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Comic Creator The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. Grades K – 3 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Word Study with Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge is used in this lesson to build students' word recognition through rereading, high-frequency word banks, word studies, and writing.

Picture This : Giant Friends Puzzle Last year my son's nursery school teacher made an amazing giant puzzle using a class picture. She presented it to the kids on the 100th day of school and the kids all worked together to put it together. Needless to say it was a huge hit. With the simple instructions below, you can make your own personalized giant puzzle. Cut in the shape of a heart, this is a great gift to accompany a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day. To make your own giant puzzle follow our instructions below. SUPPLLIESEnlarged photoFoam BoardMounting SprayNarrow Craft knifePencilGlue 1. 2.. 3. It looks best if the puzzle pieces are real puzzle shapes, not just straight edges. 4. 5. 6. NOTE: Practice first on another piece of foam board. 7. 8. COMMENTS (0) | Print Article | Tell a Friend | Add to |

Math'@ctivité Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics MathNook Math Games Welcome to the online fairy tales page! People have been telling each other fairy tales since ancient times. A very significant literature genre, fairy tales are present in all cultures around the world. In comparison to myths and legends, the time and place of occurrence in fairy tales are not defined. The first to do research on fairy tales was the indologist Theodor Benfey during the 19th century. Fairy tales in Germany In Germany the term fairy tales is largely associated with the first collection of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. Fairy tales in France The first collection of fairy tales in French was Charles Perrault's "Histoires ou Contes du temps passé avec des moralités". Fairy tales in India The Indian fairy tales have a long and varied tradition. Read more on Wikipedia Andrew Lang (31 March 1844 - 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, and literary critic. The Blue Fairy Book Notes: The first of a collection of twelve fairy tale books, gathered by Andrew Lang from various sources.

PowerPoint Games Racing Games No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand. Click a button on the screen and the car or horse moves one step closer to the finish line and victory. Download Car Race (Beach Rally) Download Horse Race | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Video Tutorial | What is Louie Thinking (Pyramid Game Show) Similar to Pyramid Game. Download Guess Louie | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Sample Game | Video Tutorial | March Mayhem - Basketball Great for the Basketball March Madness time of year. | View Video of Game | Purchase Game Now | Big Board Facts (Jeopardy Game Show) Similar to Jeopardy. Download Big Board Facts Download Big Board Facts with Answers Slide | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Sample Game | Video Tutorial | Easter Bunny Road Race No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand. Available from Premium Games Web Site. | Purchase Game Now! The Big Wheel Sunken Treasure

AIDE DIRIGEE pour les DMS Getting Started with Reading Bear--Q&A, Tips, and Tools Quick "Getting Started" Video General Information about Reading Bear: Q & A on who Reading Bear is intended for and the thinking behind the program How to Get the Most from Reading Bear: how to use Reading Bear as part of an overall program to learn how to read What Path Should I Take through Reading Bear?: advice on using Reading Bear in particular school and home situations The Reading Bear Software: tips on how to use the system Videos of the Presentations The Interludes What is Reading Bear and who is behind it? Please see our About page for a basic summary and personnel. What age level is Reading Bear for? Is Reading Bear meant to be a high-pressure program? Could schools use Reading Bear? Free and accessible. Is Reading Bear a "systematic, explicit phonics" program? How is Reading Bear supposed to work? The student can systematically begin with a very easy presentation type—"Sound It Out Slowly"—and even have all the words demonstrated in advance, with no participation required.

Projeter des prestations d'élèves en classe ? Mon propos est ici de relater une expérience que je tente depuis cette année en projetant des extraits de travaux d’élèves photographiés en classe. L’objectif est de raconter mon cheminement et l’intérêt que je vois à ce nouvel outil pédagogique afin de le faire partager. Enseigner des méthodes de travail Il est souvent compliqué de faire différencier à l’élève ce qu’il a écrit de ce qu’il voulait écrire. Du coup, permettre à l’élève d’avoir un jugement lucide sur sa copie et uniquement sur ce qu’elle contient, en faisant abstraction de tous les compléments qu’il serait en mesure d’apporter, lui faire comprendre que seule sa trace est entre les mains du correcteur, est un difficile apprentissage qui doit être travaillé. D’autre part, la manipulation de nouveaux outils amène des utilisations souvent maladroites qui ne choquent pas l’élève tant il n’est pas encore familier avec les notations qu’il commence à employer. Scanner les évaluations Tout d’abord l’aspect chronophage. Autre copie :

This website is great because it has fun games for the students but they are also educational and the students are gaining information by playing them. by kalerain10 Oct 11

I used this website in elementary school and always loved it. As a teacher, this website can be used for math or reading skills by playing games and participating in activities that make math or reading fun! by megawolf Jun 4

This website is more for young and middle grade learners because of its games but I do think anybody can use them just for fun. It has math, reading games and fun games. I also like that it has a section for Spanish speakers in which they play "the translator alligator." by sindy11 Oct 7

Ce site est intéressant, car il propose des jeux éducatifs pour les enfants! Il serait possible de garder ce site dans les favoris d'une classe pour que les élèves puissent s'en servir lorsqu'ils sont à l'ordinateur! by roxanneforgues Oct 4

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