National Geographic Search

Rough Guides Photo Gallery
Zoologist, committed conservationist, award-winning writer and bestselling author, TV and radio presenter, prolific wildlife photographer and expedition leader, Mark Carwardine is a hard man to pigeonhole. One thing, however, is for sure – his passion for the natural world is all-consuming. Here we get a flavour of the spine-tingling wildlife encounters that are the stuff of Mark’s extraordinary day job… What is the first thing you do when arriving in a new destination, and why? The flippant answer is that I sleep: the older I get the more I seem to suffer from jet lag. Seriously, though, if I’m in a city, I like to wander and just soak up the atmosphere, to get a feel for the place, because I’m not really into sightseeing as such. Which one thing do you always pack when you embark on a journey? I’d love to be able to say that I travel light and, in fact, I could say that – if it weren’t for my camera equipment. The biggest change I’ve seen was probably in Madagascar. There are so many!
Rolf Hicker Photography
Hubble Gallery Wallpaper
Videos See the universe come to life via animations, scientific visualizations, expert commentary, and more.
Abandoned Places
High Resolution
HD Wallpapers for Nerds
Welcome to an absolutely massive collection of HD backgrounds. 777 of them. All hand picked - by a few nerds and myself - to ensure only the most artistic, impressive, and badass wallpapers are included. In this collection, my nerd friends and I have mined some of the best sources of wallpaper (InterfaceLift, Deviant Art, and others). Sure, free HD wallpapers are plenty available if one is so inclined to search for them. Yet the biggest advantage of this post is that each of the wallpapers are hand picked - ensuring only the absolute most impressive walls are featured. If you are a nerd - these will appeal to you. How to setup a daily wallpaper rotation With this near infinite supply of HD wallpapers you'll have the benefit of a fresh new desktop every day. Windows With the introduction of Windows 7, Microsoft finally gave users a more robust way to organize wallpapers. Ubuntu Ubuntu doesn't have a built-in wallpaper rotation feature out of the box (although KDE does). Mac OS