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DocSend: Document Analytics & Attachment Tracking for Sales

DocSend: Document Analytics & Attachment Tracking for Sales

Being yourself makes all the difference | MailChimp 25 Restaurant Marketing Ideas: Tips & Strategies to Win in the Food Business The competition among restaurants is fierce, and you’ll need to give your all to be successful. We’re helping you out with 25 restaurant marketing ideas and strategies that promise to help you improve your business and get attention from growling stomachs everywhere! 1. If you’ve ever logged onto Instagram, you’ll understand that food porn is alive and well. Arguably the very best way to promote your restaurant online is with high-quality, drool-inducing photos. Consider hiring a pro to take some top-notch photographs, or try it DIY style with your smartphone. 2. Partnering up with online food apps should definitely be a consideration as part of your restaurant marketing plan. Popular foodie apps that offer integrated loyalty programs include: You could also kick it old school and hand out punch cards. Need more ideas? 3. The most important thing to understand about Yelp is that people can and will review you, even if you don’t set up an account. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Leevia - Boost the reach of your social media marketing photo campaign
