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ArduCopter - arducopter - Arduino-based autopilot for mulitrotor craft, from quadcopters to traditional helis

ArduCopter - arducopter - Arduino-based autopilot for mulitrotor craft, from quadcopters to traditional helis

ETH - IDSC - Flying Machine Arena The Flying Machine Arena (FMA) is a portable space devoted to autonomous flight. Measuring up to 10 x 10 x 10 meters, it consists of a high-precision motion capture system, a wireless communication network, and custom software executing sophisticated algorithms for estimation and control. The motion capture system can locate multiple objects in the space at rates exceeding 200 frames per second. The system uses this knowledge to determine what commands the vehicles should execute next to achieve their desired behavior, such as performing high-speed flips, balancing objects, building structures, or engaging in a game of paddle-ball. Although various objects can fly in the FMA, the machine of choice is the quadrocopter due to its agility, its mechanical simplicity and robustness, and its ability to hover.

KB Results ArduPilot Mega ArduPilot Mega is a pro-quality IMU autopilot based on the Arduino Mega platform, which will fly fixed-wing aircraft, quadcopters and (soon) helicopters, handling both autonomous stabilization and GPS navigation. It supports 8 RC channels, has four serial ports and features an all-in design. It consists of a main processor board (the red board above, available from Sparkfun for $59) and an IMU shield (the green board on top of the red board at the top of the page) that fits on it (available from the Here for $149). Add a GPS module and Xbee wireless models for telemetry and you have a complete autopilot solution. Everything you need for ArduPilot Mega : ArduPilot Mega board ArduPilot IMU shield Two 3x8 right-angle headers for RC connection GPS module ( MediaTek or uBlox 5 + adapter recommend) Six female-to-female servo cables to connect ArduPilot Mega to your RC system [Optional] Two Xbee modules for wireless telemetry.

AeroQuad Forums - AeroQuad - The Open Source Quadcopter BaronPilot Arduino based copilot autostabilizer with Nintendo Wii component (tricopter, quadcopter) This is a program to stabilize a multicopter (copilot), runs on microcontroller like Arduino or Teensy++ and only a wii motion plus, no other electronics needed. These project started April, 2010. Supported are planes, tricopter, quadricopter (+ and x config), hexacopter (penta and coaxial). The self-leveling capability helps when doing FPV (first person view). 19 Oct 2011 Look at the new quadricopter shop . 21 Jan 2011 First step in the UAV complete system with GPS, this is the first implementation of the DCM filtering with Wii components, and a MARG sensor array, this is really really fast way! The BaronPilot name & project will be changed, the new SuperEconomical UAV will be main target for this project. Founding a new company to project&build this vehicles, with no worry for users, cheap, and fast delivery. 3 Nov 2010 Introduced the V60 with the new Multiwii compatible mode, you don't need to modify hardware between the two platform (and to test the GUI). 1 Nov 2010 Removed old blog entry

RCexplorer Flytron Projects Our New Laser Cutter Arrived - Flytron Projects Our new laser cutter arrived today. It is second hand cutter but there is no problem for us, because a laser cutter including only 2 step motor, a laser tube and a driver board. I fixed the lens holders and mirrors and done! It is cutting maximum 3mm acrylic sheets or 5mm plywood. If you have an idea, just contact with us over our forum pages. Thanks Melih
