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Photocase - Creative Stock Photography that's good for your eyes.

Photocase - Creative Stock Photography that's good for your eyes.

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10 Strange Things About The Universe Space The universe can be a very strange place. While groundbreaking ideas such as quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head around. Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly ?273.15°C, where the motion of all particles stops completely. However, you can never actually cool something to this temperature because, in quantum mechanics, every particle has a minimum energy, called “zero-point energy,” which you cannot get below. One of the properties of a negative-energy vacuum is that light actually travels faster in it than it does in a normal vacuum, something that may one day allow people to travel faster than the speed of light in a kind of negative-energy vacuum bubble. Relativity of Simultaneity Antimatter Retrocausality

Software Gratuito De Edición De Imágenes: Los Mejores Editores Para Descargar - Mini Guía - Robin Good - Ultimas Noticias GIMPGIMP es un potente software de edición de imagen gratuito liberado bajo licencia GNU. Puedes utilizar GIMP para retocar tus fotos, crear logotipos para tu sitio web, crear tus imágenes, y mucho más. GIMP viene preparado con las características avanzadas como filtros, capas, y todo lo que su usas en software profesional como Adobe Photoshop. Disponible para Windows, Mac Os X, Linux, y Solaris. ImageMagick es un utilitario libre para convertir, editar y componer imágenes. Shutterstock - Photos d'archives, motifs vectoriels et images sans redevance Royalty Free Stock Photography By Design Pics

Stock-Fotografie, lizenzfreie Fotos, Videos und Musik | Getty Images Deutschland Dual Music Player That Plays Your MP3 Collection & Your CDs Dual Music Player That Plays Your MP3 Collection & Your CDs You want to enjoy your audio CDs while traveling but you also have a huge MP3 collection at home that you want to take with you. The ideal solution? Designer: Yong-Seong Kim

12 excelentes bancos de imágenes gratuitos Aunque en la categorí­a de bancos de imágenes hay decenas de opciones para obtener fotos de alta calidad sin tener que preocuparse de derechos de autor, nunca viene mal hacer una recopilación de los proyectos que, por uno u otro motivo, se van destacando frente a los otros. Aquí­ os dejo una excelente lista publicada hace unas horas en En ella podéis encontrar sites con colecciones de fotos que, por su licencia, pueden ser usadas en proyectos de varios tipos. Actualización: He ampliado la lista a 25. stock.xchng stock.xchng es uno de los más conocidos, ofreciendo miles de imágenes de todo tipo de muy alta calidad. MorgueFile MorgueFile permite el download sin necesidad de registro. openphoto openphoto clasifica miles de fotos con licencia CC:Attribution-ShareAlike, siendo necesario la mayorí­a de las veces informar el nombre del autor. Photo Rack PhotoRack ofrece un excelente buscador que permite encontrar fotos libres de uso para cualquier tipo de trabajo.

FotoSearch 13 Sources For Free Public Domain and CC0-Licensed Images Yesterday, we featured WP Inject, a plugin that makes it easy to insert Creative Commons licensed images into WordPress content. High quality CC-licensed images are incredibly easy to find these days. The vast majority of the collections include images that fall under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 license. While these images are fine for blogging, they cannot be distributed with GPL-licensed software. Why Creative Commons 2.0 Is Not Compatible With the GPL When I submitted my first theme to the WordPress Themes Directory, I learned that most CC-licensed images are not compatible with the GPL. Samuel “Otto” Wood explained why certain Creative Commons licenses are not compatible in an answer on the support forums: Because CC-BY-SA cannot be sublicensed, then that means it cannot be distributed in a work under the terms of the GPL. If you want to include images in a GPL-licensed work, you’ll need to select from those that fall under a compatible license. PDpics

Witches' Voice Inc. - 16 July, 2011 - 10:06:05 AM
