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4000+ Free Presentation Templates -

Free Education School PowerPoint Template Free education school PowerPoint template with pens in a pen holder and an apple besides the backboard delivers the message of ‘education’. Education and patience is the message taught to all young school going children. Make a presentation for your class through free PPT slides about education. The apple is synonymous with Newton and how he devised the Law of Gravitation when an apple fell on his head. Much can be said about how visual presentations helps in teaching a child through free back to school PPT slides, and school planning PPT theme. Apple and its symbolism with physics and science is quite interesting, as the fruit is used in a number of exercise books to jog your mind.

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找不到合適的PowerPoint範本嗎?有了它就能做出漂亮的簡報! 工作上經常因為簡報不夠漂亮被退件嗎?推薦給你兩個高品質的 PowerPoint 範本網站,幫助你早點做完簡報,贏得上司青睞,回家和家人同樂! 身為上班族的你,是不是有時也會需要用到 PowerPoint 做簡報? Free Smartart Templates Free Smartart Templates with numbered multicolored stripes, arrows, buttons, and text boxes. It can be used for presentation, banner, report, brochure, workflow layout, diagram, number options, web design, infographics. Use this Free Smartart Powerpoint in your presentations: to show a vertical/horizontal list of information(as a better alternative) to replace the classic bulleted list of informationto represent a continuing sequence of many stages, tasks, or eventsto show a descending/ascending process with many steps, tasks, or eventsto illustrate many ideas or conceptsfor your table of contents/contents You can also use this flow chart diagram to show the relationship to a Circle Center. Shapes are 100% editable: colors and sizes can be easily changed.

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Gráficos PowerPoint SmartArt – Colección Completa Publicada Marzo 10, 2016 · Actualizado Marzo 13, 2016 · 103.294 Colección gratuita completa de gráficos PowerPoint SmartArt. Más de 130 modelos, prediseñados y optimizados. El documento PPTX incluye todos los ejemplos gráficos SmartArt disponibles, incluyendo los nuevos ( Nota: los gráficos SmartArt se pueden editar únicamente con una versión de PowerPoint 2007 o más reciente (no son compatibles con Office 2004 o versiones anteriores). Características de la ‘Gráficos PowerPoint SmartArt – Colección Completa’:

illustrio 不是設計師也能「自助設計」特殊內容的精美簡報插圖! 常常在找簡報等文件需要的圖案時,總是煩惱只能找到千篇一律,或是無法百分之百滿足你特殊需求內容的圖案?但是你又不會自己設計怎麼辦? 當你需要在簡報裡插入一張示意插圖,當你要在電子報裡呈現一個統計圖,這時候你需要配合自己簡報範本的專屬配色或風格做設計,或者你需要顯示某個特殊百分比數字的圖案,然而,你不是一個設計師,要如何自己設計出「專屬的」精美插圖? 今天要介紹的這個叫做「 illustrio 」的線上服務,就是要幫你解決上述問題!當我們不是設計師的時候,不用打開不熟悉的繪圖軟體,也能在輕鬆幾個「自助選項」的點選後,自動產生可以下載的專屬精美簡報插圖,而且擁有你想要的特殊設計與特殊內容。 「 illustrio 」網站中擁有數萬種基本圖案,加上可以讓你自助設計的各種變化,就能產生無數種特殊的插圖內容。

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