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Hacker (programmer subculture)

Hacker (programmer subculture)
A team of hackers competing in the CTF competition at DEF CON 17 A hacker is an adherent of the subculture that originally emerged in academia in the 1960s, around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC)[1] and MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.[2] A hacker is someone who loves to program or who enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two.[3] The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media[4]) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking. Richard Stallman explains about hackers who program: What they had in common was mainly love of excellence and programming. They wanted to make their programs that they used be as good as they could. Before communications between computers and computer users were as networked as they are now, there were multiple independent and parallel hacker subcultures, often unaware or only partially aware of each other's existence.

HackQuest :: Learn about Hacking, Cracking, JavaScript, PHP, Cryptology and Password security How To Become A Hacker Copyright © 2001 Eric S. Raymond As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a wizardly hacker?". Back in 1996 I noticed that there didn't seem to be any other FAQs or web documents that addressed this vital question, so I started this one. A lot of hackers now consider it definitive, and I suppose that means it is. Still, I don't claim to be the exclusive authority on this topic; if you don't like what you read here, write your own. If you are reading a snapshot of this document offline, the current version lives at Note: there is a list of Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this document. The five-dots-in-nine-squares diagram that decorates this document is called a glider. If you find this document valuable, please leave me a tip on Gittip. If you want to be a hacker, keep reading.

18 Useful Web Based Code Editors for Developers The main tool for developers is of course code editors.Mostly it is a standalone application but you know there are also many online code editors around the internet.There may be times which you are not with your computer so the below web based or let’s say browser based online editors will help you to do almost every coding like editing,sharing,debugging etc. Today we selected most preferred online code editors by developers.If you know anyother which you think really useful just drop a comment. CodePen CodePen is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code editor right in your browser with instant previews of the code you see and write.CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web. It’s all about inspiration, education, and sharing. CodeAnyWhere Coderun CodeRun Studio is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE), designed for the cloud. Cloud9ide Kodingen ecoder ShifEdit JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. Ideone CSSDesk Rendera

Hacker shows how he can intercept cell phone calls with $1,500 device (video) A security researcher showed in a live demo today how he can intercept cell phone calls on 80 percent of the world’s phones with just about $1,500 worth of equipment. Chris Paget, who also showed yesterday how he can hack into radio frequency identification tags (RFID) from a distance, created a fake cell phone tower, or Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) base station. GSM is the protocol for 80 percent of the world’s phones and is used by T-Mobile and AT&T in the U.S. Military and intelligence agencies can intercept cell phone calls with their wiretapping technology. “There’s a good chance you won’t even know about it when it happens,” Paget said during a talk at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas. Paget’s system disables the encryption in the system, and the GSM network complies and never sends a warning message. Paget consulted his legal help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and decided to go forward with the live demo of cell phone call interception.

Online Code Editor - Codeanywhere - Codeanywhere Le manifeste du hacker de Loyd Blankenship Le Manifeste du hacker (titré en anglais The Hacker Manifesto, ou The Conscience of a Hacker, « La Conscience d’un hacker ») est un petit article écrit le 8 janvier 1986, par le hacker Loyd Blankenship après son arrestation, sous le pseudonyme de « The Mentor ». Publié pour la première fois dans le magazine électronique underground Phrack (Volume 1, Numéro 7, Phile 3 de 10), on peut de nos jours le trouver sur de nombreux sites web. Le Manifeste est considéré comme la pierre angulaire de la contre-culture hacker, et donne un aperçu de la psychologie des premiers hackers. Un autre s’est fait prendre aujourd’hui, c’est partout dans les journaux. Mais avez vous, dans votre psychologie en trois pièce et votre profiltechnocratique de 1950, un jour pensé à regarder le monde derrière les yeux d’un hacker ? Je suis au collège ou au lycée. J’ai fait une découverte aujourd’hui. Vous vous répétez que nous sommes tous pareils... C’est notre monde maintenant... Oui, je suis un criminel.

HackThis!! - The Hackers Playground The Hacker News - Security in a Serious way
