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En Marche aiming to take out the EPP Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the liberal ALDE group and Belgium’s former prime minister, took part in the launch of the Grand March for Europe in Brussels, whose aim is to listen to citizens but also to challenge traditional European political groups. reports. “To listen without making judgements, in order to obtain as full a picture as possible and come up with proposals for the European elections,” Arthur Corbin, LREM (La République En Marche) organiser in Brussels said of the movement’s aims. The Grand Marche for Europe will be officially inaugurated by the French President Emmanuel Macron in Strasbourg on 17 April, during the launch of citizens’ consultations. In Brussels, the kickoff was planned for 24 March but was then pushed back because of the attacks in Carcassonne and Trèbes. Although Verhofstadt said some of the members of his group are also part of the French En Marche party, he categorically refused to comment on a possible link-up between ALDE and LREM.

Beginners:Statistics 4 beginners - Statistics Explained At first glance, statistics might be difficult to understand. The aim of the section Statistics 4 beginners in Statistics Explained is to make the world of statistics a bit easier both for pupils and students as well as for all those with an interest in statistics. Official statistics serve as a basis for decisions for politicians and policy makers: democratic societies cannot function properly without a solid basis of reliable and objective statistics. However, statistics are not only for decision makers, they concern YOU as well! Statistics can answer questions posed at different occasions in everyday life: Is society heading in the direction promised by politicians? Is unemployment up or down? In order to be able to better understand statistics, some underlying concepts have to be explained - and this is the aim of Statistics 4 beginners. Welcome to the world of statistics! To know more click on one of the workbooks

这 14 个案例,可能是过去一年表现最棒的数据可视化作品_设计_好奇心日报 英国 Kantar “信息之美” 2016 年度奖项(Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards)公布,这是今年获奖的作品及网站。 数据、信息可视化越来越流行。一张图不仅让枯燥的数据和信息变了模样,还可让洞察见解跃然纸上,轻松传达复杂观点。 这两天,英国 Kantar “信息之美” 2016 年度奖项(Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards)公布,今年获奖的这 14 个作品及网站,也许代表了这一年在数据可视化领域表现最棒的作品。 这一奖项开始于 2012 年,由 Information is Beautiful 网站的记者、数据观察员 David McCandless、市场调研机构 Kantar 当时的创意总监 Aziz Cami 创立,面向全球各地的学生、个体从业者、媒体以及非政府组织等。 《空中的间谍》(Spies in the Skies) 这一系列作品出自美国新闻网站 Buzzfeed 的两名编辑 Peter Aldous 和 Charles Sefie,凭借《空中的间谍》,两人斩获了“最美奖”和“数据新闻金奖”两项大奖。 它详细展现了美国联邦调查局和国土安全局通过飞机在美国各大城市进行空中监视的情况。 关于政府的这些空中监察活动,到底是在维护国家安全履行公职,还是在窥探民众的隐私,Buzzfeed 希望借力这张图揭示更多包括飞行轨迹、活动范围及监察时间等信息,也算是对政府安全行动提出的一次质问。 《地球温度时间表》(Earth Temperature Timeline) 这是毕业于美国克里斯托弗新港大学物理学专业的学生 Randall Munroe 的作品,他曾就职于美国宇航局的兰利研究中心。 《地球温度时间表》收获了“数据可视化金奖”,它的时间跨度从最后一个冰河时代跨越至今天,详细介绍了地球的温度是如何变化的,运行的时间轴像是一幅长长的画卷,并对今后几年地球温度将发生哪些变化做出了一些可能性的预测。 《失踪移民地图》(The Missing Migrants Map) 这个记录失踪移民的项目,是由国际移民组织(IOM)的全球移民数据分析中心(GMDAC)与媒体与通讯事业部(MDC)共同发起的,制作图表的是 Valerio Pellegrini 和 Michele Mauri。 《航运地图》(ShipMap)

Some datasets for teaching data science In this post I describe the dslabs package, which contains some datasets that I use in my data science courses. A much discussed topic in stats education is that computing should play a more prominent role in the curriculum. I strongly agree, but I think the main improvement will come from bringing applications to the forefront and mimicking, as best as possible, the challenges applied statisticians face in real life. I therefore try to avoid using widely used toy examples, such as the mtcars dataset, when I teach data science. However, my experience has been that finding examples that are both realistic, interesting, and appropriate for beginners is not easy. install.packages("dslabs") Below I show some example of how you can use these datasets. library("dslabs") data(package="dslabs") Note that the package also includes some of the scripts used to wrangle the data from their original source: list.files(system.file("script", package = "dslabs"))

