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What's Next - Issue 30 - Society & culture Is 10 billion too many? In the 1980s, when there were two and a half billion fewer people than now, there was an active debate about overpopulation. Thirty years on and our primary concern is climate, not people. The idea that there might be too many of us is sometimes seen as retrograde or even anti-human. Instead of debates about population numbers, we have debates about resources and income distribution. Of course, the idea that humans might be reproducing too quickly is hardly new. The newest pessimist on the block is Stephen Emmott, who has written a book arguing there is a mounting risk of mass famine caused by burgeoning population. Geo-engineering might be a planetary fix for climate change and pollution, but this would do little or nothing to increase the availability of food or water or to offset biodiversity destruction. In the short term, things could get nasty, especially if climate change adversely impacts food production. Demographic transitions Predictive policing

Ma vie de confiné Strange Moon Facts UFO magazine, Vol. 10, Nol 2 (March/April 1995), p. 23 After hundreds of years of detailed observation and study, our closest companion in the vast universe, Earth’s moon, remains an enigma. Six moon landings and hundreds of experiments have resulted in more questions being asked than answered. 1. "The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geologists proposed the refractory compounds were brought to the moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way. 4. "are broad, disk-shaped objects that could be possibly some kind of artificial construction. 8. "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." Nobel chemist Dr. "the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." 13. 15. 1. "It looks artificial. 4. 5.

How Brain Science Turns Browsers into Buyers: SXSW Recap If you were one of the many folks at SXSW who weren’t able to get into the room to view Sunday’s SXSW panel, How Brain Science Turns Browsers into Buyers, or if you weren’t at SXSW at all, here’s a recap. (If you were turned away at the door, or had to sit on the floor, please accept our apologies. We don’t pick the venue, and this year SXSW put branding and neuromarketing panels in smallish rooms at the Intercontinental. I’ve heard that since our panel presented, SXSW management has expanded the room size at that location to better meet demand. More commentary: Has SXSW Outgrown Austin?) Derek Halpern Derek Halpern is the founder of Social Triggers, where he explores the use of psychology and neuroscience to convert visitors into leads, and leads into buyers. Derek reviewed some of the research on fonts in his excellent post, What’s the Best Font For Your Site? Derek also touched on content width, which he wrote about in What’s the Perfect Width for Your Online Content? Brian Clark Dr.

Objectif Relance Vous êtes entrepreneur , chef d’entreprise : votre activité est arrêtée ou ralenti avec la crise sanitaire du Covid-19. Vous vous posez de nombreuses questions : Comment analyser et intégrer les impacts de cette crise sur mon entreprise ?Comment puis-je anticiper l’évolution du secteur du marché dans mon secteur, sur mon territoire d’implantation ? Pour mener à bien cette réflexion, BGE vous propose » Objectif Relance » : un accompagnement individuel associé à des sessions de collaboration et de formation avec d’autres entrepreneurs. L’objectif : échanger, s’inspirer et mettre à profit ce temps de confinement pour travailler en petit groupe au maintien de votre activité et à préparer la suite.

Write Your Name in Runes Write Your Name in Runes The runic alphabet, or Futhark, gets its name from its first six letters (f, u, th, a, r, k), much like the word "alphabet" derives from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. Each rune not only represents a phonetic sound but also has its own distinct meaning often connected with Norse mythology. Fehu Fehu can mean cattle, gold, or wealth in general. Uruz Uruz represents strength, speed, and good health. Thurisaz Thurisaz refers to the giants of Norse mythology. Ansuz Ansuz could refer to any deity, but it was most often associated with Odin. Raido Likely an important rune for the Vikings, Raido signified a long journey. Kenaz Kenaz represents a torch or some other source of light. Gebo Gebo was used to denote a sacrifice to the gods. Wunjo Wunjo can translate as comfort, joy, or glory. Hagalaz Hagalaz is the rune for hail, either in terms of the weather or hailing projectiles in battle. Nauthiz Nauthiz means need or necessity. Isa Isa means ice. Jera Eithwaz

O corpo humano feito de papel A artista Lisa Nilsson criou diversas partes do corpo humano com tiras de papel enroladas. A técnica da artista é surpreendente. Coronavirus : L’entreprise héraultaise Bio-UV a créé un système de désinfection par ultraviolets L’entreprise basée à Lunel est une référence européenne du traitement de l’eau par ultraviolets. Elle a créé un système baptisé Bio-Scan, permettant de désinfecter les surfaces de bactéries et virus, notamment le SARS-CoV-2 à l’origine du coronavirus. Il sera utilisable pour nettoyer des surfaces, mais en aucun cas directement sur la peau. Après des résultats concluants, le produit est en phase de tests par des laboratoires indépendants afin d’obtenir la norme CE. Il pourrait être commercialisé dès la fin mai à l’intention, dans un premier temps, des établissements médicaux, paramédicaux et médico-sociaux. Les tests finaux sont actuellement effectués en laboratoire indépendant pour obtenir les normes internationales essentielles avant la commercialisation de Bio-Scan. « On est extrêmement confiants. Numéro un européen du traitement d’eau des piscines Sa société basée à Lunel a été créée en 2000. L’entreprise emploie 80 salariés dans l'Hérault et 35 dans une filiale en Ecosse.

