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Mixed Signals: Why People Misunderstand Each Other

Mixed Signals: Why People Misunderstand Each Other
In her new book No One Understands You and What To Do About It, Heidi Grant Halvorson tells readers a story about her friend, Tim. When Tim started a new job as a manager, one of his top priorities was communicating to his team that he valued each member’s input. So at team meetings, as each member spoke up about whatever project they were working on, Tim made sure he put on his “active-listening face” to signal that he cared about what each person was saying. But after meeting with him a few times, Tim’s team got a very different message from the one he intended to send. To Halvorson, a social psychologist at Columbia Business School who has extensively researched how people perceive one another, Tim’s story captures one of the primary problems of being a human being: Try though you might to come across in a certain way to others, people often perceive you in an altogether different way. These kinds of misunderstandings lead to conflict and resentment not just at work, but at home too. Related:  ComunicazioneRelationships

A Zen Master Responds to Hate Mail By Maria Popova Although the internet may have originated the notion of trolling as an act of aggression, the undergirding human impulse is an ancient one. Its pervasive manifestations drove Kierkegaard to ponder the psychological underpinnings of trolling and Benjamin Franklin to devise a brilliant strategy for handling haters. But because all acts of hate say more about the hater than about the hatee, this ugly primordial urge to transmute our inner pain into outward aggression often finds targets so unlikely as to border on the absurd — including, in one particularly colorful case, the great Korean-born Zen teacher Seung Sahn Soen-sa (August 1, 1927–November 30, 2004). In March of 1975, Soen-sa received a series of letters from a student, expressing a great deal of confusion about the “don’t-know mind” aspect of Zen practice, demanding various clarifications, and ending thusly: Please answer me soon, but you probably won’t, huh? You say that you are confused.

6 Powerful Communication Tips From Some Of The World's Best Interviewers Everyone knows that particular feeling of dread that accompanies a lull in conversation at a party, networking event, or even a job interview. You’ve already covered the usual small talk and then, oof, you hit a dead end. What now? Even the most extroverted among us know that being a good conversationalist doesn’t always come easy—but there are some experts who have had more practice than the rest of us. Writers, journalists and others who interview sources regularly have developed tried and true techniques that help them connect deeply with people. Not only can interviews with thought leaders in your field provide a great source of content for your blog or website, the skills honed while interviewing are useful in many types of communication. For instance, Terry Gross—known for her inviting style on the radio program Fresh Air—admits she wasn’t always so comfortable communicating. 1. If you can do so in advance, research the person or people with whom you’ll be speaking. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Presentation: The Power of Loyalty in Social Media | How To Be Someone People Love To Talk To When do we really learn good conversation skills? Well, we don’t. We’re just kind of expected to pick them up… And we wonder why people aren’t better communicators. How can you be that person people love to talk to? I’ve posted a lot of research and expert interviews on the subject so let’s round up the info and make it actionable. In this post you’ll learn: How to make a good first impression.How to be a great listener.What the best subjects to discuss are.How to prevent awkward silences.How to politely end a conversation. And a lot more. How To Make A Good First Impression First impressions really are a big deal and talking to new people can be daunting, no doubt. It’s simple, really. Social optimists, of course, are in the happy position of expecting to be accepted and finding that, generally speaking, they are. Don’t take the cliche advice and “just be yourself.” Smiles are powerful and make you more attractive. FBI behavior expert Robin Dreeke recommends speaking slowly. Wrong question.

Strategic Public Relations How to Look Smarter While trying to look intelligent, a lot of people do things that make them look dumb. For instance, people use big words or put on a poker face—tactics that can backfire for some, studies show. A growing amount of research is teasing out how people form first impressions of others’ intelligence—and how well it works when you try to manage those impressions. The cues people look for in assessing each other’s intelligence are simple. But they aren’t always easy to pull off under pressure. They include showing self-confidence, speaking clearly and smoothly, and responding thoughtfully to what others are saying, research shows. And put away that phone: One of the strongest and most accurate signs of intelligence is looking at others when you are speaking to them, says Nora A. In a 2007 study of 182 graduate students, some participants were instructed to try to appear intelligent during a videotaped discussion with a partner. People trying to look intelligent had a few behaviors in common.

Articles on web writing - 4 Syllables Do you know how to make your social media posts accessible? In this article, we discuss ways to reduce accessibility barriers when writing posts, sharing links, and posting images and video. If you’re writing for the web, you’re writing for responsive design. Or you soon will be. In this article, we offer some tips to get your content working well on a range of screen sizes and orientations. Long descriptions are text alternatives for complex or detailed images. In this article, we look at the role of long descriptions for images, why you need them, and how to implement them. One of the great things about the Internet is the range of tools and information now available—often for free. Want clean, healthy web content? Many organisations are stuck on PDFs. Global Accessibility Awareness Day aims to get people talking, thinking and learning about digital accessibility. Accessibility guidelines require us to use ‘purely decorative’ images in ways that let assistive technologies ignore them.

How to remove self-importance from self-promotion and still be your badass self — She Negotiates I was working with a client, “Sally,” a very talented art director and designer with many credits, awards and years behind her name. Working through a career transition, I asked her to give me the unapologetic list of the things she’s really good at, and she demurred. She stuttered a little and said, “Really, I have to answer that? Isn’t it all in my résumé?” Haha. No. It’s always bowls me over that no matter how seasoned and accomplished we are, we all seem to share the same cultural DNA of doubt, and distaste for self-promotion. Sally twisted her mouth into a gobsmacked shape, and before she could deny I continued playing her role. Sally then says, “Stop. When we are called upon to talk about ourselves, it’s as if we’re all Peter Pan before sewing on the shadow. Let’s agree that those are all fabricated thoughts. What we are really after is removing self-importance from self-promotion. Honestly, we know what we’re good at. Tell me about me Here are the questions: Go. Public Library Topics User Experience Design from A-Z Wouter de Bres Leadership Pete Sena Design and Innovation Gregory Wilson Designers Intro to Coding Nathan Stanton Master Inbound Marketing Hatim Otarid Very Basics of Design Mostaque Ahammed Storytelling, the Basics for a Good Story Wout Laban Typography Kevin Layshock Learning CSS3 Paul Bremer Being and staying productive Angelo Echtermeijer The Art of Copywriting Sean Smith Natural Light Photography Kirsten Schwarzer The Lean Startup keesvannunen Tips and Tricks for the learning Web Developer Michael Mehlum Wilhelmsen Need a job? Mona Dirtu Great Mysteries of the World Petar Radošević Becoming a better photographer Dennis Flinsenberg Designing meaningful UI animation Mariusz Ciesla Learn Web Design Rajanand Ilangovan SEO: Search engine optimization, step by step Felipe Lourenço Load more
