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Pygame 3D Graphics Tutorial Our wireframe object is currently defined by a list of Node objects and a list of Edge objects, which hopefully makes things easy to understand, but it isn't very efficient. That's not a problem if we're just making cubes, but will be if we want to create more complex objects. In this tutorial, we will: Convert our list of nodes to a numpy arraySimplify how edges are storedCreate a cube using the new system By the end of this and the following tutorial our program should function exactly the same as before, but will be more efficient. NumPy If you're not familiar with NumPy, then this tutorial might take a bit of work to understand, but I think it's worth the effort. The first thing is to download NumPy if you haven't already done so. import numpy as np Since NumPy includes a lot of mathematical functions, we can use it to replace the math module, thus replace math.sin() with np.sin(). NumPy arrays (matrices) self.nodes = np.zeros((0, 4)) This creates a NumPy array with 0 row and 4 columns.

One Minute English Video #1423 What foods do you love? Hello, I'm Lucille from France and today's question is actually, what food do you love? So if I have to go with one kind of food, I would say like sweet and cakes. I really have a big issue with sweet things. That means that every time I have lunch or dinner or something, I just wait for the moment of the dessert and that's why I love France because in France you always finish your lunch with a coffee and a little chocolate or some sweet because that's the way you end every meal and I really love it and also in France, we have what we call "zugute" that means like around like four or five where you were kids but actually, lot of grown up kid doing that too. You are allowed to eat some sweet stuff not because it's just before dinner but it's like when you're kind of hungry and you want to eat something. So that's actually my favorite moment of the day.

Invitation to World Literature Greek, by Euripides, first performed in 405 BCE The passionate loves and longings, hopes and fears of every culture live on forever in their stories. Here is your invitation to literature from around the world and across time. Sumerian, 2600 BCE and older Turkish, by Orhan Pamuk, 2000 Greek, by Homer, ca. eighth century BCE Greek, by Euripides, first performed in 405 BCE Sanskrit, first century CE Japanese, by Murasaki Shikibu, ca. 1014 Chinese, by Wu Ch'êng-ên, ca. 1580 Quiché-Mayan, written in the Roman alphabet ca. 1550s French, by Voltaire, 1759 English, by Chinua Achebe, 1959 Spanish, by Gabriel García Márquez, 1967 English, by Arundhati Roy, 1998 Arabic, first collected ca. fourteenth century

Plan de empresa basado en el Modelo Canvas. Tutorial Tanto si ya tienes tu empresa como si eres emprendedor, o estás pensando en lanzar tu idea de negocio al mercado, seguro, seguro, que te ha tocado o te tocará, enfrentarte a un plan de empresa. Ya sabes que en Innokabi, no somos muy “pro planes de negocios”, pero si lo tenemos que hacer, vamos a ser ágiles y vamos a hacerlo bien aplicando algunas directrices estratégicas tomadas de la metodología Lean Startup. Vista nuestra estrategia empresarial, desde un punto de vista Lean, nos servirán de incentivos, para afrontar la tarea con garantías. En este post, he pensado proponerte una guía donde te voy a dar las claves para construir un plan de empresa basado en el Modelo Canvas y al estilo Lean, ágil y con sentido. Además, al final podrás descargarte la guía completa y un ejemplo real de plan de negocios en PDF con ejemplo del business plan de Innokabi. Pero antes de nada, es necesario que te hagas algunas preguntas: ¿Para que necesito planificar mi negocio? 2.- Plan de negocios Definición

Learning To Program Each of the sessions with the students consists of one or more lessons. Each of the sessions below present you with the handouts for the lessons and some discussion of how to teach that section of the course. When printing these lessons for students you may wish to change the zoom factor of the page size by selecting page setup for your browser. Generally a zoom of 70% will work well for printing them. Session One In the first session you want to familiarize the students with the programming environment called IDLE. Session Two In the second session you introduce the students to Turtle graphics using the xturtle package. The students also learn how to use a for loop to repeat code. Session Three In this session students learn to define and use functions. Then functions are used to draw squares at random points on the screen. Session Four In this session students learn how to program in an event-driven framework. Lesson 9 Session Five This is probably session 5,6,7 and maybe even 8. Lesson 10

Pathfinder Wiki JLect - Japonic Language and Dialect Database English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials FOR3_1.html 3.3 Pseudocode and Flowcharts Good, logical programming is developed through good pre-code planning and organization. This is assisted by the use of pseudocode and program flowcharts. Flowcharts are written with program flow from the top of a page to the bottom. Each command is placed in a box of the appropriate shape, and arrows are used to direct program flow. The following shapes are often used in flowcharts: Pseudocode is a method of describing computer algorithms using a combination of natural language and programming language. The usual Fortran symobols are used for arithmetic operations (+, -, *, / , **). Here is an example problem, including a flowchart, pseudocode, and the final Fortran 90 program. For a given value, Limit, what is the smallest positive integer Number for which the sum Sum = 1 + 2 + ... + Number is greater than Limit. Pseudocode: Input: An integer Limit Ouput: Two integers: Number and Sum 1. Flowchart: Fortran 90 code: PROGRAM Summation ! ! INTEGER :: Number, Sum, Limit

Programming Books - Free downloads, Code examples, Books reviews, Online preview, PDF Programming iOS 11 If you're grounded in the basics of Swift, Xcode, and the Cocoa framework, this book provides a structured explanation of all essential real-world iOS app components. Through deep exploration and copious code examples, you'll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and add features from iOS frameworks. Flowchart Diagrams : Detailed Tutorial Farshadoo > Information Center > Tutorials Flow charts are one of most famous diagrams used to show programs and processes. Sometimes flowcharts are partitioned into 4 groups : Document flowcharts : showing controls over a document-flow through a system Data flowcharts : showing controls over a data flows in a system System flowcharts : showing controls at a physical or resource level Program flowchart : showing the controls in a program within a system It's not the only classification. different people have classified flowcharts differently. Computer program flowcharts are used to show control flow in a computer program. A picture is worth more than thousand of words. so lets look at first flowchart sample. Start : represents the start of program. usually drawn as an ellipse but sometimes rounded squares are also used. Arrows : represent flow of control in a program. usually means going from one command to another commands. A flowchart which calculates N!
