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LACMA Collections

LACMA Collections

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The National Gallery of Art Releases Over 45,000 Digitized Works of Art Vincent van Gogh, “Self-Portrait” 1889, oil on canvas. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Whitney As esteemed art museums continue to digitize their archives, it’s becoming more and more effortless to view and learn about famous artworks by the world’s master painters, sculptors, and printmakers. So far, with over 45,000 digitally archived artworks, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC regularly update their featured image collections, which are “designed to facilitate learning, enrichment, enjoyment, and exploration.” Titled according to theme—such as Self Portraits, Mythology, and Nature and Ecology—the collections are packed full of free images for art lovers to search, browse, share, and download via NGA Images.

Les secrets d’« Hello World », premier album composé avec une IA En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez nos CGU et l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts. Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer les cookies... Accueil Inscrivez-vous gratuitement à laNewsletter Actualités Fruit d’une étroite collaboration entre un logiciel et des artistes, cette œuvre marque peut-être un tournant dans la façon de composer de la musique. Home: Art Images for College Teaching Art Images for College Teaching (AICT) began as a personal project dedicated to the principle of free exchange of image resources for and among members of the educational community. The University of Michigan Library provides access to this collection for educational and research purposes. Allan T. Kohl, the creator of this collection, has dedicated any copyright he might hold in the collection to the public domain, via the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication.

Getty Research Portal - 100,000 Digitized Art History Books Are Now Freely Available to Any Art Lover “Paul Klee, 1879-1940 : a retrospective exhibition.” The Guggenheim Museum In celebration of its 4th anniversary, the Getty Research Portal has been redesigned to make it easier for art history buffs to explore, share, and download the 100,000 freely available digitized art history texts it hosts—which you can search for directly, or filter by creator, subject, language, source, or date range.

Les modèles de makhila (makila) Ainciart Bergara, Larressore Bâton de marche traditionnel des Basques, le makhila symbolise toute une façon de vivre, de penser et d'honorer. Élégant, pratique, redoutable, objet de décoration comme de défense, signe distinctif ou compagnon de marche, il est un élément essentiel de la sensibilité basque."Faire un makhila est une oeuvre de longue haleine" a-t-il été écrit car faire un makhila nécessite de travailler longuement le bois (toujours de néflier), de braser, graver et inciser divers métaux et de tresser le cuir.La famille Ainciart Bergara perpétue cette tradition depuis au moins sept générations.

OpenGLAM The OpenGLAM initiative is currently working on a modern set of principles and values on Open Access for Cultural Heritage. We expect to draft a Declaration that outlines the rationales behind open access policy adoptions, acknowledges different cultural backgrounds, and addresses ethical and privacy considerations to help promote the adoption of open policies by a broader set of organizations around the world. By February 2020 we will release a green paper focusing on the legal foundations of open access for cultural heritage, and examining some of the broader questions around copyright and open licensing, traditional knowledge, ethical and privacy concerns, and technical standards for open access. Following a consultation period, we plan to publish a final version of that paper and make the official launch of the Declaration on Open Access for Cultural Heritage by 2020.

Download 50,000 Art Books & Catalogs from the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Digital Collections If you’ve lived in or visited New York City, you must know the laughable futility of trying to “do the Met” in a day, or even a weekend. Not only is the museum enormous, but its permanent collections demand to be studied in detail, an activity one cannot rush through with any satisfaction. If you’re headed there for a special exhibit, be especially disciplined—make a beeline and do not stop to linger over elaborate Edo-period samurai armor or austere Shaker-made furniture.

Monique Barbut Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Monique Barbut est la directrice générale et présidente du Fonds pour l'environnement mondial (FEM) depuis le 15 juillet 2006. Elle a également été directrice de la Division Technologie, Industrie et Économie du Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) à Paris[1].

Collections search These artworks and photographs are from the library at Wellcome Collection and have been collected over several decades. Most of the works were acquired between 1890 and 1936 by Sir Henry Wellcome and his agents across the globe. The images reflect Wellcome’s collecting interests and were intended to form a documentary resource that reflects the cultural and historical contexts of health and medicine. You may find some of these representations of people and cultures offensive or distressing. On occasion individuals are depicted as research subjects, and the collection includes images of nakedness, medical conditions and surgical interventions. Wellcome had a personal interest in medical and ethnographic objects and the objects, artworks and photographs he collected were initially presented in the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum.

the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum : Free Texts : Download & Streaming the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum by Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944; Dearstyne, Howard, tr; Rebay, Hilla, 1890-1967, ed texts The Beehive : cette climatisation écolo en argile fonctionne à l'eau Depuis plusieurs années, l’Inde subit des vagues de chaleurs de plus en plus meurtrières. Dans ce pays où la croissance exponentielle participe au réchauffement climatique, les systèmes de climatisation sont devenus légions afin de lutter contre les canicules. Ce qui n’est pas sans conséquences sur l’environnement. Alors, des designers indiens ont inventé un système de climatisation écolo et accessible à tous.

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle - La numérisation du plus grand herbier du monde ouvre de nouveaux horizons de recherche Une équipe de l’Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle / CNRS / EPHE / UPMC) et de la Direction des Collections du Muséum décrit la base de données obtenue dans un article qui vient de paraître dans Scientific data, permettant aux scientifiques de se les approprier dans leurs futurs travaux de recherche. L’Herbier national du Muséum contient environ 8 millions de spécimens, arrivés du monde entier au fil des siècles et des expéditions, ce qui en fait la collection botanique et fongique la plus importante au monde. Cette dernière a pour ambition de rassembler l’ensemble des espèces de plantes, lichens, algues et champignons que porte la planète ; elle est le résultat de plus de 350 ans d’activité botanique, depuis la création du Jardin royal des plantes médicinales en 1635. Accédez à la base de données scientifiques

The GDELT Project Monitoring nearly the entire world's news media is only the beginning - even the largest team of humans could not begin to read and analyze the billions upon billions of words and images published each day. GDELT uses some of the world's most sophisticated computer algorithms, custom-designed for global news media, running on "one of the most powerful server networks in the known Universe", together with some of the world's most powerful deep learning algorithms, to create a realtime computable record of global society that can be visualized, analyzed, modeled, examined and even forecasted. A huge array of datasets totaling trillions of datapoints are available. Three primary data streams are created, one codifying physical activities around the world in over 300 categories, one recording the people, places, organizations, millions of themes and thousands of emotions underlying those events and their interconnections and one codifying the visual narratives of the world's news imagery.
