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100+ Free Tools For You To Access Blocked Sites

100+ Free Tools For You To Access Blocked Sites
How many ways have you used to unblocked the internet censorship and get access to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and some other sites blocked in your country or area? I have used a ton, such as Proxy, SSH, VPN and many other anti-censorship tools, since which may be blocked, too, the more you have, the safer you will be. The following are 100+ free tools for you to access blocked sites: I. Online Proxy Websites (66) The main advantage of online proxy websites (or web proxies) is that you don't need to install anything nor to make any configuration, just to look out those pop-up ads. 1. The Aniscartujo web proxy is workable for both computers and mobile phones. 2. This web proxy allows you to watch YouTube videos as well as to download them in MP4 files. 3. A UK web proxy which supports JavaScript well. 4. The effect of TryCatchMe is nearly same as Daveproxy. 5. is available for you to watch YouTube videos. 6. 7. The Magaproxy free version is free of pop-up ads. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12-47. a. Related:  Productivity Tool

Top 10 Useful Sites I’ve Found This isn’t work at home related, but it’s (mostly) helpful stuff I really wanted to share. I’ve come across a lot of different sites that have been helpful for whatever reason and I know you’ll really love some of them too! Get a Human Do you hate calling a company and speaking to a robot right off the bat with no idea of how to get through to an actual person? Then you need GetHuman. Ibotta This is actually an app you can use for your Apple or Android device that actually pays you cash money for the things you buy at the grocery store! Crackle I am loving this site. Nielsen HomeScan This company will send you a cool little scanning thing in the mail that you can use at home to scan the bar codes on your grocery purchases. SuperCook I use this one a lot. Grooveshark This is kind of like Crackle, only for music. Credit Sesame Sometimes you need to know your credit score, but you don’t want to have to sign up for a “free trial” and give your credit card number out. Who Called Us GasBuddy Akinator

Check Out If There Is Any Third Party Tracking You With Collusion When visiting a website, it will or at least can track your history, such as which links you click, which pages you visit, what is your IP address, and so on. Besides the website itself, your history may be also tracked by some other third parties, such as Google, if the website has used Google Analytics and/or Google AdSense. So, how to check out if there is any third party tracking you when visiting a website? You can check out the Firefox add-on Collusion. After installation, you will see the Collusion icon on the Add-on bar in the bottom-right corner of your Firefox browser, clicking on the icon, you can open a Collusion new tab, which will show you if the website you will have visited will pass your visiting history to any other third parties in a graph with circles. As what you can see from the above image, when visiting Free Nuts, your history will be also tracked by the following 4 third parties: This entry was posted in Other Free Nuts and tagged add-on, Collusion, Firefox.

50 Firefox 3 Add-ons That Will Transform Your Academic Research Posted on Thursday July 17, 2008 by Staff Writers Out of the box, Firefox 3 is already an incredible web browser. But when you consider all of the power tools that can be added to enhance your research, it’s even better. Check out these add-ons for Firefox 3, and you’ll take your browser to the next level and transform your academic research. Sharing & Discovery Get social with your favorite websites and use these add-ons to share and discover new places on the web. StumbleUpon: This add-on learns what you like and will help you find web sites based on your interests.ShareThis: Share any type of online content with your friends, family, and colleagues with ShareThis.Me.dium: Share your favorite sites and communicate with your friends using this add-on.Shareaholic: Use this add-on to make sharing URLs easy and streamlined. Tabs Make Firefox’s incredibly useful tabs even better with these add-ons. Reference & Connection These add-ons can make simple text turn into usable reference points. Files

Prototipando interfaces interativas | #Design de Interação Toda a nossa vida digital cotidiana é desenvolvida por designers de interação, que conceituam diferentes desenhos de interfaces para criar novas possibilidades de interação, avaliadas com protótipos técnicos e funcionais. Um pouco de como funciona esse processo pode ser visto no livro Prototyping Interfaces – Interactive Sketches with VVVV, que abrange dentro das suas 280 páginas a manipulação aplicada de esboços interativos com a linguagem de programação visual VVVV. Ele é dividido em dois grandes capítulos, sendo o primeiro com informações teóricas e o outro trazendo a parte prática. Na parte prática do livro são abordados os fundamentos da linguagem de programação visual VVVV, e como controlar diferentes componentes eletrônicos com Arduino e a linguagem. A partir da utilização de diferentes sensores e atuadores nas modernas tecnologias de rastreamento, como o xBox Kinect, diferentes exemplos são explicados dentro de uma ampla gama de tutoriais.

