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Magical tools in Wicca In traditional Gardnerian Wicca, the tools are often divided into personal tools, which are for use by, and owned by, an individual Wiccan, and coven tools, used collectively by the coven.[3] This practice may derive partly from Masonic traditions (such as the use of the Square and Compasses), from which Wicca draws some material,[4] and partly from the rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The latter made much use of material from medieval grimoires such as the Key of Solomon, which has many illustrations of magical tools and instructions for their preparation.[5] Usage[edit] In Wicca, ritual tools are used during rituals which both honour the deities, and work magic. Wiccan tools are usually only used by their owner (or, in the case of coven tools, by the coven as a group), to ensure that they only carry their owner's spiritual vibrations.[3] Consecrating tools[edit] Before tools are used in ritual, they first are consecrated. The Primary tools[edit] Pentacle or Paten[edit]

Living Inside Your Dreams: Astral Projection Dream Awareness, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection By Robert Zucker "Living Inside of Your Dreams" is a condensed version of two manuscripts developed during a college independent study in the late 1970s. The subjects of dreams, hermetics and cultural similarities were explored. Hundreds of pages were condensed from thousands of pages of notes. The University of Arizona department of Anthropology, Journalism, Judaic Studies, Psychology and Sociology provided sponsorship for three years to allow me to compile this massive information. Over the course of those years, I produced three manuscripts entitled, "Hermetics" (1976) and "The Magic of Your Mind" (1977). A reprint is reprinted on this web site. Email author: Robert Zucker Read more about this project Full bio Astral project while you sleep Every night while your body is asleep, your mind is making its way through a world of imagery and activity. The twilight of consciousness is the period in between falling alseep and being awake.

Wicca Altar Tools And Their Uses What do you need on your Wicca altar? Altar tools don't have to be complicated or costly. You don't really need anything other than what you have on hand, but you might want the customary Tools of the Witch Trade . . . Ritual tools are as individual as the witch who uses them. In the old Wicca, there are specific rules about these things. In modern Wicca, your own heart is your best guide to what you need on your altar. WITCH TIP: Don't Have An Altar? Altar tools are Wicca ritual tools - you need them even if you don't have an altar. If you haven't decided yet whether you should have one or why you need an altar, read Your Wicca Altar.) There are some standard Wiccan altar tools. While this article deals specifically with your personal altar, you may want to use your ritual items on public altars as well. WITCH TIP: All altar tools have symbolic meaning. Athame The ritual knife, or athame, is one of the prime Wicca altar tools. (It is pronounced AH-tha-may or ah-THAW-may.) Bell Chalice Deities Lab Test Results for Recreational Drugs Chart of the Four Elements or Five Elements in Wicca neopaganism / comparison charts / four or five elements of wicca Yule altar with elemental candles. Photo: Jeff. 2376Google + A fundamental aspect of Wiccan belief is the set of Four or Five Elements of Nature. Some see the points of the pentagram symbol as representing the five elements.

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The Wiccan Way - Sabbats Wiccans have eight festivals during the year which are referred to as Sabbats. They are solar rituals that mark the movement of the sun as it travels the wheel of the year and of life and nature itself. They are divided into two groups; one of these being the lesser Sabbats which mark the equinoxes and solstices and the others are major Sabbats that mark agriculture and fertility. The four Greater Sabbats are: Imbolc – Celebrated on January 31, February 1st or 2nd and is also known as Candlemas Beltane - Celebrated on May 1st and is also known as May Day Lughnasadh - Celebrated on August 1st and is also known as Lammas Samhain - Celebrated on October 31st and also known as Halloween The Four Lesser Sabbats are: - October 31st-Also known as Halloween, November Eve, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples or All Hallows Eve This is the most holy day in Wicca. It is also the “Feast of the dead” for it is also the time when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is at its thinnest.

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