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Tutos V-Ray et 3dsMax en français par mattguetta

Tutos V-Ray et 3dsMax en français par mattguetta

Jamie's Jewels Hi everyone, Don’t forget 3ds London is happening this Wednesday with Autodesk as the main speaker, (and it should be a good one.) To start us off, Edd Stockton is going to show us the great Chrome Molly video, this time with a bit of info on how he did it all. Wednesday 3rd July For 7pm Upstairs at The Plough, 27 Museum Street, WC1A Map The group will also be welcoming Autodesk's Alex Horst, who's flying over to present the following: Reality Capture for Film, Games and Visualization Creating photo-realistic digital assets is key to increasing the realism of today's games and movies. 3ds Max 2014: Visible and Invisible stuff Get to know which recent improvements were made to 3ds Max. Creating an Advertising Game Pitch in a day Alex is going to a fictional pitch about a Breakfast Cereal advertising: From relaunching the product, it’s appearance and name over some sort of viral Game, prototyped in Unity.

3DM3 Wow Effect ! Other Gear Below are some tools that are freely useable for licensees of RPManager. Some are free for non-commercial or academic use for anyone, but all require payment for commercial usage if not RPManager licensees. Directory navigation shortcut system, for 32 and 64 bit XP/Vista. Go to the FolderGit Info/Download page Below are some plugins that are freely useable for licensees of RPManager. This tool colours polygons by 3, 4 or 5+ verts/edges. Works on both poly and mesh stacks, but note it will convert mesh to poly. Go to the ColorPolyByVerts Help/Download page This tool mirrors, flips or resets vertex positions, based on a symmetrical reference node. Works on poly, mesh and patch models. Go to the Transmographier Help/Download page This is a tool that enables you to copy and paste vertex positions and vertex selections to and from anywhere in the stack. Works on poly, and mesh models. Go to the PasteVertexBuffer Help/Download page Go to the Tension Help/Download page Below are some free plugins.

3d Total Annuaire de tutoriels video | awd - Away3D Data file format This Google Code project contains the open specification and open-source tool-chain for the second generation AWD file format. The format is currently considered stable, however the tools are still being developed. The tool-chain so far comprises the following components, all of which are currently in development: libawd: A C++ library to (greatly) simplify encoding of AWD files PyAWD: A Python toolkit, offering a pythonic way to work with AWD files. Can be compiled as a wrapper for libawd, or standalone (with poorer writing performance) and works for both Python 2.6 and 3.x. What is AWD? AWD is a binary file format for 3D scenes, objects and related data. AWD is designed to be light-weight, fast and easy to parse, and to be extensible both by user applications and future versions of the file format, while remaining both forwards and backwards compatible. What is the status of AWD? Version 2.0 of the file format is stable, however the SDK and exporter plug-ins are still in development. - Free Tutorial and Design Idea ShoulderTopology Topology Pages pages: Topology Examples "Here's the topology I've developed that I use for chest, back, and shoulder deformation ... It's built primarily for good deformation, but its a bear to unwrap." Image by 'Buzzy' Bendy straw, edge flow hybrid solution. Arm raised above the reference pose using a clavicle rather than shoulder rotation. Images by 'claydough' CategoryAnimation
