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Mayan archaeology including resources for students and scholars,

Mayan archaeology including resources for students and scholars,

GUATEMALAN MAYA ARCHEOLOGY El Petén, the northernmost department of Guatemala was once the center of the ancient Maya people. Reminders and remains of this civilization are found within an area covering more than 125,000 square miles and five countries. Today, we still call this "El Mundo Maya" - the World of the Maya - who lived not only in Guatemala, but in Belize, Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador. The development of the Maya culture covers three periods: (1) Pre-classic from 2000 BC to 300 AD, (2) Classic from 300 to 900 AD, and (3) Post-classic from 900 to 1500 AD. The sciences of mathematics, astronomy, agriculture and architecture were astutely developed by the Maya who also made great strides in the complex areas of socio-politics and economics. Many of the Indian dialects, presently spoken by the different ethnic groups in Guatemala, have a common linguistic root: the Maya. Step Back In Time....visit Hotel Camino Real Tikal The park covers 222 square miles amidst the thick, tropical jungle of El Petén.

Tales of the Maya Skies Underwater Archaeology Projects Sweden | Nordic | Europe | World A maritime archaeology project can be anything from a non-vocational wreck documentation to large official investigations. This list offers a selection of more or less current project. The list is far from complete. Sweden Kronan. Other Nordic & Baltic projects NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science & Technology, conducts various Norwegian projects that are presented on their excellent web site. Projects elsewhere in Europe Black Sea Projects. Projects worldwide Port of Alexandria. Old or terminated projects may be found among Nordic or worldwide wrecks. Archeology One of the Museum's founding trustees was Jim Osterhout, an avocational archeologist since the early 1930s. As a member of the Van Epps-Hartley Chapter of the NY State Archeological Association, Jim met other important people in the study of archeology and Iroquois material culture. Two important principles guided Jim's work -- sharing and being accurate. He stressed the importance of keeping records, surveying, and the double-checking of data.Jim kept topographic maps of all the known sites in Schoharie County and investigated new sites for anyone who called him. He kept watch on potential threats to archeological sites and believed that artifacts found in Schoharie County should stay in Schoharie County. Following that conviction, Jim donated most of the material that he had found on the Enders and Cider Mill sites to the Schoharie County Historical Society and when the Iroquois Museum was formed in 1980, he donated the entirety of his remaining collection to the Museum.

CHICHEN ARCHIVE & DISCUSSION Chichen Itza Data Archive (c) 2011. Produced by INSIGHT in cooperation with the Chabot Space & Science Center. Major funding provided by the National Science Foundation. Tales of the Maya Skies | the National Science Foundation | Chabot Space & Science Center | INSIGHT | CyArk A|R|T|S Lab | Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú | Instituto Politécnico Nacional Please click here to get download rights to the Maya Skies Archive Cosquer Cave by Jean Clottes, Jean Courtin, Luc Vanrell A few facts must be recalled before presenting our new discoveries. The Cosquer Cave (Marseille, France) was discovered in 1985 by a diver, Henri Cosquer, deep under the sea (the original entrance is about 115 feet below present-day sea level) but its paintings were not mentioned until 1991 after three divers died in the cave when they got lost. The gallery slopes up for about 360 feet under water before reaching a huge chamber that partly remained above the sea and where many prehistoric paintings and engravings are preserved on the walls, as well as remains on the ground (charcoal from fires and torches, a few flint tools). This is the only painted cave in the world with an entrance below present-day sea level where cave art has been preserved from the flooding that occurred when the seas rose after the end of the last glaciation (Clottes & Courtin 1994, 1996). Photo Luc Vanrell Photo Jean Clottes Only adult hand stencils have been found.

Archéologie départementale Conseil Général des Pyrenées Orientales 24, quai Sadi Carnot 66009 - Perpignan Cedex iximche Chwa Nim Ab'aj es una ciudad Kaqchikel, está al Oriente del territorio, entre los ríos Pixcayá y Motagua, a una altura de 880 mt SNM. Fue desarrollada por una alianza entre los Chajoma y los Akajal. La ciudad tiene seis plazas, dos campos de juego de pelota y más de 100 estructuras monumentales. Se le ha estimado una población entre 1450 a 1600 habitantes. Chwa Nim Ab'aj está a 70 km al Noroeste de la capital de Guatemala, y a unos 50 kms de Iximche'. Coordenadas: Latitud 14° 52.284'N’ ’’, longitud 90° 39.843'O Mapa de Mixco Viejo (Chwa Nim Ab'aj). VIDEO nuevo! Video dirigido por Cleida Cholotío. 5mm. La ciudad de Iximche’ se construyó sobre la cima del monte Ratz’am Ut, uno de los ramales del cerro Tecpán (3,075 Mts). [Ubicación: 14°44'5.59"N - 90°59'43.91"O]. La alta cima tiene la apariencia de un verde pulgar, se extiende de Este a Oeste a lo largo de un kilómetro y medio, a 2,277 metros de altura. Cueva. Ratz’am Ut está rodeada de barrancos y ríos. Estela de Xekohil, a 5 km de Iximche'

List of "diseases" of black slaves, including the one that makes them want to escape. So diseased, those blacks. DRAPETOMANIA, OR THE DISEASE CAUSING NEGROES TO RUN AWAY. It is unknown to our medical authorities, although its diagnostic symptom, the absconding from service, is well known to our planters and overseers... In noticing a disease not heretofore classed among the long list of maladies that man is subject to, it was necessary to have a new term to express it. According to my experience, the "genu flexit"--the awe and reverence, must be exacted from them, or they will despise their masters, become rude and ungovernable, and run away. If treated kindly, well fed and clothed, with fuel enough to keep a small fire burning all night--separated into families, each family having its own house--not permitted to run about at night to visit their neighbors, to receive visits or use intoxicating liquors, and not overworked or exposed too much to the weather, they are very easily governed--more so than any other people in the world. back

Archéologie Les archéologues ont mis au jour de nombreux objets qui nous ont tant appris sur les anciennes civilisations, que cela en fait certainement l'une des professions qui fait le plus rêver. Ils font revivre le passé, et nous apprennent que la civilisation débuta à Sumer il y a environ 5000 ans. Dès lors nous constatons une certaine continuité historique avec une progression quasi linéaire des sciences et techniques. Tout irait bien dans le meilleur des mondes s'il n'y avait pas ces découvertes impossibles... Incompatibles avec le niveau de développement supposé à leur époque. Ces "artefacts historiquement incongrus" soulèvent de nombreuses questions qui ne reçoivent malheureusement pas de réponses satisfaisantes. En effet, quand ils ne sont pas simplement ignorés, on leur attribue le titre d'objets cultuels ; fourre-tout bien pratique qui permet d'éluder les problèmes. Citons pêle-mêle, quelques exemples de ces artefacts hors du temps : Hypothèse : Articles de M. Les Découvertes Impossibles
