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Sofortbild - Mac Tethered Shooting 1 Modele Photo Une table lumineuse toute simple Pré­am­bule Au re­tour d’une prise de vues, en ar­gen­tique, je dé­ve­loppe mes films, les sèche, les coupe et les range dans des po­chettes trans­pa­rentes. A ce mo­ment, j’al­lume la table lu­mi­neuse et je dé­couvre enfin mes hor­reurs mer­veilles, la loupe à por­tée de main (et d’oeil). Je sais que je vais faire hur­ler les thu­ri­fé­raires de cer­tains softs cités ci–des­sous, vous allez ten­ter de m’ex­pli­quer que j’ai tort, que je ne com­prends rien à rien, c’est bien pos­sible… Mais (est–ce ma moi­tié bre­tonne?) Je n’ai ja­mais ou­vert iPhoto (et quand il s’ouvre tout seul, sans me de­man­der mon avis, je le ferme im­mé­dia­te­ment, non mais!) Donc, de­puis main­te­nant six ou sept ans, j’uti­lise Gra­phic Conver­ter, su­per­be­ment dé­ve­loppé par Thors­ten Lemke et non moins for­mi­da­ble­ment bien tra­duit en fran­çais par Phi­lippe Bon­naure. Nikon View NX J’en ai en­tendu par­ler en bien sur le cri­tère le plus im­por­tant pour moi: ça va vite. Ins­tal­la­tion L’in­ter­face

Top Artician - Your Creative Network for Art, Graphic Design, & Photography 50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Over the recent months we’ve been presenting various showcases of photography – while many readers hated the showcases, most readers found them inspirational and perfect for a lousy workday’s morning. However, what we should have done in the inspirational posts is not just provide you with some inspiration for your work, but also present useful photographic techniques which can help you to achieve optimal pictures for your designs. And as requested by many of you, now it’s time to correct our mistake. In this post we present useful photographic techniques, tutorials and resources for various kinds of photography. You’ll learn how to set up the perfect environment and what techniques, principles and rules of thumbs you should consider when shooting your next perfect photo. 1. Celebration Of High-Speed PhotographyThis post is supposed to provide you with some inspiration of what can be done with high-speed photography. 2. 50 Beautiful Examples Of Tilt-Shift Photography 3. 4.

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