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Frugal Travel Guy

Frugal Travel Guy

Travel for Free: How Credit Card "Churners" Do It A few years ago, I started searching for the best ways to save money on airline flights.I wanted to see the world -- or at least the United States -- but I didn't have a bottomless budget. In the end, I found something surprising. There is a group of people who are flying for free by using a strategy that is the complete opposite of what most people do. How to Fly for Free It probably comes as no surprise to you that a great way to fly for cheap is by using frequent flyer miles. At first, I assumed that you had to fly all the time to earn frequent flyer miles. Here's Your Bonus... The credit card market is extremely competitive and very lucrative. A typical bonus for getting a new credit card is 25,000 frequent flyer miles. In case you're wondering, 100,000 frequent flyer miles is enough to get you a round-trip business class ticket from the U.S. to Europe. Despite the huge payoff, I was still skeptical at first. The "Churn" Why Churning Doesn't Hurt Your Credit Score (And When It Can) 1.

Member Airlines - oneworld TAM, which joined the oneworld alliance on 31 March 2014, is the leading carrier in Brazil – Latin America's biggest economy and the region's largest market for air travel. TAM serves 61 destinations in 16 countries in Latin America, the USA and Europe, with a fleet of 172 aircraft operating 800 departures daily. It boarded more than 37 million passengers in 2012.
