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Why Reflect? - Reflection for Learning

Why Reflect? - Reflection for Learning
It is the language of reflection that deepens our knowledge of who we are in relation to others in a community of learners. What are the pedagogical and physiological foundations of reflection for learning? Why is reflection important for learning? What does the literature say about how reflection supports learning? Learning/Process Portfolios involve the focus on Plato’s directive, “know thyself” which can lead to a lifetime of investigation. Self-knowledge becomes an outcome of learning. The major theoretical roots of reflection can be found in John Dewey, Jürgen Habermas, David Kolb, and Donald Schön. Zull’s overlay of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model over the structure of the brain (p.18, shown above), and Jennifer Moon’s further elaboration (shown on the right), provide further support for the importance of reflection in supporting deep learning. Roger Schank (1991) points out the importance of stories in learning, that recalling and creating stories are part of learning.

ProfHacker It’s no secret that around ProfHacker headquarters, we value writing. In fact, we spend a good number of ProfHacker posts devoted to the subject. We write. We write about writing. Let me explain: Last week, I was sitting in the campus Starbucks listening to students. Indeed. The student at Starbucks likes writing songs, but he still has to write that “boring” essay, as there are skills he needs to learn, skills writing that essay will teach him. What kind of fun writing do you do? In case you have missed the other posts in the Writers’ Bootcamp series: [Image by Flickr user Pink Sherbet Photography and used under the Creative Commons license.] Return to Top

Le pôle « Psychologie et sciences de l'éducation » | Faculté des Arts, Lettres, Langues, Sciences humaines Présentation Le pôle « psychologie, sciences de l’éducation » est présente sur quatre sites d'Aix-Marseille Université (Schuman, Saint-Charles, Lambesc et l’Arc de Meyran). Il regroupe cinq départements (sciences de l’éducation, psychologie clinique, psychologie cognitive et expérimentale, psychologie développementale et différentielle, psychologie sociale) et six laboratoires ou équipes de recherche (centre de recherche en psychologie de la connaisssance, du langage et des émotions, laboratoire de psychologie cognitive – CNRS, laboratoire de psychologie sociale, laboratoire de psychopathologie clinique; language et subjectivité, équipe de psycholinguistique du laboratoire parole et langage – CNRS, laboratoire apprentissage, didactique, évaluation et formation). Chaque année il accueille plus de 3500 étudiants (2500 en psychologie et un millier en science de l’éducation). Le pôle est géré par un conseil de 32 membres dont 8 représentants des étudiants. Informations

Edunators - Helping Teachers Overcome Obstacles and Focus on Learning - The Importance of Reflection in Education Details Written by Mark Clements If I touch a hot stove and burn my hand, I immediately learn that touching a hot stove results in a burned hand. Similarly, suppose I’m driving in bad weather and going WAY TOO FAST for the conditions. Academic learning however is seldom that obvious. Let’s pretend I’m a fourth grade student, distracted by everything from cafeteria food to the playground outside my classroom window. More than likely, since I’m not sure exactly WHY I failed a test, the only connection my brain makes is “Math = F”. This is precisely why reflection is so important. Consider John Dewey’s famous quote “We don’t learn from experience. If the goal is not merely coverage but actual learning, than reflection is no longer optional – it’s an essential piece to transition a classroom from “covering material” to being “focused on learning”. For some silly reason it’s not cool to talk about “reflecting”. Reflection is an integral part of the learning process.

Mindfulness Quiz | Quiz Do you savor life or let everyday stresses control you? In other words, how mindful are you? The practice of mindfulness has been linked to happiness, health, and psychological well-being, but many of us may not know exactly what it is, let alone how to cultivate it. The quiz below draws on a mindfulness scale developed by researchers at La Salle University and Drexel University, led by psychology professor Lee Ann Cardaciotto. When you’re done, you’ll learn more about what mindfulness is, how much you currently practice it, and how you can promote more of it in your life. Source: Cardaciotto, L., Herbert, J.

Gratitude Quiz | Quiz Are you truly grateful for the good things in your life—or do you take them for granted? Grateful people are happy people, research shows. But how grateful are you? Please indicate how frequently you experience each of the items listed in the first seven questions; for the final eight questions, indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. When you're done, you'll get your gratitude score, learn more about the benefits of gratitude, and find resources for cultivating more gratitude in your life. Source: Adler, M.

Why Gratitude Is Good With Thanksgiving approaching, we’ll all soon be taking time to acknowledge what we’re grateful for. It’s a nice gesture, of course, but why do we do it? What good is gratitude? For more than a decade, I’ve been studying the effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being, and on our relationships with others. digitalskillet In a series of studies, my colleagues and I have helped people systematically cultivate gratitude, usually by keeping a “gratitude journal” in which they regularly record the things for which they’re grateful. Gratitude journals and other gratitude practices often seem so simple and basic; in our studies, we often have people keep gratitude journals for just three weeks. Physical • Stronger immune systems • Less bothered by aches and pains • Lower blood pressure • Exercise more and take better care of their health • Sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking The second part of gratitude is figuring out where that goodness comes from. 1. 2.

Facilitating Reflection: A Manual for Leaders and Educators About Reflection "Reflection" is a vital component of service-learning. This manual was designed for educators and leaders of service groups who have an interest and a commitment to provide reflection opportunities for students and community partners alike. College professors, K-12 teachers, community organization leaders, and leaders of service organizations have all found, "Facilitating Reflection: A Manual for Leaders and Educators," a useful supplement to their work. This manual was written during the summer of 1995. Special thanks go out to Sharon Morgenthaler, and the Georgetown University Office of Volunteer and Public Service, for their permission to finally post this manual on the Internet. Christopher Koliba, Ph.D.
