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Learn How to Start Your Own Business

Learn How to Start Your Own Business
Related:  Getting started

You can lend directly to a small business in Africa – MYC4 Sustainability | Business tools | The Prince's Trust Our Enterprise programme, which equips 18 to 30-year-olds with the tools, skills and confidence to become their own boss, matches you with an experienced mentor to test and plan your ideas. You can ask them anything, and they'll share useful advice and guidance - even on sustainability. As a small business, reducing your environmental impact can help you to reduce your costs, run a more efficient business and appeal to a consumer market that is ‘going green’. You also have a legal responsibility for the impact your business has on the environment, so read on to find out how you can make your business more eco-friendly. Reduce your carbon footprint: Work out the size of your carbon footprint by calculating how much you spend on travel and utilities like gas and electricity. Where to go for more ideas There are lots of sources of information out there to help you make your business greener.

Business Edge | Target Market Target Market Business Edge™ is designed to meet the needs of: What is Business Edge™? Business Edge™ is an IFC training system designed to strengthen the management skills of owners, managers and staff of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Business Edge™ was developed in Vietnam and has been successfully deployed in China and the Middle East. With the support of its development partners, IFC plans to bring Business Edge to clients across sub-Saharan Africa. The key components of Business Edge™: Management Courses 37 management training courses in five topic areas (Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Operations and Personal Productivity Skills) with content is adapted to local business environments.

Innovative Real Estate Investments | Innovest Capital, Inc. 10 Tips for Starting a Creative Business – MAIA Creatives Sitting at your laptop daydreaming about starting your own creative business, perhaps as an artist, performer or creative agency? An innate desire to make a career out of your creativity? The good news is: there’s never been a more accessible, interconnected time in history, which makes starting a business that much easier in this entrepreneurial generation. Here are 10 tips to launch your creative business: Study. Focus. Attitude. Internet. Like this: Like Loading... Emploi 2.0 inspiring, empowering and connecting entrepreneurs

.....Leeds Libraries & Information Services - Athena Home page Athena Business Indexes Search The Leeds Business Indexes The Leeds Business Indexes, compiled and maintained by Leeds Library and Information Service, are a series of indexes which contain annotated references to sources of information on: companies and markets the local and national economies business, industry, and employment issues We are paying particular attention to material on local companies and the major sectors of the local economy, such as engineering, chemicals, printing, retailing, food and drink, the service sector, the digital industries, and financial services. It is hoped that those researching the history of a company, for example, will find the database to be an invaluable tool, as will those needing to locate more current information. We also hope that job seekers preparing for interviews will find the database to be particularly useful. Please bear in mind that these are references to resources rather than the full texts of the resources themselves. Journals

Les liens faibles, moteurs de notre diversité informationnelle Liens faibles, liens forts. Cette semaine le dossier d'InternetActu vous propose de revenir sur ce que sont les liens faibles, ce concept forgé par le sociologue américain Mark Granovetter permettant de distinguer nos relations selon selon leur proximité, mais aussi selon leur diversité et la richesse de ce qu'elles nous apportent. A l'heure des réseaux sociaux numériques, la compréhension de la structuration et du rôle de nos relations est devenu d'autant plus importante qu'elles forgent de plus en plus toutes nos actions en ligne. Quelle est la force des liens faibles, quelles sont leurs limites ? C'est le dossier d'InternetActu. Les chercheurs de Facebook, menés par Eytan Bakshy, ont publié une nouvelle étude s'intéressant à comment les gens recevaient et réagissaient à l'information dans le cadre du réseau social. Pourquoi "repenser la diversité de l'information dans les réseaux sociaux" ? Les liens faibles sont les gens les plus influents de nos réseaux sociaux Hubert Guillaud

Accueil Français عربي Mardi 09 Octobre 2012 © - 2011 - Tous Droits Réservés | Mentions légales Starting a business Resources Within the centre you will find an extensive collection of resources covering business start-up, marketing, intellectual property, employment law and health and safety. Many of these resources are available to loan. Cobra - The Complete Business Reference Adviser Cobra is an essential database for anyone taking those first few steps into start-up. Business Opportunity Profiles: detailed start-up guides for 600+ business ideas Business Information Factsheets: point-by-point guides vital to all new and growing businesses UK Market Synopses: succinct market research guides covering key business sectors Local Area Profiles: guides to business information and support by location. Sources of Business Information: directory of organisations relevant to setting up a small business Events and Exhibitions: a database of national events and exhibitions by industry and location Library members can access Cobra from home Market Research Company Information Events, Workshops and Advice sessions

Institute for the Study of Labor The economic and social transformations in many developing countries over the last decade have often put their economies on higher and more sustainable growth paths. In too many cases, however, poor labor market conditions still lead to high unemployment levels, increased inequality and exclusion. As labor is most often a poor person’s only asset, a growth process that is not associated with job creation may fail to reduce poverty. A well functioning labor market can be the key to a business climate where new firms are created and private agents find the proper incentives to invest and innovate. But sound labor markets that promote the creation of more and better jobs are also needed to guarantee the success of structural reforms, to maintain the social support for those reforms, and to ensure that the benefits are widely distributed. Against this background, IZA has launched the new Program Area on Employment and Development in collaboration with the World Bank.

