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Autonomous building

Autonomous building
An autonomous building is a building designed to be operated independently from infrastructural support services such as the electric power grid, gas grid, municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems, storm drains, communication services, and in some cases, public roads. Advocates of autonomous building describe advantages that include reduced environmental impacts, increased security, and lower costs of ownership. Some cited advantages satisfy tenets of green building, not independence per se (see below). Off-grid buildings often rely very little on civil services and are therefore safer and more comfortable during civil disaster or military attacks. (Off-grid buildings would not lose power or water if public supplies were compromised for some reason.) Most of the research and published articles concerning autonomous building focus on residential homes. British architects Brenda and Robert Vale have said that, as of 2002, History[edit] Advantages[edit] Disadvantages[edit] Systems[edit]

Fakulteta za arhitekturo - pasivna hiša Pasivna hiša je trenutno najoptimalnejša energijsko varčna hiša – letna poraba energije za ogrevanje ne presega 15 kWh/(m2a) , kar ustreza letni porabi ≈ 1,5 l kurilnega olja, ≈ 1,6 l zemeljskega plina ali ≈ 2,4 l utekočinjenega naftnega plina na kvadratni meter ogrevane površine – kar 80 % manj kot pri zgradbah, grajenih po trenutno veljavnih predpisih.. Zgradba ne potrebuje konvencionalnega ogrevalnega sistema (peč, radiatorji…). Potrebno toploto v prostorih zagotavlja ogret zrak, ki ga dovaja prezračevalna naprava. Celoten dokument ...več ZAKAJ SANIRATI V STANDARDU PASIVNA HIŠA ...več CERTIFIKAT KONZORCIJA PASIVNA HIŠA ...več PASIVNA HIŠA 2012 ...več ZBORNIK Strokovnega izpopolnjevanja Pasivna hiša 2012, 16. marec 2012, Fakulteta za arhitekturo ...več PREZRAČEVANJE Z VRAČANJEM TOPLOTE V ŠOLAH... ...več PASIVNA HIŠA JE LAHKO TUDI IZ LESA ...več OKNA V PASIVNI HIŠI ...več PASIVNA HIŠA ...več PRVI DNEVI ODPRTIH VRAT PASIVNIH HIŠ V SLOVENIJI ...več UČINKOVITA ENERGIJSKA PRENOVA PASIVNIH HIŠ ...več

The Goal is PlusEnergy ▲ to top ► How does PlusEnergy work? Cross-section of a Plusenergiehaus® Large advancements rely mostly on simple ideas, so simple, that they at first seem unbelievable: save energy and generate a surplus of power, use the power of the sun and have 100% renewable energy. In order to achieve its annual median positive energy footprint, the building makes the best possible use – active and passive – from the only form of energy available in abundance, free of charge everyday, everywhere: solar energy. This can be demonstrated with a typical PlusEnergy home : The roof is made of the most extensive photo voltaic unit equipped with a solar thermal collector to heat tap water. High-grade and transparent, the south façade’s infrared-reflecting, triple-paned insulated glass maintains the warmth within the home. The activation of the building masses as a thermal reservoir is further strengthened by the addition of the Phase Changing Material in the inner walls.

The Double-Envelope House The Winter of Our Content Natural Home editor-in-chief Robyn Griggs Lawrence looks forward to good, green building news for 20... Few new housing designs have drawn as much attention — or caused as much controversy — as has the double-envelope. Pioneered in 1977 by Lee Porter Butler and Tom Smith in a house near Lake Tahoe, Calif., the two-shell concept has gained an enthusiastic following. At the same time, however, the theory behind the thermal envelope has created a stir among solar designers. When the Smith house was built, the dynamics of its performance were completely theoretical. Today there are hundreds of double envelope houses around the country, and the performance of the concept has been well documented. A Review of the Theory The "collector" system for a thermal envelope house is a heat-producing sun space (which can, in many climates, double as a year-round greenhouse). As the term "double envelope" implies, such a building is actually a house within a house. A Good Example

