determined that the genetically engineered animal, the “AquAdvantage,” is safe enough to be sold. The fish, a hybrid of the Pacific Chinook salmon and a ray-finned creature called the eelpout, is engineered to grow twice as normal as traditional salmon. Once the frankenfish is approved for good, AquaBounty will be able to offer meatier fish able to feed more people. “In all other respects,” the company says the AquAdvantage fish is “identical to other Atlantic salmon.” “This is a radical new technology. ( via )

India May Ban GMO Crop Field Trials for 10 Years Anthony It has been a devastating month for Monsanto as nations around the globe continue to enact bans and restraints on the company’s genetically modified crop varieties. India, the same country that hit Monsanto with ‘biopiracy’ charges for patenting life on the planet, is the latest nation to take a stand. The nation’s new expert committee appointed by the Supreme Court of India is now calling upon the Indian government to enact a 10 year ban on all GMO crop field trials for the next 10 years. The new law would forbid any biotech agencies from testing their latest GMO crops on India’s soil, therefore preventing the serious issue of contamination and environmental damage. If the contamination was not caught, however, it could have gone anywhere and compromised the very genetic integrity of non-GMO farming grounds. India is looking to stop this before it becomes much of an issue. Read full article

FDA Quietly Pushes Through Genetically Modified Salmon Over Christmas Break While you were likely resting or enjoying time with friends and family over the Christmas break, the United States Food and Drug Administration was hard at work ramming through genetically modified salmon towards the final acceptance process. Despite the frankenfish actually being blocked by Congress last year over serious health and environmental concerns, the FDA is making a massive push to release the genetically modified salmon into the world as the FDA-backed biotech giant and creator of the fish AquaAdvantage screams for profits. These fish of course threaten the very genetic integrity of the food chain when considering the fact that they will ultimately be unleashed into waters with other salmon and likely even the ocean at large. The AquaAdvantage genetically modified salmon have been engineered through genetic manipulation to grow double the size and weight of the average salmon. Genetically Modified Salmon Threaten Genetic Stability of Food Chain So what can we do?
