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The Joseph Cornell Box

The Joseph Cornell Box

T H E T O Y M A K E R Found Object Art: 13 Sculptures Made of Reclaimed Items The term ‘recycled art’ is fairly new, but found object art has been around at least since Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 work ‘Fountain‘, which consisted simply of a used urinal. Artists have been salvaging materials from car parts to kitchen utensils for decades, for inclusion in sculptures, paintings, drawing, collages and other examples of ‘found art’. These 13 works of art incorporate reclaimed objects into everything from small sculptures to large-scale installations. Zac Freeman’s Amazing Found Object Portraits (images via: zac freeman art) Buttons, jar lids, Legos and every kind of small doo-hickey imaginable find their way into the portraits of Zac Freeman, who manages to coax strikingly realistic images out of all this junk. “I glue the bits of junk to a wooden substrate to form an image, usually faces, which only can be seen at a distance. Drawings on Reclaimed Envelopes by Mark Powell (images via: inhabitat) Eagle Made of Kitchen Utensils (images via: saya kaganz) Darth Vader Goes Green

The Incredible Art Department Found Object Art by Gary Carlson, Geneva NY
