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6.6]Nandonalt's Mods -Coral&Trees&Alot More!

6.6]Nandonalt's Mods -Coral&Trees&Alot More!
Adds, currently, 4 tree types into the game. It has a proprieties file to change block IDs, too.Let's get started: Video by Xenoph: Palm/Banana TreesThousands of years ago, these trees were buried deep in the sand, and the ocean floor... Now, with the change of the worlds, they started to show up on the surface. They are the Palm Trees! Banana and Banana CakesYellow bananas heals 2 hearts when eaten, and green bananas only heals one.You can take one banana to make the Banana Cake! Recipe: 3 Buckets of Milk, 2 sugar, 1 Banana and 3 Wheat. SequoiasCall them Sequoias or Big Weird Hollow Trees. Cherry Blossom TreesThe most beautiful tree ever. Fruit Tree - AppleAdds a farmable apple tree to the game, easy to harvest and farm! EucalyptusThe "big" version of Minecraft's birch trees. VinesThese plants grow on blocks near grass. Fertilizer: Recipe: 1 bonemeal and one dirt. Topiary Blocks Texture PacksYou can download the texture packs for this mod in MoreTrees McModCenter page.

6.6] Wild Grass [v14.3] Lily Pads and Vines with Modloader now! "modloadet_terrain" fixed NeonJ said: No grass trampling? Why not use my idea? I think grass should be stompled on 5 times to be 1 pixel shorter (and it won't die STRAIGHT AWAY, like 3-10 seconds after the 5th trample or something), and grass should gain a pixel in growth every 2 days or something. :3 (Max height would be higher than the highest Wheat for awesomeness. Actually I did have trampling in the game. ManxAndrew said: does this work with biome terrain mod? Right now, probably not, but I think you could just not include the px.class (if that's the one that handles generation) and it should work fine. Roflzilla said: Looks very nice, does add a lot of depth in the game. right now, not every bock has it, about 2/3 I think.

Millénaire Note regarding the wiki: it's getting quite out of date, help with it is very welcome. Translations of the main pages to other languages would also be useful. ​Note regarding translations: many of them are somewhat out-of-date. Updates would be welcome. In particular, I would like updates to the German, Russian and Spanish versions as they are the most used of the out-of-dates versions. New: Millénaire forums for more in-depth discussions than here: Millénaire Forum Millénaire is a single-player mod for Minecraft. Villages are populated with men, women and children of various kinds, who perform tasks such as trading with the player, expending current buildings or improving existing ones, cultivating crops such as wheat in Norman villages and rice in Indian ones, crafting tools and powerful amulets, etc. Help villages grow by trading with them and be rewarded with unique items such as Normand and Indian food or statues and tapestries to decorate your house with. Want to know more first? .

[V1.7] Xie's Mods (Updated for Beta 1.7.3) For Minecraft v1.4.7With support for multiplayer (SMP) This forum thread is for detailing, releasing and discussing my mods. You can also find information about my mods at my wiki (which is a WIP), and for a list of all releases visit my Google Code repository. Download Xie's Mod for Minecraft 1.4.6/7 (DOWNLOAD) Contains default farming content. To install: Install Forge. Latest News (27th January 2013) I built a website to host my mod - (20th January 2013) Fixed underscore disabled content inside zip files, and added some null checks to prevent campfire crashes. (15th January 2013) Latest release of Xie's Mod does not need to be extracted, content works from within the zip. (1st January 2013) Happy New Year!! (29th December 2012) Xie's Mod has been updated for Minecraft 1.4.6. Sorry I didn't get a chance to update to 1.4.6 before going on vacation, but I'll be back home this weekend and I hope to push out an update before the new year ).

7.3][1.21]The Seasons Mod Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Now on Minecraft! This is the Seasons Mod. A mod that adds the four seasons to Minecraft, each one with its own features(and danger!) The first version is just the basic stuff! (The mod is almost entirely configurable. Feedback will be nice! ------------------------------------------------------------------------Downloads---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastest version: Seasons Mod - 1.34 Required: ModLoader; ScotTools OR SAPI. This mods edits the following core classes: kd.class - BiomeGenBase jh.class - ColorizerFoliage So you need to put all the contents of the .rar inside your minecraft.jar! Changelog: Spoiler: 17/08 - 1.34: Fixed desert heat acting during Winter. 1.33: Now compatible with Pam's Harvestcraft. 1.32: Fixed the "dirt wall" crash, this time for HD texture packs. 1.31: Fixed the "dirt wall" crash (crashing after Mojang logo). -> Changed how seed nerf works. * - Nerfed getting seeds from tallgrass. Features:

