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Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner's Tutorial [Server Side Essentials]

Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner's Tutorial [Server Side Essentials]
Ruby on Rails is the web development framework of the moment, powering GitHub, Twitter, Hulu and many more successful apps and websites. The arrival of Rails 4 is the perfect time to learn it. SitePoint’s newest ebook, ‘Jump Start Rails’, from Andy Hawthorne, will get you up to speed with Ruby on Rails in just a weekend. Andy has also prepared the ‘Build your first Rails’ app online course to take you from creating a complete Ruby on Rails 4 app with a log in system all the way to deploying it to Heroku, a leading Rails application hosting environment, in a couple of hours. Also, our all time great, 10 part tutorial from Patrick Lenz can be found here: Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginner’s Tutorial. If you are looking for more advanced topics such as this great Introduction to Sass in Rails, head over to RubySource for fresh tutorials and to discover new Ruby gems. Editor-in-chief, SitePoint & Learnable

Rolling with Ruby on Rails Maybe you've heard about Ruby on Rails, the super productive new way to develop web applications, and you'd like to give it a try, but you don't know anything about Ruby or Rails. This article steps through the development of a web application using Rails. It won't teach you how to program in Ruby, but if you already know another object-oriented programming language, you should have no problem following along (and at the end you can find links on learning Ruby). Let's answer a couple of burning questions before rolling up our sleeves to build a web application! Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language with a super clean syntax that makes programming elegant and fun. Ruby successfully combines Smalltalk's conceptual elegance, Python's ease of use and learning, and Perl's pragmatism. Rails is an open source Ruby framework for developing database-backed web applications. Part of the answer is in the Ruby programming language. I'm not asking you to accept this on blind faith.

At the Forge - Getting Started with Ruby About ten years ago, back when I was working in New York, friends of mine showed me something that knocked my socks off—a program that actually ran inside of the Web browser, without any need for pressing submit. It was sleek, fun to use and seemed like a major paradigm shift. We all were excited about what this new “Java” language and its applets would mean for Web development. Although we didn't quite know where or how it would end, we talked about nothing else for some time. In the decade since then, many different technologies have been hyped as “the next best thing” or “the tool you need to make better Web sites”. Indeed, we constantly are bombarded with claims of newer, better, faster and cheaper ways to develop software. You can imagine my surprise, then, when I began to see another “best new method” coming over the horizon—but this one was touted by people I respect, who normally don't give in to hype so quickly. Here is a simple “Hello, world” program in Ruby: #! #! #! #!

A Wealth Of Ruby Loops And Iterators I remember when I first started looking at Ruby, I’d be browsing some code and see yet another way of looping/iterating over stuff. Whenever that would happen I would think, “…Ruby sure has a lot of different ways to iterate over things”, but I also remember wishing that someone would just put all the different ways to loop and iterate over stuff together so that you don’t have to discover them in a piecemeal fashion. Most resources I’ve seen tend to gloss over this a little bit by introducing the while loop and the each iterator and quickly moving on to more interesting things, expecting you to discover the rest on your own (nothing wrong with that by the way). As you may have guessed from my recent posts on Ruby method arguments (and more advanced method arguments), the Ruby case statement and others, I am kind-of discovering Ruby in my own way and looking more closely at things that I find of interest. Ways To Loop Over Stuff In Ruby Unconditional Looping With Loop The While Loop

Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials A former student asked me a few days ago how I learned Ruby on Rails. The answer was that I simply read alot of great tutorials. So in the spirit of sharing, here are the 12 tutorials that I found most useful: Rolling with Ruby on Rails – Curtis Hibbs of offers his first excellent introduction to Ruby on Rails. This is the article that got me really excited about RoR.2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2 – The sequel to Curtis Hibbs excellent series of articles.3. Hey, Ruby on Rails Fans! UPDATE, JUNE 2009: Want more up-to-date tutorials on Ruby programming? Happy Rails developing and if you have any other tutorials that you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments! Tagged as: ruby on rails, tutorial

Ruby: How to bring back the joy of programming Ruby is a nice scripting language similar to Perl but cleaner and fully object-orientated. Find here a pointer to the main site about Ruby. Ruby Central also has a lots of data about Ruby. You can find here a link to an online copy of the book « Programming Ruby », by Andrew Hunt & Dave Thomas. Current development version is 1.9.2-p180. Alongside with Ruby, I’ve discovered the joys of a very neat and nicely designed web application framework called Ruby on Rails . Some of my Ruby code here , oldish ciphers implemented in Ruby following the Test-Driven Development principle. A few years ago, a non-profit association ( in French) was established in France to help further spread Ruby usage and love. Some pictures taken at Solutions Linux 2009 here on Flickr!

ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper The TextHelper module provides a set of methods for filtering, formatting and transforming strings, which can reduce the amount of inline Ruby code in your views. These helper methods extend Action View making them callable within your template files. Sanitization Most text helpers by default sanitize the given content, but do not escape it. This means HTML tags will appear in the page but all malicious code will be removed. Let's look at some examples using the simple_format method: simple_format('<a href=" # => "<p><a href=\" simple_format('<a href="javascript:alert(\'no! If you want to escape all content, you should invoke the h method before calling the text helper. Methods excerpt highlight pluralize reset_cycle truncate word_wrap Included Modules Instance Public methods The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the <%= “text” %> eRuby syntax. def concat(string) output_buffer << stringend Options

Ruby on Rails Guides ruby on rails - How can I display every 4th product with different markup Learn to Program, by Chris Pine A Place to Start for the Future Programmer I guess this all began back in 2002. I was thinking about teaching programming, and what a great language Ruby would be for learning how to program. I mean, we were all excited about Ruby because it was powerful, elegant, and really just fun, but it seemed to me that it would also be a great way to get into programming in the first place. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Ruby documentation geared for newbies at the time. Some of us in the community were talking about what such a "Ruby for the Nuby" tutorial would need, and more generally, how to teach programming at all. And it wasn't very good. What saved me was that I made it really easy for people to contact me, and I always tried to help people when they got stuck. A couple of years later, it was getting pretty good. :-) So good, in fact, that I was ready to pronounce it finished, and move on to something else. Thoughts For Teachers About the Original Tutorial Acknowledgements

How to Create a Blog from Scratch Using Ruby on Rails This tutorial shows you how to create a basic blog using Ruby on Rails. By covering the design aspects of a Rails web application, it makes it easier to understand the concepts behind Rails and how they fit together. The first part of this article Getting Started with Ruby on Rails: Installation, shows you how to install Ruby on Rails. Brief Overview of Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails is a framework for the Ruby language, which is used for rapid development of web applications. It does this by allowing you to concentrate on solving your clients’ problems and not getting caught up in building an infrastructure to support your clients problem. Let’s face it, you don’t want to build database access layer every time you start a new project. A Few Words About MVC It’s worth mentioning MVC (Model-View-Controller) because it can be one of the factors that discourages people from trying frameworks like Rails. Model View Controller Without the controller, nothing would happen. MVC Summary Application Design

Ruby in Twenty Minutes Introduction This is a small Ruby tutorial that should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. It makes the assumption that you already have Ruby installed. Interactive Ruby Ruby comes with a program that will show the results of any Ruby statements you feed it. Open up IRB (which stands for Interactive Ruby). If you’re using macOS open up Terminal and type irb, then hit enter. irb(main):001:0> Ok, so it’s open. Type this: "Hello World" irb(main):001:0> "Hello World" => "Hello World" Ruby Obeyed You! What just happened? irb(main):002:0> puts "Hello World" Hello World => nil puts is the basic command to print something out in Ruby. Your Free Calculator is Here Already, we have enough to use IRB as a basic calculator: irb(main):003:0> 3+2 => 5 Three plus two. irb(main):004:0> 3*2 => 6 Next, let’s try three squared: irb(main):005:0> 3**2 => 9 In Ruby ** is the way you say “to the power of”. irb(main):006:0> Math.sqrt(9) => 3.0 Ok, wait, what was that last one? Modules Group Code by Topic

Asset Pipeline for Dummies - coderberry The Rails asset pipeline is very powerful, but often misunderstood. At the Utah Ruby User Group, most of the attendees aren’t sure how to use it fully in their Rails app. It’s considered as one of the magic features that Rails offers. I admit that I was confused as well and took it’s magic for granted. Not any longer. I reference the word asset a lot in this article. In this article, I want to simplify the asset pipeline so it is better understood. Purpose The asset pipeline has three goals: precompile, concatenate and minify assets into one central path. Moving Parts The asset pipeline is powered by two technologies: Sprockets and Tilt, the latter being a dependency of the former (look at your Gemfile.lock if you don’t believe me). Sprockets performs the asset packaging which takes the assets from all the specified paths, compiles them together and places them in the target path (public/assets). Tilt is the template engine that Sprockets uses. Asset Paths The Manifest Usage Misconceptions No.

Ruby Basic Tutorial Troubleshooters.Com, Code Corner and Ruby Revival Present Ruby Basic Tutorial Copyright (C) 2005 by Steve Litt Note: All materials in Ruby Revival are provided AS IS. By reading the materials in Ruby Revival you are agreeing to assume all risks involved in the use of the materials, and you are agreeing to absolve the authors, owners, and anyone else involved with Python Patrol of any responsibility for the outcome of any use of these materials, even in the case of errors and/or omissions in the materials. If you do not agree to this, you must not read these materials. To the 99.9% of you honest readers who take responsibility for your own actions, I'm truly sorry it is necessary to subject all readers to the above disclaimer. CONTENTS This is a Ruby tutorial for one not knowing Ruby. Ruby can be used as a fully object oriented language, in which case you'd create classes and objects to accomplish everything. This is the simplest possible Ruby program, hello.rb. Let's count to 10... Retry
