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Setting up a home firewall with iptables on a Raspberry Pi Although the Raspberry Pi 3 was recently announced, the Raspberry Pi 2 still has plenty of life and is more than suitable for many interesting and useful tasks. I have a few Raspberry Pis sitting around that I've been exploring for other interesting projects, one of which is the possibility of replacing a very old single-core 64-bit Intel rackmount server that I use for the primary firewall and router on the edge of my network. But before I disrupt the main firewall and gateway for my network, I wanted to test the Pi a bit and see just what it would take to make this happen. Replacing a tower I also have a dual-core Intel tower that I use as a firewall and side door to my network. This computer is extreme overkill for that task, and I can definitely use it in a more appropriate role. Power supply I used Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, but a Raspberry Pi 3 should also work. KVM switch I have several of my infrastructure hosts connected to a 16-port KVM switch with VGA and PS/2 inputs. Date and time

Turn your old Raspberry Pi into an automatic backup server If you're one of those people upgrading to the Raspberry Pi 3, you might wonder what to do with your old, lesser Pi. Aside from turning it into an array of blinking LEDs to entertain your cat, you might consider configuring it as a microcontroller. Making backups of our digital lives is, as most of us begrudgingly admit, the most important thing of daily computing that none of us bother to do. That's because going through the backup process requires us to remember to do it, it takes effort, and it takes time. And that's precisely why the best backup solution is the solution that you don't do at all; it's the one you automate. Such a system is best when it's always on, running in the background. rdiff-backup First, you need to choose some backup software to have your backup server (your Pi) and your clients (your laptop, desktop, and whatever else) run. Server install You don't need any special setup to turn your Raspberry Pi into a backup server. Client install The big hard drive Auto login

Armbian – Linux for ARM development boards The Electric Brewery Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer Of all the things we do at Raspberry Pi, driving down the cost of computer hardware remains one of the most important. Even in the developed world, a programmable computer is a luxury item for a lot of people, and every extra dollar that we ask someone to spend decreases the chance that they’ll choose to get involved. Private Video on VimeoJoin the web’s most supportive community of creators and get high-quality tools for hosting, sharing, and streaming videos in gorgeous HD with no ads. The original Raspberry Pi Model B and its successors put a programmable computer within reach of anyone with $20-35 to spend. Four fathers!?!?? Today, I’m pleased to be able to announce the immediate availability of Raspberry Pi Zero, made in Wales and priced at just $5. Raspberry Pi Zero runs Raspbian and all your favourite applications, including Scratch, Minecraft and Sonic Pi. MagPi #40 in all its glory Happy hacking!​

Arsenijs's Profile Close Arsenijs I've got experiments to run, there's engineering to be done For the goals that are yet to be reached Latvia Send a private message Similar accounts worth following 140 Followers 109 Following 22 Projects 1.3k Likes This user joined on 04/09/2015. My Projects The 2017 Hackaday Prize 292k 1.3k Pi Zero-based open-source mobile phone (that you can assemble for 50$ in parts) Project Owner Contributor ZeroPhone - a Raspberry Pi smartphone Arsenijs The 2016 Hackaday Prize 11.9k Makes Raspberry Pi accessible, portable and easily configurable. pyLCI - Linux Control Interface 18.2k 1k Make Raspberry Pi Again Raspberry Pi project 6.7k TODO: recreate using 555 7.7k Ordering a 10x10 board with only 10x4 taken? Small PCBs for panelizing + tutorial 6.1k Making heart implant collected data accessible to the patients by sniffing RF transmissions ICeeData View all 22 projects Projects I Contribute To 22.7k lol travelling salesman problem Travelling Hacker Box Benchoff Tindie 5k Tindie Dog Park Tindie 55k Just4Fun 3k

Building&testing phones, UI facelift and leaflets | ZeroPhone Newsletter Hello and welcome to our “once a week but I really need to get better at this” ZeroPhone news installment! This week, I’m finally sending ZeroPhones to Hackaday - for Hackaday Prize Best Product finals. Speaking of that… — Project state Here’s a Hackaday worklog about project state, what follows is a tl;dr with some sneak peek photos =) Hackaday Prize deadline is 21st of October - there are about 6 days for me to send out 3 phones to Hackaday, finish BOM for this version, make assembly instructions, a small (2-5min.) video, a couple of apps… That’s intense, but this is why I like deadlines. Here are the 3 phones that I just assembled for Hackaday, in about 7 hours’ time - not from zero, of course, all SMD components and some THT components were already soldered on - I had to solder on the USB ports, the Pi Zero, the displays and then make some finishing touches. The UI is getting a facelift. What about non-UI things?

SG-1000 microFirewall Appliance The Netgate® SG-1000 microFirewall is a cost-effective, state-of-the-art, ARM®-based, pfSense® Security Gateway appliance. The SG-1000 comes with dual 1Gbps Ethernet ports, enabling maximum throughput exceeding 100Mbps[1]. The ARM Cortex®-A8 in the TI AM3552 SoC and DDR3L RAM facilitate low-power consumption while maintaining performance. The Netgate SG-1000 microFirewall is inexpensive and purpose-built to run pfSense software.

About · PiRanhaLysis Français ci-dessous You have landed on the PiRanhaLysis’s official (and bilingual) website. Feel free to contact us should you be willing to contribute your content (in writing, voice, etc.). There are currently three main modules built within PiRanhaLysis: PiRogue, a small device meant to ease network interception and analysis; PiPrecious, the network analysis and experiment management platform; PiRanha, a mobile application and IoT network analysis automation tool; Learn more and contribute on our GitHub. You can also follow our adventures on Twitter. Vous êtes sur le site web officiel (et bilingue) du projet PiRanhaLysis. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez utilisé le projet et souhaitez en parler (divers formats sont possibles : du texte, multimédia, etc.). Actuellement, la suite PiRanhaLysis propose trois modules d’analyse : Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur le projet et y contribuer sur notre projet dédié. Vous pouvez aussi suivre nos aventures sur Touitteur.

Yop Pitié pour la carte SD de votre framboise314 : Bootez sur un disque dur USB La framboise314 est conçue pour fonctionner avec une carte SD. Pratique, léger et pas cher… Oui mais… comme toujours en informatique, il y a le côté obscur de la force ! La durée de vie des cartes SD est limitée entre 10 000 et 100 000 écritures ! Et votre OS ne travaille QUE sur cette carte. Prérequis Attention, cet article s’applique pour une installation de Raspbian seul sur une carte SD. Premier démarrage Pour commencer, regardons comment démarre notre framboise314. ), l’écran s’illumine, y’a plein de trucs qui s’écrivent et… ouf ça y est le curseur de la souris apparait sur un fond de LXDE ! Le SOC et le démarrage de LINUX La mise sous tension En fait ce qui nous intéresse ici, ce sont les toutes premières secondes de ce démarrage. Pour comprendre comment booter sur le disque dur externe USB, il faut d’abord comprendre comment notre framboise314 boote lorsqu’elle n’a que la carte SD à sa disposition. A la mise sous tension, seul le GPU est activé. Chargement de bootcode.ini /! !
