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2X Application Server Converts desktops PCs into thin clients that instantly deliver web applications, virtual desktops and applications. Learn More Download HTML5 roundup: access a virtualized desktop from your browser with VMware VMware is developing an impressive new feature called WSX that will allow users to access virtualized desktops remotely through any modern Web browser. VMware developer Christian Hammond, who worked on the implementation, demonstrated a prototype this week in a blog post. According to Hammond, WSX is built with standards-based Web technologies, including the HTML5 Canvas element and Web Sockets. WSX, which doesn't require any browser plugins, is compatible out of the box with Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on the desktop. The performance is said to be good enough to provide "near-native quality and framerates" when viewing a 720p YouTube video on the virtualized desktop through WSX in Chrome or Firefox. Although it's still somewhat experimental, WSX is a compelling demonstration of how far the Web has evolved as a platform. HTML5 bullets jSFiddle is a handy tool for prototyping, saving, and sharing JavaScript snippets. Crumbs from the cookie jar

Native Client: Getting Ready for Takeoff Over the last few months we have been hard at work getting Native Client ready to support the new Pepper plug-in interface. Native Client is an open source technology that allows you to build web applications that seamlessly and safely execute native compiled code inside the browser. Today, we’ve reached an important milestone in our efforts to make Native Client modules as portable and secure as JavaScript, by making available a first release of the revamped Native Client SDK. The SDK now includes support for a comprehensive set of Pepper interfaces for compute, audio, and 2D Native Client modules. These interfaces are close to being stable, with some important exceptions that are listed in the release notes. In addition, we’ve focused on improving security. We are excited to see Native Client progressively evolve into a developer-ready technology. Until the ABI becomes stable, Native Client will remain off by default.

makes texting and talking free. Textfree free number, calls, texts get a free phone number forfree calling and texting OpenVPN ALS Virtual Network Computing Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. VNC est indépendant du système d'exploitation ; un client VNC installé sur n'importe quel système d'exploitation peut se connecter à un serveur VNC installé sur un système d'exploitation différent. Il existe des clients et des serveurs VNC pour la plupart des systèmes d'exploitation. Plusieurs clients peuvent se connecter en même temps à un unique serveur VNC. Parmi les utilisations de ce protocole, on peut citer le support technique à distance, l'administration et la maintenance de systèmes ou logiciels ne permettant que des contrôles graphiques et demandant l'utilisation de la souris ou bien encore la visualisation distante d'applications diverses et variées, dans un but éducatif par exemple. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] VNC a été créé au laboratoire Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab, qui était alors la propriété de Olivetti et Oracle Corporation. VNC a été initialement développé dans les laboratoires AT&T de Cambridge.

How Tablets And Chromebooks Make Windows And OSX Legacy "Heavy, hard to change, powerful big hardware requirements, complex and costly to administer". All these words seem appropriate for legacy systems. Until recently ZOS (mainframe stuff) was generally considered legacy; I argue that this year Windows, OSX both became legacy as well. In this video I demonstrate a pure HTML5 based remote desktop system which allows access to Windows from any HTML5 based web device. If I were to bring employees into Nerds Central in future, I would give them Chromebooks and machine in the cloud. Was the 'PC Revolution' a 30 year blip? The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code by Joel Spolsky Wednesday, August 09, 2000 Have you ever heard of SEMA? It's a fairly esoteric system for measuring how good a software team is. No, wait! Don't follow that link! The neat thing about The Joel Test is that it's easy to get a quick yes or no to each question. A score of 12 is perfect, 11 is tolerable, but 10 or lower and you've got serious problems. Of course, these are not the only factors that determine success or failure: in particular, if you have a great software team working on a product that nobody wants, well, people aren't going to want it. 1. 2. If the process takes any more than one step, it is prone to errors. For this very reason, the last company I worked at switched from WISE to InstallShield: we required that the installation process be able to run, from a script, automatically, overnight, using the NT scheduler, and WISE couldn't run from the scheduler overnight, so we threw it out. 3. 4. Bug databases can be complicated or simple. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Pro tip: How to connect remotely to OS X and iOS with TeamViewer Jesus Vigo walks through the steps of connecting remotely to OS X and iOS with TeamViewer. IT is a 24x7 job. For some, support knows no bounds — time, distance, or elevation. Mission-critical means just that: it's critical to the mission the servers are carrying out. Thankfully, there are remote access applications that allow IT to do more with less by leveraging internet bandwidth, whether they're interacting with a single desktop or an entire LAN of desktops. TeamViewer is one such remote support app with cross-platform support for OS X, Windows, and Linux on the desktop side, plus iOS, Android, and Windows 8/RT for mobile platforms (sorry BlackBerry users, support is in development at the time of this writing). Requirements Let's take a closer look at the requirements for using TeamViewer. Connecting remotely with TeamViewer Follow these steps to connect remotely to OS X: Follow these steps to connect remotely with TeamViewer for iOS:

Connect a printer to Google Cloud Print To connect your classic printer, enable the Google Cloud Print connector on any (non-Chrome OS) computer that is already connected to your printer and able to print. You'll need Google Chrome to be installed on the computer. If you're using Windows XP, make sure you also have the Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) installed. Once Google Chrome is installed, follow the steps below to enable the Google Cloud Print connector in Google Chrome. Log in to your user account on the Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. Open Google Chrome. You'll see a confirmation that Google Cloud Print has been enabled. The printer is now associated with your Google Account and connected to Google Cloud Print.

FreeVisualTools - home RustDesk – Le clone de TeamViewer libre et open source Vous êtes l’informaticien de la famille et c’est toujours vous qu’on appelle dès que Tonton Maurice télécharge un malware, que le cousin Thierry n’arrive plus à imprimer en couleurs ou que Belle-Maman Huguette paume son mot de passe de la Banque Postale. Seulement voilà… pour prendre la main à distance sur un ordinateur, à part ce bon vieux TeamViewer, le reste c’est un peu la lose. En passant, je ne sais pas si vous avez vu mais l’hébergeur Hostinger propose des offres super intéressantes en matière d’hébergement web. C’est pas trop cher pour démarrer et s’auto-héberger. (Lien partenaire) Et bien non ! Niveau fonctionnement, c’est tout pareil que TeamViewer avec un code unique et un mot de passe autogénéré. Et il y a même un chat pour discuter avec tonton. À découvrir d’urgence ici.