7.3] Tropicraft UPDATED!!! (v2.2) Follow me on Twitter! If you have any questions, find your answers here first before asking us! To find downloads for Tropicraft, please visit: Feel free to check out the rest of the site, chat with the developers and fans of the mod, and check in periodically for building contests!!! If you have any issues, concerns, suggestions, or other comments about Tropicraft, just feel free to stop in our IRC channel on to chat, #Tropicraft! Here is my favorite part, the mod release videos! Here is the v5.0 release video made by MrRube: Here is the continuation of MrRube's series: And here is an AMAZING mod review by the AWESOME Etalyx for v4 and v3 This is Tropicraft, the utopian idyllic getaway that you have been waiting for! Presenting Tropicraft Innovative Terrain Generation... Plentiful Wildlife... Countless species of animals... the team of Tropicraft! Spoiler: Mod Spotlights! In German! Extra-Special Thanks!

8.1] Pam's Harvest/Forage/Bone/Wax/Cloth/DesertCraft, Weee! Flowers - Sept 24th - (Fertilizer to instantly grow crops! See news on website) Please note: I am no longer using Adfly or any other ad services for my mods. If you've ever thought of donating, please consider doing so. I now have a Patreon page! It's still pretty empty because I'm still learning how to set it up but if you donate/become a patron, it'll go to my Paypal account. Updates Feb 9th, 2014 - Happy New Year everyone! Sept 28th, 2013 - HarvestCraft 1.6.4 v.1.1.4 (All mods now work with 1.6.4 - Tested with Forge1.6.4- Fixed Raisins name- Added a way to turn on/off making salt from water buckets in the configPrevious Updates Installation Download and install the latest version of Minecraft Forge. Texture Pack Support Painterly Pack by Rhodox (default) Trouble Shooting Before you post any errors with my mods, please read the following: If Minecraft comes up with a crash screen, or you look in your Minecraft Forge error log and you see the following in any fashion or combination: DO NOT POST IN THE THREAD. Mod Packs Weee!

8.1] GardenCraft V4.1.3 - Now SMP compatible!!! GardenCraft! This mod is designed to turn that small garden into a beautiful place to sit when the sun is out! Sometimes fences can look boring, or out of place, those beautiful gardens you wanted a nice hedge for, or even to make a maze! Get the BETA download! Thats right, the mod is being updated to 1.6.2! I'm fully re-writing the code from scratch. Yes I know I said June but I needed time to relax too, and now things are working and I'm happy. The update will be coming within a month or too hopefully, click me to see my progress (last post). This is a beta release, it is not designed to be stable yet. Also, there are a lot of features missing, but I wanted to get a sample out to the public for you to test for me as I will be away on holidays this month, its unfair to make you wait too long. Contents:Notices Videos Download Installation FAQ's Bugs & mod conflicts Images Crafting Changelog Copyright ========Notices:======= [18/02/2013] Updated to V4.6.7. [19/01/2013] Version 4.6.6 out for 1.4.7 Spoiler:

7.3] FarmCraft - Go work, Farmer! - WIP Hello, fellow Minecraftians! I present to you: FarmCraft beta! my first Mod (and also first "bigger" Java-Project). Farmcraft is a mod which will bring „more“ in your farm-life by adding more plants to grow either on tilled soil or on grass/dirt. Since it's a work in progress, I will be adding more stuff continuously, so I'll probably update it at least weekly, simply because I don't want to update it with every single item I add, since you would have to download a new version every day or so to keep up. Also, since it's WIP, feel free to tell me your ideas and/or bugs you find while using it. Updatelog: v 0.5.2 (MC 1.7.3) - alcoholic influence - config added for more compatibility - fertilizer added v 0.5 (MC 1.7.3) - first release! Compatibility Since I am trying to make this mod as compatible to other mods as possible, I'll try to modify only the basefiles where it is absolutely necessary. Descriptions and Crafting recipes: Spoiler: Plants: Rye: Rye grows just like wheat on tilled soil. Barley:

[V1.8.1] Nature Overhaul [v1.3] (Growth is usually slower than in the video, it's using insane settings)Old Video Description: Ever thought Minecrafts tree and forest system was rather unrealistic? Boring? Uneventful? In a Nature Overhauled world, forests will grow, flourish, then die, they will expand, then contract. The plants, mushrooms, cactii, reeds and pumpkins of your world will also reproduce and spread their kin far and wide. Features Main Download Prerequisites: Download and install Risugami's Modloader and ModOptionsAPI before Nature Overhaul Main Version: Download Here Forge Version: Download Here Extentions Nature Overhaul has option extentions that you can install after NatureOverhaul to use. Animal Breeding Extention This extension allows animals to produce babies in the wild without player interaction Download Here Installation Instructions Spoiler: These instructions are about how to install Nature Overhaul or Nature Overhaul extentions. 1) Find your minecraft.jar (check note below)* 7) Run Minecraft Compatibility
