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How to start a dividend portfolio with $5,000 & Intelligent Speculator

How to start a dividend portfolio with $5,000 & Intelligent Speculator
Anytime we talk about stock picks or building a portfolio, one of the most asked questions on this blog is how to start building the portfolio itself. It’s easier said than done of course and lends easily to procrastination. Of course, this is what makes the biggest difference in the end. Making the right picks and trades is important but getting started, to actually build the portfolio is the real critical part. That being said, we decided to write a general guide. If you follow these steps, you should be able to take that initial amount ($5000 in this case) and multiply it many times over to build yourself a solid dividend portfolio that can help you achieve your ideal lifestyle through passive income. We used the example of starting with $5000 but this can be applied to any amount really. #1- Open a brokerage account The first step is perhaps the more “complicated” one as you must of course open a brokerage account. #2- Buy 2 reliable growth dividend stocks No explaining required.

The smart investment account that's easy to use. No minimum balance. No... Learn the Basics to Investing and the Stock Market Whether you've inherited a windfall or you're socking-away a little bit of money from each paycheck, one thought might be on your mind: How to invest. Thankfully, learning how to invest is simpler that most folks realize. You don't need to be an active trader to be a successful investor -- in fact, for those new to investing (and even for seasoned investors), it's probably best to keep your "money moves" at a minimum. While the saying holds true that the best time to start investing was "yesterday," don't feel rushed into making investments that you don't fully understand. Take some time to read the articles below: They discuss the stock market, bond market, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and other financial basics -- all written for beginners. Once you learn to invest, you can act with confidence and set yourself on a path to financial freedom. 13Google +

The Hacker's Guide to Investors April 2007 (This essay is derived from a keynote talk at the 2007 ASES Summit at Stanford.) The world of investors is a foreign one to most hackers—partly because investors are so unlike hackers, and partly because they tend to operate in secret. I've been dealing with this world for many years, both as a founder and an investor, and I still don't fully understand it. In this essay I'm going to list some of the more surprising things I've learned about investors. Teaching hackers how to deal with investors is probably the second most important thing we do at Y Combinator. 1. About a year ago I tried to figure out what you'd need to reproduce Silicon Valley. If I had to narrow that down, I'd say investors are the limiting factor. 2. There are several types of investors. Though they're less well known, the angel investors are probably the more critical ingredient in creating a silicon valley. Angels are willing to fund riskier projects than VCs. Where do angel investors come from? 3. 4. 5.

24 Quick Actions You Can Do Today That Can Change Your Financial Life Forever Note: This is a post from Adam Baker, founder of Man Vs. Debt. Last week, while I was talking about our new You Vs. Debt class, we touched on the “status quo” of our Upside-Down Nation. We talked about our obsession with the debt-fueled life path and how it’s keeping millions trapped. But talk is cheap. I’m much more interested in action. And this week, I want to do my part to shatter any excuses or justifications you may have. I took the time to provide 24 different options. Sure, there’s little chance all will be viable for your situation. I’m asking for one. Do it. Action #1: Pull Your Credit Report (10-20 minutes) Simple steps: Visit Annual Credit Report – Visit How this can change your life: When we first pulled Courtney’s credit report, we were saddened to find she was a victim of identity theft. We had better luck with my credit report, however I did discover a $200 collections account I didn’t even know existed! Action #3: Get 1 paying client (15-35 minutes)

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