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Visual dictionary

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Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. They are known as padding or filler words and generally add little to your writing. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Synonyms include: waffle, hot air, verbiage, wordiness.’ Unusual Words Unusual Words A by no means exhaustive list of rare, obscure, strange and sometimes funny words and their meanings that only seem to crop up in crosswords and dictionaries. Words that are used so seldom, you wonder who invented them and why. 25 maps that explain the English language English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It’s spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha. It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. Here are 25 maps and charts that explain how English got started and evolved into the differently accented languages spoken today. The origins of English

The Past, Present, and Future of Data Storage As we approach the end of 2011 and look forward to another year, we pause to reflect on the long history of data storage. Mankind's ability to create, process, store, and recall information is light years ahead of the days of cave paintings and engravings on stone tablets. Vast amounts of information can be stored on drives smaller than your thumb, and data centers are cropping up at an increasingly high rate. What does the future of data storage hold? List of French words and phrases used by English speakers Here are some examples of French words and phrases used by English speakers. English contains many words of French origin, such as art, competition, force, machine, police, publicity, role, routine, table, and many other anglicized French words. These are pronounced according to English rules of phonology, rather than French.

Linking Verbs What is a linking verb? Linking verbs (also known as copulas or copular verbs) are used to describe the state of being of the subject of a clause. Unlike action verbs (also called dynamic verbs), they connect the subject to the predicate of the clause without expressing any action. OrientDB Manual 1.7.8 This is a comparison page between GraphDB projects. To know more about the comparison of DocumentDBs look at this comparison. We want to keep it always updated with the new products and more features in the matrix. If any information about any product is not updated or wrong, please change it if you've the permissions or send an email to any contributors with the link of the source of the right information. The products below all support the TinkerPop Blueprints API at different level of compliance. Below the supported ones.

How To Use Delicious For My Business? How to Use Delicious Delicious is a pretty new social media platform with a brand new way for people to share what they are surfing, particularly their bookmarks, which are the sites that they frequent the most, so before we go into how to use Delicious lets take a look at what it is exactly first. How to Use Delicious | What’s Its Purpose? 100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Subscribe to Receive our Articles and Exercises via Email

How to Teach Internet Safety to Younger Elementary Students A few years ago, I wrote a post called “Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Elementary Classroom.” Now I want to share a sample lesson for teaching internet safety to students as young as kindergarten. Yes, you read correctly—kindergarten. With children spending time online at younger and younger ages, it’s vital that we explicitly teach young children how to protect themselves online. Most young children get the “stranger danger” talk at school, so they know about how to handle strangers in their neighborhood and in face-to-face situations. There are three considerations when addressing internet safety with these students.

Teach 9 irregular verbs in one lesson It is much more memorable to teach or learn irregular verbs in a story. The verbs, especially their meaning, are easier to remember and retrieve from memory. Moreover, teaching verbs in a story is fun. In this post there are several activities: a mind map, a worksheet, an MP3 drill and an interactive quiz. These activities will make the teaching and learning enjoyable and fun.

50 Obscure English Words to Impress Your Friends According to the Global Language Monitor, English has more than 1,000,000 words (although even large dictionaries tend to contain about a third or a fourth), more than any other language spoken on Earth (that's more than thrice the amount of words in Spanish alone, another leading language in amount of words). Yet, most people only know 5,000 - 6,000! Of course, often, not much more than that is needed; English has an incredible amount of words with the exact same meaning. As said by, English has only 250,000 - 300,000 when only "normal" words are counted; the rest are obsolete words, technical terms, or jargon that has more or less entered our language. A lot of these words are so bizarre, that you wonder why they were ever coined.

explication du site : "Le Dictionnaire Visuel, pour apprendre par limage avec des planches thématiques. (... Des) fiches claires et précises, des textes concis et rigoureux, multilingue (...). Il est différent d'une encyclopédie ou d'un dictionnaire en ligne traditionnel car les images remplacent les mots." by pixis_mots Oct 14

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