Gimme Bar | Home Save the Web Don’t bookmark the web. Save it. Gimme Bar doesn’t just keep bookmarks; it stores items in your personal library in the cloud. You can even back things up to Dropbox. Organize Your Stuff Take the content that you’ve been saving and tell a story about yourself or the world. Nova tecnologia permite que tatuagens vibrem para identificar chamadas A Nokia registou uma patente, no final do ano passado, que consiste na sincronização de uma tatuagem com o telemóvel de forma a que a tinta vibre sempre que se recebe uma chamada. Além disso, é possível mudar o tipo de vibração de modo a perceber, sem olhar para o telemóvel, se está a receber uma chamada, uma mensagem ou uma notificação de e-mail. Pode-se, ainda, perceber quem está a ligar já que, a cada pessoa, pode ser associada uma vibração específica. Assim, os utilizadores podem optar por uma vibração mais relaxante para os amigos e outra, mais irritante, para as pessoas menos desejadas. Neste momento, existem duas formas de concretizar esta ideia: uma removível, que funciona, essencialmente, como um sensor adesivo ou, para os mais corajosos, uma tatuagem verdadeira. A tatuagem seria como qualquer outra, já que se pode escolher a imagem que se pretende. Essencialmente, o dispositivo tem a função de detectar um campo magnético e de emitir uma vibração.

Les webinaires de Bpifrance Création Replay webinaire - 5 tendances porteuses à suivre en 2023 pour créer ou développer une entreprise Ce webinaire qui s'est tenu le jeudi 15 juin 2023 de 11h à 12h, animé par Laurence Tassone, responsable de l'Observatoire de la création d'entreprise chez Bpifrance, a pour objectifs d'aborder les sujets suivants : - démystifier la notion de "secteur porteur", - faire un tour d’horizon des tendances transformantes de la société, - se poser les bonnes questions pour définir un business model viable, - bénéficier des conseils pratiques de notre experte. Le replay - 5 tendances porteuses à suivre en 2023 pour créer ou développer une entreprise Découvrez les principales tendances de la société à exploiter pour créer ou développer une activité. Télécharger le support de présentation (Maj 15/06/2023) Replay webinaire - Tout savoir sur le cumul d'activités en micro-entreprise Il est animé par : - Audrey Wauthier, juriste Bpifrance Création, - Agnès Nardon, conseillère Urssaf. Il est animé par :

RePub: Computational and Game-Theoretic Approaches for Modeling Bounded Rationality This thesis studies various computational and game-theoretic approaches to economic modeling. Unlike traditional approaches to economic modeling, the approaches studied in this thesis do not rely on the assumption that economic agents behave in a fully rational way. Instead, economic agents are assumed to be boundedly rational. Abandoning the assumption of full rationality has a number of consequences for the way in which economic reality is being modeled. Traditionally, economic models are mostly of a static nature and have a strong focus on deriving equilibria. Also, models are usually analyzed mathematically. Magazine La chose est entendue ; les phénomènes d'innovation qui se sont manifestés par les modèles issus d'Internet depuis dix ans ont transformé radicalement les dynamiques de création et de transformation des marchés, et ce, de manière probablement irréversible. Cette étape de notre histoire marque ainsi un avant et un après. Si le mouvement est apparu d'abord sur les secteurs des technologies et services en ligne, il semble influencer progressivement l'ensemble de l'activité sociale et économique. Il n’est désormais plus un espace social qui ne soit impacté par les transformations des modèles de l’innovation — pensons au politique, avec le modèle Obama —, jusqu’à des processus d’innovation scientifiques ou industriels — crowdsourcing, RSE, wiki et autres open hardware, en passant par les fonctions marketing ou RH, qui vont ménager une place au consommateur/collaborateur comme elles ne l’ont probablement jamais fait. Panorama. Vous êtes le media Le consommateur souverain Une base de l’économie

The 48 Laws of Power Background[edit] Greene initially formulated some of the ideas in The 48 Laws of Power while working as a writer in Hollywood and concluding that today's power elite shared similar traits with powerful figures throughout history.[5] In 1995, Greene worked as a writer at Fabrica, an art and media school, and met a book packager named Joost Elffers.[4][8] Greene pitched a book about power to Elffers and six months later, Elffers requested that Greene write a treatment.[4] Although Greene was unhappy in his current job, he was comfortable and saw the time needed to write a proper book proposal as too risky.[10] However, at the time Greene was rereading his favorite biography about Julius Caesar and took inspiration from Caesar's decision to cross the Rubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the Great Roman Civil War.[10] Greene would follow Caesar's example and write the treatment, which later became The 48 Laws of Power.[10] He would note this as the turning point of his life.[10]
