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Video Resources for Teaching Math

Video Resources for Teaching Math
With Pi Day coming up, we wanted to shout out to all the amazing YouTube creators who are making math videos! (Of course, if it's Pi Day videos you want, check out our "Hooray for Pi Day" post.) Math may not seem like a natural fit for the visually-driven medium of video -- but you'd be amazed by the creativity of some of these creators who bring the complexities of all levels of math to life on the small screen. Math teachers, this one's for you! Video Playlist: Best YouTube Channels for Math Teachers Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube. The Infinite Hotel Paradox - Jeff Dekofsky (05:59) Want to show your students the math behind online dating? More Resources for Engaging Kids in Math I hope this playlist has inspired you to find some creative ways to get your students excited about math, or at the very least provided some great resources for homework help. Related:  Math and ScienceMathématique

iPad Graphic Calculator Apps April 12, 2016 Below are some very good graphing calculators for math teachers and students. Learners can use these apps on their iPads to perform complex mathematical equations, plot graphs, and visualize math notations. For those of you looking for graphing calculators to use on Chrome, check out this page. Enjoy 1- Desmos Graphing Calculator This is one of the most popular graphic calculator out there. 2- Quick Graph ‘It is a powerful, high quality, graphic calculator that takes full advantage of the multitouch display and the powerful graphic capabilities of the iPad and iPhone, both in 2D and 3D. 3- Good Grapher This is another excellent scientific graphing calculator. 4- Scientific Graphing Calculator 2 This is an upgraded version of Scientific Graphing Calculator.

11 Jeux de math trop COOL à faire à la maison, ou à l'école!! - Bricolages - Des bricolages géniaux à réaliser avec vos enfants - Trucs et Bricolages - Fallait y penser ! Si votre enfant a de la difficulté en mathématique, peut-être que de bricoler un de ces jeux pourra l'aider! Parfois le stress ajoute un poids énorme à l'enfant et créer un blocage... Je sais, je l'ai vécu petite. Le fait de bricoler et de jouer pour faire des mathématique pourrait aider à votre enfant à se détendre et à briser ce blocage qui l'empêche d'avancer! Il suffit de peu parfois, un petit stress et tout s'arrête... Prenez quelques minutes ensemble pour bricoler un de ces jeux. Ensuite, vous pourrez repartir sur une nouvelle base! Source 1er JEU: Bricolez une chenille avec des nombres sur son dos et des papiers avec des nombres à additionner! Source 2e JEU: Plastifiez des cartons et utilisez des blocs Lego pour expliquer les calcules aux enfants! Source 3e JEU: Vous pourrez les tracer à la main ou imprimer le patron gratuit ICI et en faire des photocopies! Source Source 5e JEU: Dans une boite de chaussures, vous pourrez bricoler un super jeu interactif! Source Source Source Source Source

The Ultimate Collection of Free Physics Videos In Brief Black holes, quantum entanglement, and worlds with 11 dimensions - get to know the amazing physics that governs our universe. You don’t need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars or sit through hours of classes in order to understand the fundamental nature of the universe. Hundreds of free videos have been made available by the world’s top universities, and they feature some of the leading physicists of our era. Huge thanks to the wonderful Moinak Banerjee for his work on this. Introductory Physics Videos Mathematical Physics Classical Mechanics Electromagnetism Special Relativity Quantum Physics Statistical Mechanics General Relativity Quantum Field theory and Quantum Electrodynamics Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Lectures on Nuclear Physics by Prof. Cosmology and Astrophysics Conformal Field Theory String Theory Loop Quantum Gravity Effective Field Theory Condensed Matter Physics Miscellaneous Basics

Reading List from Mr Barton Maths arrow_back Back to Teachers Recommended Educational Research Papers for Teachers to Read My interest in educational research only really began when I spoke to the likes of Dylan Wiliam, Daisy Christodoulou, Doug Lemov, Robert and Elizabeth Bjork, Kris Boulton, Will Emney, Mark McCourt, Bruno Reddy, Greg Ashman and Tom Bennett for my Mr Barton Maths Podcast. I have also written a series of How I wish I'd taught maths workshops based on these findings, and my subsequent experience trying my takeaways from them with my students, which have gone down well in schools, conferences and workshops all around the world. Contents

The Three Acts Of A Mathematical Story 2016 Aug 6. Here is video of this task structure implemented with elementary students. 2013 May 14. 2013 Apr 12. Storytelling gives us a framework for certain mathematical tasks that is both prescriptive enough to be useful and flexible enough to be usable. Act One Introduce the central conflict of your story/task clearly, visually, viscerally, using as few words as possible. With Jaws your first act looks something like this: The visual is clear. With math, your first act looks something like this: The visual is clear. Leave no one out of your first act. Act Two The protagonist/student overcomes obstacles, looks for resources, and develops new tools. Before he resolves his largest conflict, Luke Skywalker resolves a lot of smaller ones — find a pilot, find a ship, find the princess, get the Death Star plans back to the Rebellion, etc. So it is with your second act. What tools do they have already? Act Three Resolve the conflict and set up a sequel/extension. That’s a resolution right there.

ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy Fundamental Biosciences Life sciences include disciplines of science that are concerned with the scientific study of life – including microbes, plants, and animals, including humans. Biology is an umbrella term for the natural sciences that study life, with the other life sciences serving as subfields. In our holistic approaches to health, life and wellbeing, the area of Life Sciences complements all areas of our website with a more scientific point of view to better understand the advances in bioscience and their profound implications. Also, in the area of Life sciences, we aim to promote the understanding of biodiversity of life and improve bioscience literacy to increase global ecological consciousness and promote bioscience education. Goals and Features of Bioscience on To achieve the beforementioned aims, this section features articles written by scientists, scientific educators and science students on a variety of bioscience-related subjects.

XtraMath When Grading Harms Student Learning There are so many forces at work that make educators grade, and grade frequently. For sports eligibility, coaches constantly look at grades to see if a student is at an academic level that will allow him or her to play. Colleges review transcripts to examine what type of courses students took and their corresponding grades. Teachers must follow policy that demands them to enter a certain amount of grades every week, month, or marking period. There's no stopping it. However, we need to reflect upon policies and practices like this -- and possibly consider regulating them. The Dreaded Zero I used to give out zeros in the hopes that it would force students to do work and learn. Points Off for Late Work I'm guilty of this one as well. Grading "Practice" Many of our assignments are "practice," assigned for students to build fluency and practice a content or skill. Grading Instead of Teaching As mentioned earlier, many teachers are required to enter grades on a frequent basis. Hope

Beautiful knowledge: Complicated numbers made simple - BBC News When will men become extinct? Which times table sums do children find most difficult? What are the most common computer passwords? We are bombarded daily with information, and it can be difficult for our brains to process facts and figures in bulk. Take a look at some of the elegant and colourful infographics from his book Knowledge is Beautiful - and see how much you are able to absorb. David McCandless says his book was created over two years, with 15,832 hours of human labour. While not an inconsiderable amount of time for a person in a lifetime, it is however just a tiny speck compared to the period covered in his Timeline of the Far Future. With information sourced from institutions such as Nasa, the Potsdam Institut and the Geological Society, the colourful, curvy timeline travels deep into the future. In 10,000 years, the book suggests, the Earth's axis will change - reversing summer and winter months. At that point, you may decide it is time for an upgrade. But... up a mountain?
