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NLVM Algebra Manipulatives

NLVM Algebra Manipulatives

Biografie di 32 matematici Matematica Biografie di 32 matematici di Raffaele Mauro, Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "A.Bianchini" - Terracina Questo lavoro sui Matematici più importanti è stato realizzato nell'ambito di alcune iniziative per l'ANNO MONDIALE DELLA MATEMATICA, sviluppate in alcune classi dell'Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "Bianchini" di Terracina, come ampliamento dell'offerta formativa. Schede biografiche Per far questo si è fatto ricorso a tutti gli strumenti a disposizione: i testi classici sulla Storia della Matematica, enciclopedie su CD, articoli di riviste, mostre, Internet.

Math Games Algebra is the language of modern mathematics. This course introduces students to that language through a study of groups, group actions, vector spaces, linear algebra, and the theory of fields. The lectures videos The recorded lectures are from the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences course Mathematics 122, which was offered as an online course at the Extension School. The Quicktime and MP3 formats are available for download, or you can play the Flash version directly. Review of linear algebra Groups. Permutations Cosets, Z/nZ. Quotient groups, first isomorphism theorem Abstract fields, abstract vectorspaces. Abstract linear operators and how to calculate with them Properties and construction of operators. Orthogonal groups Isometrics of plane figures Cyclic and dihedral groups. Group actions Basic properties and constructions. A5 and the symmetries of an icosahedron Sylow theorems. Rings Examples of rings. Extensions of rings Quotient rings. Special lecture Euclidean domains, PIDs, UFDs Wrap-up

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