Zero Energy Design®, Abundant Energy In Harmony With Nature® Beyond Green Roofs: 15 Vertically Vegetated Buildings Vertical gardens bring lush, verdant life to even the coldest and barest of surfaces, both indoors and out. These ‘living walls’ are a big part of the future of green design and technology – they increase interior humidity, purify the air and provide a much-needed touch of nature in spare, angular urban spaces like airports, museums and shopping centers. From skyscraper farms to vertical parks, here are 15 green buildings with stunning vertical greenery, from 6-story elevator shafts to subterranean restaurants. Edificio Consorcio, Santiago, Chile (images via: Plataforma Arquitectura) The Concorcio Building in Santiago, Chile is one of the world’s most eco-friendly office complexes. Bardessono Hotel Vertical Tillandsia Garden (images via: Land + Living) Not all vertical gardens even need soil or irrigation at all. Urban Plant (images via: World Architecture) This architectural design proposal called ‘Urban Plant’ envisions a new way to deal with producing food for urban city dwellers.

11 Incredible Living Walls | Chemically Green The idea of a living wall conjures up all sorts of images, but in reality it is nothing more than a wall completely covered in vegetation. In order to create a living wall pre-vegetated or fabric panels containing plastic containers, or geotextiles, as well as irrigation systems and vegetation are attached to the wall or supporting structure. This form of urban gardening is often designed as an art form to decorate buildings in cities and has been hailed as one way to make cities more enjoyable, healthier and ultimately greener places. 1. One of the best loved vertical gardens inhabits the walls of the Musee du Quai Branly in Paris. 2. This 714 foot structure in downtown Toronto, Canada is a superb example of how living walls and vertical gardens can actually be profitable as well as beautiful. 3. Another amazing living wall design created by Patrick Blanc, the CaixaForum museum has become a popular tourist attraction largely thanks to this creation. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Ekokoncept pomeni svež veter v gradnji S projektiranjem in gradnjo stanovanjskih in poslovnih objektov se današnja družba Ekokoncept ukvarja že več kot dve desetletji. Sisteme lesene gradnje so osvajali zadnjih nekaj let, tako doma kot v tujini. "Lani smo strnili lesno industrijo polizdelkov in projektantsko inženirsko znanje pod skupnim imenom ekokoncept, kjer se ukvarjamo izključno z leseno montažno nizkoenergijsko gradnjo," je uvodoma povedal eden od ustanoviteljev sistema ekokoncept, arhitekt Tomaž Noč. Ek 010 je samozadostna nizkoenergijska montažna hiša. Je luksuzni objekt, katerega temeljno poslanstvo je pridobivanje energije in vode iz obnovljivih virov. Cena: že za 600 evrov na kvadrat "Cene naših hiš so odvisne od tipa, kvadrature in stopnje opremljenosti, ki jo stranka želi oziroma pričakuje. "Za prihodnji dve leti imamo poleg rednih naročil v načrtu nekaj lastnih projektov, ki bodo vsekakor izziv. Kam sodijo hiše ekokoncept? Montažne hiše ekokoncept so nizkoenergijske hiše do pet litrov na kvadratni meter na leto.

Plus energijska hiša Za ogrevanje nièelna oziroma samozadostna energijska hiša. Tudi takšne hiše obstajajo, in sicer so to stavbe, kjer energijska bilanca ne kaže izgube ali je celo pozitivna. To velja takrat, kadar je vsa energija prigospodarjena doma. Nièelna energijska hiša uporablja za ogrevanje, proizvodnjo tople vode in elektrike samo obnovljive energetske vire. Energijsko samozadostna hiša deluje brez vsake pomoèi od zunanjih fosilnih goriv, saj je energijsko samozadostna. Slika 1 - Energijsko samozadostna hiša Popolnoma energijsko samozadostna hiša kot je prikazana na sliki, pomeni v tem trenutku še investicijsko ne sorazmerno visok strošek za zgradbo in tehniène potrebne naprave, kakor tudi za regulacijo, zato za sedaj gradnja takšnih objektov v širšem pomenu še ne pride v poštev. Plus energijske hiše Prvo naselje z energetsko pozitivnimi hišami, približno 150 vrstnih hiš je vpokrajini Schliberg pri Freiburgu in je pretežno že v zakljuèni fazi. Slika 2 - Energijsko samozadostna hiša