Il portale Italiano dell'Open Data RePEc: Research Papers in Economics 里約奧運數據可視化圖表居然可以這麼酷炫?! - 壹讀 限時乾貨下載: 回復【2】免費獲取【超全數據分析資料免費下載(包含SQL,R語言,SPSS,SAS,python,數據挖掘)!】 數據新聞可視化+小遊戲+移動交互,看《衛報》、BBC和CNN在本屆奧運會上又使出了什麼新花樣。 提起《衛報》的殺手鐧,非數據新聞可視化莫屬。 對於里約奧運會這場大型賽事,《衛報》啟用了旗下的數據可視化團隊對比賽中的運動數據進行分析。 目前在里約的《衛報》數據可視化團隊製作了3個可視化產品,內容分別是200米男子自由式、400米女子自由式和女子4x100米自由式接力的數據分析,這些作品同步發布到《衛報》的官網和數據可視化團隊的官方Twitter上,引起了很多用戶的關注。 《衛報》數視化作品:孫楊是如何奪取200米自由式金牌的 地址: (複製到瀏覽器查看) 這些作品最精妙的地方在於可以動態展示一個運動員從比賽開始到結束的所有狀態數據。 各選手起跳反應時間分析(圖中黃色為孫楊) 圖文翻譯:1號泳道來自南非的查德·勒·克羅斯起跳極好,孫楊和來自德國的保羅·比德爾落後了半拍 隨後該作品用50米、100米、150米、200米作為節點,以領先者的成績與他人做橫向對比,來動態展示領先者的優勢以及其他追趕者與他的差距。 前50米過程分析(圖中黃色為孫楊) 圖文翻譯:查德·勒·克羅斯在最初的50米超越了世界記錄0.84秒,英國的選手詹姆斯·凱在第八號泳道以一定的優勢排在第三名的位置 50-100米過程分析(圖中黃色為孫楊) 圖文翻譯:比賽到一半,查德·勒·克羅斯領先了近一秒,美國選手克諾爾·戴爾和英國選手詹姆斯·凱在爭奪銀牌 100-150米過程分析(圖中黃色為孫楊) 圖文翻譯:在150米的時候,查德·勒·克羅斯還排在第一名的位置,美國選手克諾爾·戴爾僅落後於他0.1秒。 150-200米終點過程分析(圖中黃色為孫楊) 圖文翻譯:孫楊在最後一刻拼盡全力贏得了金牌,查德·勒·克羅斯獲得了銀牌,美國選手克諾爾·戴爾獲得了銅牌 參賽運動員成績與奧運會記錄/世界紀錄對比 英國廣播公司BBC近日推出了一款數據對比小遊戲,輕鬆玩起了奧運。

Improvement Service - Spatial Hub 33 datasets found Air Quality Management Areas Description Local Authorities have a duty to designate any relevant areas where the air quality objectives are not (or are unlikely to be) being met as Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). AQMAs must be designated officially by means of an 'order'. The extent of the AQMA may be limited to the area of exceedance or encompass a larger area. Most data provided by local authorities is in polygon format. We have included date of AQMA declaration in our national schema, though many LAs do not currently provide this.Revoked AQMAs are now held in this dataset with a 'Date revoked' attribute Access Data Additional Information This dataset comprises 1 layer(s):Air Quality Management Areas - Scotland This dataset comprises 10 attribute(s): Use of the data is available to any organisation that is a member of the One Scotland Mapping Agreement. Air Quality Management Areas data are updated as needed and their last update was on: November 20th 2018 Car Parking

Open data per scuole più sicure: il progetto degli studenti di Palermo Mi piace narrare di storie vissute con persone e dati come protagonisti. Questa è una storia che deve nascere, quindi vi racconto di come persone che utilizzano dati, comunicazione e tecnologia si pongono l'obiettivo di conoscere la sicurezza delle scuole in cui si formano. Il MIUR pubblica il bando sui Curricoli Digitali per stimolare la crescita della cultura e competenze digitali nella scuola italiana. 25 progetti in partenariato interscuola da finanziare, con una sezione che focalizza l'attenzione sugli open data, una scommessa interessante considerata l'età dei destinatari del bando: studenti delle scuole inferiori e superiori. Otto scuole si presentano insieme con un'idea estremamente interessante e utile che fa uso intenso dei dati. Il video descrive bene l'obiettivo da raggiungere, e mette in moto competenze digitali in maniera creativa. Come accennavo all'inizio, è una storia che deve ancora nascere, quindi, per ora, non ci resta che … aspettare che sia vissuta.

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