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中時電子報 CTnews -

Related:  全球科技產業與區域整合 2019

Towards 2050: Megatrends In Industry, Politics And The Global Economy, 2018 Edition Globalisation, Demographic Shifts, Urbanisation, Climate Change, and Internet Proliferation are the macroeconomic megatrends that will shape the 21st century. They are global, seemingly irreversible forces that have already made an incredible mark on economies and societies, and will continue to do so for the next few decades. But how will these megatrends manifest themselves on an industry level? How will they affect and shape the future of sectors such as pharmaceuticals, energy, automotives, and agribusiness over the coming three decades? In our view, these megatrends will trigger developments that will have game-changing implications beyond the realm of each industry itself.

电子商务_腾讯科技_腾讯网 商务部:“双十一”虚标价格明显改善 商务部对刚刚过去的“双十一”做出积极评价,称是电商企业再次创造的奇迹。 商务部:“双十一”虚标价格明显改善 郭笑路:唯一优品决不是陪衬 逆风而上才显勇者风采 红孩子母婴商城一直无法在国内火起,贝备网昙花一现,如今能在中国母婴电商市场上叱咤风云的所剩无几,在其中还能呼风唤雨的,除了天猫和京东外,也就剩下了唯一优品。过去这一个月对唯一优品来说,用遭罪来形容再合适不过了。 Globalization in transition: The future of trade and global value chains Global value chains are being reshaped by rising demand and new industry capabilities in the developing world as well as a wave of new technologies. Even with trade tensions and tariffs dominating the headlines, important structural changes in the nature of globalization have gone largely unnoticed. In Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains (PDF–3.7MB), the McKinsey Global Institute analyzes the dynamics of global value chains and finds structural shifts that have been hiding in plain sight.

Aktuelle Nachrichten online - FAZ.NET The next FinTech: Global “Open Finance” Infrastructure Technology disrupting finance is a narrative that’s existed for a long time. The dream has always been for tech to digitize financial services, increase competition/access, reduce concentration risks, and improve customer experience. Many sales-pitches have tried to achieve this: from FinTechs, TechFins, API / Open Banking, to Permissioned Blockchains. While this decade-long lineage of innovation was transformative, it has not been disruptive.

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