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Hot Potatoes Version 6

Hot Potatoes Version 6

Zunal WebQuest Maker EclipseCrossword - the fast, easy, and FREE way to create crossword puzzles in minutes ExamGeneral is the Easiest Way to Create Online Tests, Quizzes & Exams Our users come from more than 100 countries and belong to thousands of organizations like ExamGeneral is also available for Google Apps for Education or Business editions. Testimonial: "Preston University experienced remarkable features of Examgeneral any exam portal should have and appreciates all kind of services provided by ExamGeneral team. Featured Teachers QuizRevolution - Embeddable Online Quizzes for Business and Fun 8 Ways to Create Online Test | Training & E-Learning Zone for Quizzes Online test brings a lot of benefits to assessment: time-saving, flexibility and economical. For test-takers, they can take the online test at their own preferred time – great flexibility. For trainers/teachers, it spares the time to mark the test because the test is graded automatically – big time-saving. Create online test with desktop Flash quiz maker Desktop Flash quiz makers let users create Flash quizzes in minutes without programming skills. Create online test with Google DocsGoogle Docs is a totally free online tool to conduct online multiple choice test and surveys. Create online test with Adobe Flash If you are sophisticated with Adobe Flash Script, using Adobe Flash to make test for online use is the most flexible way. Create online test with Microsoft Excel As we all know, Excel is a great program for creating spreadsheets and tracking information, but it is also useful for creating quizzes for online testing.

Quiz-Busters Plenary and Revision Quiz from teachers Quiz-Busters is an interactive plenary quiz for two teams based on the popular television quiz program Blockbusters. The resource is designed to be used on an interactive whiteboard as a teacher led activity but can be played by individual students. Hopefully you and your students will find this a fun alternative to traditional question and answer plenary and can actively contribute to Assessment for Learning (AFL). Completely free to use! Make a new game To make a new game simply type in (or cut and paste) your questions and answers. Before creating a game please check the database to avoid duplicating games. Search for ready made games Search our database of ready made games by subject, topic or key stage. Quick Subject Links:

EasyTestMaker 12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation Tools for Teachers There are many different sites on the internet that allow you to create your own puzzles and games to use either directly in class, or which can be linked to/embedded into your VLE. I’ve been doing some trawling ahead of a training session I am running soon, and here are a few of the best ones that I’ve found. There are others out there, but the focus specifically for my session was KS4 and 5, so these links are aimed at older students. If you have any other favourites, please add them to the comments! 1. Classtools is already one of my favourite websites, home of the Countdown Timer and Random Word Picker. 2. Content generator’s templates allow anyone to generate their own e-Learning quizzes, games and applications through our custom software – no coding required. 3. is dedicated to providing technology tools for teaching that are quick and easy to download, learn, and start using in your classroom. 4. 5. 6. 7. Also worth a look: 8. 9. 10. 11. And finally….. 12.
