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How Cloud Computing Works"

How Cloud Computing Works"
­Let's say you're an executive at a large corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. Buying computers for everyone isn't enough -- you also have to purchase software or software licenses to give employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire, you have to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows another user. Soon, there may be an alternative for executives like you. In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. There's a good chance you've already used some form of cloud computing. What makes up a cloud computing system?

NASA’s Nebula: The Cloud in a Container « Data Center Knowledge The Verari data center container housing the NASA Nebula cloud computing application arrives at Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. What do you get when you combine cloud computing and data center containers? You get NASA’s Nebula, the space agency’s new data powerhouse, which provides on-demand computing power for NASA researchers. Nebula was recently cited by federal CIO Vivek Kundra as an example of the government’s ability to “leverage the most innovative technologies.” The Nebula application lives in a 40-foot container at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. The “data center in a box” was built inside a FOREST container from Verari Systems, which is filled with Cisco Systems’ Unified Computing System and servers from Silicon Mechanics. Science Compute Power on Demand Nebula is a self-service platform built from open source software that provides high capacity computing, storage, and network connectivity for NASA research.

Cloud computing Cloud computing metaphor: For a user, the network elements representing the provider-rendered services are invisible, as if obscured by a cloud. Cloud computing is a computing term or metaphor that evolved in the late 1990s, based on utility and consumption of computer resources. Cloud computing involves application systems which are executed within the cloud and operated through internet enabled devices. Purely cloud computing does not rely on the use of cloud storage as it will be removed upon users download action. Clouds can be classified as public, private and hybrid.[1][2] Overview[edit] Cloud computing[3] relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network.[2] At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services. Cloud computing, or in simpler shorthand just "the cloud", also focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of the shared resources.

Cloud Computing Certification Schemes List - CCSL - Digital Agenda for Europe What is a cloud certification scheme? Before buying a cloud service, customers want to know if the service is secure and reliable. But cloud computing services are complex and built up from many different ICT components (cables, large data centers, software, et cetera), so it is hard for individual customers to check all the technical details by themselves. Cloud providers have many customers (this is the main idea of cloud computing) so if all customers would check their security requirements separately, then this would mean double work. If each customer would want to do an on-site audit, for example, there would be long cues at the gates of data centers. Now, the idea of a certification scheme is to check one basic set of security requirements, once for all customers. How to use this list? CCSL gives an overview of different existing certification schemes which could be relevant for cloud computing customers. Certification schemes

Sun Cloud Computing Resource Kit What is cloud computing, and why should you care? Cloud computing promises to speed application deployment, increase innovation, and lower costs, all while increasing business agility. It also can transform the way we design, build, and deliver applications. Download our free cloud computing guides and we'll take you inside cloud computing software and show you how virtualization and deployment work in a cloud hosting environment. Enjoy your complimentary Oracle Sun Cloud Computing Resource Kit that includes: Cloud Computing Infrastructure and Architecture A Guide to Getting Started with Cloud Computing The VeriScale Architecture - Elasticity and Efficiency for Private Clouds Optimizing Applications for Cloud Computing Environments Building Customer Trust in Cloud Computing with Transparent Security Click the "Download Now" button on the right to access your Resource Kit.

Yo, Coders in Da House! Rap Meets Software mobile Home Bloggers Messages Tw | Fb | In | Rss Operations Software Application Transformation Software Storage Essentials John W. Verity Yo, Coders in Da House! , Editor in Chief , 5/7/2012 Bio Email This Print Comment 6 comments Never let it be said that software developers don't have a sense of humor, or rhythm. Designed by Linus Torvalds of Linux fame and launched in 2005, Git, the source code management system, has won legions of loyal users. And now, Git has been immortalized in its own rap song. {*style:<i>so git hubbers just keep iterating git tag all them versions keep the changelog stating a brief description of things dun change always using semantic versioning raaaaanges its not dangerous internet strangers open-source bangers coding in hangers pull request slangers that you dont wanna anger break the bank at the Tangiers flow like Danny Ocean drink git kool-aide its a powerful potion </i>*} Squires is hardly alone. {*style:<i>I'm a developer in many senses of the word but I also use these verbs

OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software Mougg - Your Music in the Cloud Cloud computing, smart city, cybersécurité : les innovations à suivre d'ici 2019, selon IBM A lire sur: IBM publie comme chaque année son "5 in 5", un choix de cinq technologies innovantes que le pionnier de l'informatique pense voir mises en œuvre d'ici cinq ans. Cette année, ses ingénieurs misent avant tout sur les technologies cognitives et le cloud computing – domaines dans lesquels IBM excelle – pour changer notre futur. L'école va apprendre des élèves La classe du futur apprendra de chaque élève au cours de son cursus scolaire, les aidant à maîtriser les compétences nécessaires pour atteindre leurs buts.

How Does Cloud Computing Work? [Technology Explained] Before we dig further into how does cloud computing work, first let’s understand what the term “cloud“ refers to. The concept of the cloud has been around for a long time in many different incarnations in the business world. It mostly means a grid of computers serving as a service-oriented architecture to deliver software and data. Most websites and server-based applications run on particular computers or servers. What differentiates the cloud from the way those are set up is that the cloud utilizes the resources from the computers as a collective virtual computer, where the applications can run independently from particular computer or server configurations. With broadband internet, the need to have the software run on your computer or on a company’s site is becoming less and less essential. How is that done? To understand how does cloud computing work, imagine that the cloud consists of layers — mostly the back-end layers and the front-end or user-end layers.

Discussion on iCloud in the business setting: Evaluating the pros and cons Erik Eckel looks at iCloud from the perspective of the small business. Can it be utilized for more than personal storage? Apple's iCloud announcement earned quite a few headlines. But those aren't the features compelling small organizations to leverage iCloud. Why iCloud? Small businesses that wish to simply sync mail, contacts and calendar information across multiple devices will find iCloud an easy choice. iCloud will also sync iWork documents, spreadsheets and presentations across the common devices numerous small businesses use: iPhones, iPads and a Mac or Windows PC. Where iCloud will really shine, though, is providing additional protection against some of the most vexing frustrations users encounter. Why iCloud may not be right It remains to be seen whether users must use an email account to leverage iCloud-synced mail, contacts and calendar. Not all apps may offer iCloud integration, which means users may find some apps incompatible with the backup features. My prediction

Why NASA uses Open Source - InternetNews:The Blog - Sean Michael Kerner From the 'Best Tech Isn't Necessarily in Area 51' files: With Billions of dollars and massive technology needs that are literally out-of-this-world, NASA has a lot of unique computing requirements. As it turns out, some of those requirements can be fulfilled by technology that isn't all that different from what regular enterprises need too. In order to save the data from distant spacecraft, satellites and other scientific endeavors, NASA is leveraging open source tech (including Ubuntu Linux) and regular enterprise networking components to meet their mission. I had the privilege of speaking with NASA's CTO for IT Chris Kemp this week around the OpenStack project in which NASA is participating. Kemp told me that NASA's Nebula cloud IT environment was built for science and research and has been optimized for low cost and massive scalability. He added that NASA is using KVM on Ubuntu's Lucid LTS.

Stratégies – Savoir mesurer les enjeux et les risques du Cloud Computing pour votre direction générale | Office365 Undercover Depuis quelques années, je m’occupe d’accompagner les entreprises à mettre en œuvre les services issus du Cloud Computing, et force est de constater que ce domaine ne cesse de me surprendre. Par exemple, dans le dernier numéro, sur un ton humoristique, j’ai évoqué avec vous les problèmes des entreprises à tenter de contrôler la production par les utilisateurs de fichiers de plus en plus nombreux. Ce que j’oublie souvent de préciser, c’est que mes articles sont la plupart du temps inspirés par les sujets que me confient les entreprises afin d’y apporter un éclairage. C’est ainsi que l’article sur l’infobésité du mois dernier fait suite à un retour d’expérience : Une entreprise a fait appel à mes services pour comprendre pourquoi l’activité de leurs baies de stockage semblait depuis quelques temps en baisse d’activité ? Représentation d’une salle informatique d’entreprise en 2020 Oui, mais début des problèmes de fiscalité. Après tout, on peut toujours dire que ça n’arrive qu’aux autres… i.