Microsoft Excel Tips - Excel.Tips.Net Tumblr se aproxima do mercado brasileiro Por Orlando Figueiredo *Atualizado em 17/02, às 15h09 O Tumblr, site que se define como uma categoria intermediária entre um Blog e um microblog (como o Twitter), está cada vez mais interessado no mercado brasileiro - o segundo maior em número de acessos e usuários, ficando atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos. O Brasil fornece ao Tumblr, em média, oito milhões de visitantes por mês e sete milhões de posts por dia, além dos quatro milhões de blogs registrados no país. Visando uma aproximação maior com o País, que sediou com o maior “meetup” (encontros fora da rede) de usuários de Tumblr do mundo – o de Curitiba, em 2011 – o Tumblr pretende, através de sua gerente de internacionalização, Gina Gotthilf, aumentar ainda mais sua abrangência no País. Segundo Gina Gotthilf, em sua apresentação no Social Media Week São Paulo 2012, o site trará novidades em 2012. O Tumblr pretende, também, dar início a experiências de monetização e integração com marcas na rede.

20 Incredible Web Apps Found in the Chrome Web Store 2010 has been a great year for webapps, with dozens of new, exciting apps that let us move even more of our computer experience to the cloud. Google’s Web Store’s launch last month has accelerated this trend, and many new webapps with unique, often iPad style interfaces are now available for Chrome. However, many of the apps in the Web Store are simply links to great apps that are available to any modern browser. If you install these apps in Chrome, you’ll essentially just get a large bookmark icon to the webapp that you could have accessed by simply entering the app’s URL in your address bar. Need to keep up with everything you need to do? Price: FreeRequires: Chrome; runs in any modern browserInstall App in Chrome HootSuite Hootsuite HootSuite helps you keep track of all your social networks and manage your company’s social interaction from one app. Price: FreeRequires: Chrome; runs in any modern browserInstall App Springpad Springpad Pixlr Editor Pixlr Editor SlideRocket Zootool

2050 Demographics Prediction | Future | Technology | Timeline | Trend | 21st century | Global Warming | Climate Change | Population | Democracy Humanity is at a crossroads The world of 2050 is a world of contrasts and paradoxes. On the one hand, science and technology have continued to advance in response to emerging crises, challenges and opportunities. This has created radical transformations in genetics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and related fields. Some of the most cherished political, economic and social structures have been turned on their heads. As more and more wealth trickles upwards to the hyper-rich elite, there is a growing consensus that money itself – the profit motive – is a major obstacle to future progress, and a new driving force may be required for civilisation to flourish. Decades of stagflation have produced a fragmented, chaotic and perpetually sluggish global economy. In the face of economic catastrophe, international politics has faced enormous challenges. Social systems are under extraordinary stress today. Radical Islam and its resentment of the West continue to produce new Jihadists.

stumbleupon Google Scripts offer programmatic access to most Google products including Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Analytics, Google Contacts, Calendar, Maps and Google Analytics. The Google scripts are written in regular JavaScript language and they are hosted on Google’s servers. Here’s an always-updated collection of Google Scripts that will help you do more with your favorite Google products. And you don’t have to be programmer to use any of these scripts. Hire Google Apps Script Developer

stumbleupon There are several options when it comes to backing up a WordPress site. Depending on the type of access you have, retrieving the database or an XML backup is easy. But what if you don’t have access to the database or the backend? Consider the following scenario presented on the WordPress subreddit: A relative who used WordPress recently passed away and you have no way to access the backend of their site. Their site is filled with memorable posts you’d like to archive. One option is to use WGET. In the example below, I used four different parameters. HTML Extension – This will save the retrieved files as .HTMLConvert Links – After the download is complete, this will convert the links in the document to make them suitable for local viewing. wget –html-extension –convert-links -m -w 20 Using this command, each post and page will be saved as an HTML file. Keep in mind that this is saving the output of a post or page into an HTML file. Like this: Like Loading... Related

6 links that will show you what Google knows about you — Productivity in the Cloud 6 links that will show you what Google knows about you (Photo by Alex Koloskov at ) Want to find out all the things Google knows about you? 1. In order to serve relevant ads, Google collects data about you and creates a profile. Google also has a tool called Google Analytics, that helps publishers see what pages you have viewed on their website, how many times you have visited it, how long did you stay etc. 2. If you use Android, your mobile device may be sending your location to Google. 3. Google saves every single search you have ever done. 4. Google offers an Account activity page that tells you about all the Google services you are using. 5. The Account activity page also offers a list of all the apps that have any type of access to your data. 6.

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