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Home - Institute for Market Economics Comcon :: О Компании :: Карьера Благодарим вас за интерес, проявленный к нашей компании! Компания Synovate Comcon всегда готова к сотрудничеству с активными, увлеченными и полными свежих идей людьми. Наши сотрудники - наша главная ценность. Мы предоставляем нашим сотрудникам возможность в полной мере раскрыть свой потенциал и реализовать накопленные знания и опыт. Сотрудникам предлагается высокий уровень заработной платы, различные программы обучения и хороший социальный пакет. При выборе кандидатов мы руководствуемся следующими критериями: Способность анализировать информацию, гибкость, творческий подход к работе и умение работать в команде Увлеченность исследованиями и стремление к развитию своего общего и профессионального кругозора Минимальные требования к кандидатам на все позиции: Высшее образование или неполное высшее для позиции ассистента: социология, психология, маркетинг, математика, экономика Хорошее владение английским языком

Public Intelligence Transparency IOSH | Risk Assessment Route finder | How resilient is your business? Complete this questionnaire to get a rough picture of threats to your business. This could give you simple suggestions for improvements that are easy to implement without significant costs. This questionnaire doesn’t aim to outline all the threats that you might face, but to help you make our own survey of the risks related to your operations. Once you know the threats to your business, you can identify hazards and assess their severity. This will make it easier for you to plan and introduce control measures. When you’ve selected the risk areas that you think are a problem, you should discuss these in more detail with a project group. Click here to go to the Personnel risks page. Questionnaire requires Acrobat version 10 or higher to be installed on your computer.Download Acrobat

Mexico’s public think tanks’ network: support the system A few months ago I had a discussion with a colleague about how to support research and policymaking in a country without having to pick ‘winners’ -i.e. funding a particular think tank. Treating think tanks as part of a broader system and funding the system would be one way. And a year ago in a TEDx event in Peru I argued for more funding for economic and social research think tanks along side the support that technology research is already receiving there. Mexico, a country often dismissed as a developing country (or fragile state in some circles) has a lot to share with the world. If you are reading this in a university in the U.S. or in Europe, take a few minutes to think of all the Mexicans you know: I bet you won’t have trouble thinking of a few. Ask them where they get their funding from: I bet most will say that they get it from the state. But the centres are also the engine room of current and future generations of PhDs and experts in Mexico. Like this: Like Loading...

Static IP Address - Business Broadband - BT Business What is an IP address? Think of an IP address as the address of your computer on the internet. It's a series of numbers that identifies your computer on the network. That way, other computers can communicate with you and you with them and then - bingo - you're on the internet. IP addresses are either static or dynamic. What's the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses? A static IP address is a fixed, permanent address that is unique to you and does not change. It's not unique to you, you'll just be allocated one from a pool of IP addresses that you'll use for the duration of that particular connection. An easy way to think of it is to imagine that your mobile phone had a dynamic number, so it changed every time you used it. Well, it's a similar situation with your computer. Why do I need a static IP address? Do you want to...? If you're interested in any of these, you should be interested in a static IP address. How can I get a static IP address? 1. 2.

L'Atelier : Accelerating Business • Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Survey Results Company and Director credit reports and annual accounts. Free search. - All UK Directors. Business credit reports. Home - Dods Parliamentary Communications
