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Administration Menus

Administration Menus
Administration Menus Languages: English • 中文(简体) • 日本語 • Русский • (Add your language) Introduction Usually, plugin and theme authors need to provide access to a settings (options) screen so users can customize how the plugin or theme is used. Function Reference Every Plot Needs a Hook To add an administration menu, you must do three things: Create a function that contains the menu-building code Register the above function using the admin_menu action hook. It is that second step that is often overlooked by new developers. Here is a very simple example of the three steps just described. <? In this example, the function my_plugin_menu() adds a new item to the Settings administration menu via the add_options_page() function. These processes are described in more detail in the sections below. Determining Location for New Menus Before creating a new menu, first decide if the menu should be a top-level menu, or a sub-level menu item. Dashboard Posts Media Links Pages Comments Appearance Plugins Users Tools

Creating Options Pages ? WordPress Codex Creating Options Pages Languages: English • 日本語 • Русский • (Add your language) This article is in transition to meet Settings API, which was introduced in Version 2.7. For information prior to 2.7 see this revision. Introduction Creating custom options panels in WordPress is relatively easy. First, to create the menu item and the new page, see Adding Administration Menus. So long as you stick to this structure, WordPress will handle all of the option creation, update, saving, and redirection for you. Several new functions were added in WordPress 2.7. This article only covers the markup of the Settings page itself. Where to Save the Code You can either put the code for your options page in your plugin php file (or, for Themes, in functions.php), or you can create a second file called options.php, for example, and include it using the php include function - Opening the Page <div class="wrap"><h2>Your Plugin Page Title</h2> Form Tag Closing Tags <?

Plugin API/Action Reference Languages: English • Русский • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • (Add your language) This is a (hopefully) comprehensive list of action hooks available in WordPress version 2.1 and above. For more information: To learn more about what filter and action hooks are, see Plugin API. (If you want to add to or clarify this documentation, please follow the style of the existing entries. Actions Run During a Typical Request These actions are called when a logged-in user opens the home page in Version 3.3.1. Actions are called with the function do_action(), except those marked (ref array), which are called with the function do_action_ref_array(). Actions Run During an Admin Page Request These actions are run when a logged-in user opens the Posts page in Version 3.3.1. In these actions, (hookname) depends on the page. Post, Page, Attachment, and Category Actions (Admin) post_submitbox_misc_actions add_attachment Runs when an attached file is first added to the database. add_category Same as create_category. wp

Writing a Plugin ? WordPress Codex Languages: English • العربية • বাংলা • Español • Italiano • a Plugin 日本語 한국어 • Português do Brasil • Русский • ไทย • 中文(简体) • (Add your language) WordPress Plugins allow you to easily modify, customize, and enhance a WordPress site. Instead of changing the core program code of WordPress, you can add functionality with WordPress Plugins. Here is a basic definition. A WordPress Plugin is a program or a set of one or more functions written in the PHP scripting language, that adds a specific set of features or services to the WordPress site. Wish that WordPress had some new or modified functionality? This article assumes you are already familiar with the basic functionality of WordPress and with PHP programming. Resources To understand how WordPress Plugins work and how to install them on your WordPress blog, see Plugins. This section of the article goes through the steps you need to follow – and some things you need to to consider – when creating a well-structured WordPress Plugin. Plugin Name

WordPress hooks database - action and filter hooks for wp plugin developers -- Adam Brown, BYU Political Science What is a hook? In brief, WordPress hooks enable you to change how WordPress behaves without editing any core files. Because you leave the WordPress files untouched, you can painlessly upgrade your blog with each new version of WordPress. If you don't know what WordPress hooks are for, read the Plugin API or this tutorial. What is this directory? If you're a plugin or theme developer, you know how difficult it can be to figure out which hooks are available. What is this good for? See what new hooks are available with each new version of WordPress See which hooks have been deprecated or renamed (use the "view all hooks" option) Easily learn exactly which WP file(s) use each hook. How to help? Update and improve the official action and filter references.

Plugin API ? WordPress Codex Plugin API Languages: বাংলা • English • Español • Français • 日本語 • 한국어 • Português do Brasil • ไทย • 中文(简体) • Русский • (Add your language) Introduction This page documents the API (Application Programming Interface) hooks available to WordPress plugin developers, and how to use them. This article assumes you have already read Writing a Plugin, which gives an overview (and many details) of how to develop a plugin. These hooks may also be used in themes, as described here. Hooks, Actions and Filters Hooks are provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to 'hook into' the rest of WordPress; that is, to call functions in your plugin at specific times, and thereby set your plugin in motion. You can sometimes accomplish the same goal with either an action or a filter. For a thorough listing of all action and filter hooks in WP see Adam Brown's WordPress Hooks Database. Function Reference Actions Modify database data. The basic steps to make this happen (described in more detail below) are: where:

Wordpress Reference Guide 3.0+ Presented by: Get Attachment Link get_attachment_link(); Returns the URI of the page for an attachment. $id Integer • Default: The current post ID, when used in The Loop. (Optional) The numeric ID of the attachment. Is Attachment is_attachment(); This Conditional Tag checks if an attachment is being displayed. The Attachment Link the_attachment_link(); Outputs a hyperlink to the attachment file, or Missing Attachment if the attachment can't be found. Integer • Default: the ID of the current post (Optional) ID of the desired attachment. $fullsize Boolean • Default: false (Optional) For an image attachment, use the original image (true) or Wordpress-generated thumbnail (false). $permalink (Optional) Link to the attachment page (true) or directly to the file/image (false). WP Attachment Is Image wp_attachment_is_image(); This function determines if a post's attachment is an image. $post_id Integer • Default: 0 Integer ID of the post. WP Get Attachment Image wp_get_attachment_image(); $attachment_id $size

Ten Things Every WordPress Plugin Developer Should Know - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Plugins are a major part of why WordPress powers millions of blogs and websites around the world. The ability to extend WordPress to meet just about any need is a powerful motivator for choosing WordPress over other alternatives. Having written several plugins myself, I’ve come to learn many (but certainly not all) of the ins-and-outs of WordPress plugin development, and this article is a culmination of the things I think every WordPress plugin developer should know. Don’t Develop Without Debugging The first thing you should do when developing a WordPress plugin is to enable debugging, and I suggest leaving it on the entire time you’re writing plugin code. Enabling debugging also turns on WordPress notices, which is important because that’s how you’ll know if you’re using any deprecated functions. How to Enable Debugging define('WP_DEBUG', false); Replace that line with the following: With those lines added to your wp-config.php file, debugging is fully enabled. if (! if (!

Template Hierarchy Languages: English • Français • Italiano • 日本語 • 한국어 • Русский • Español • Português do Brasil • 中文(简体) • (Add your language) Introduction WordPress Templates fit together like the pieces of a puzzle to generate the web pages on your WordPress site. What this article is about This article seeks to answer the following question: Which template file(s) will WordPress use when it displays a certain type of page? Who might find this useful Since the introduction of Themes in WordPress 1.5, Templates have become more and more configurable. Using Conditional Tags WordPress provides more than one way to match templates to query types. The Template File Hierarchy The General Idea WordPress uses the Query String — information contained within each link on your website — to decide which template or set of templates will be used to display the page. With the exception of the basic index.php template file, Theme developers can choose whether they want to implement a particular template file or not. Examples

WordPress Debug Bar Plugin | BlackBox Here is something that WordPress developers might find very useful. Recently when working with symfony i figured out it would awesome to have debug bar in WordPress, similar like symfony has since version 1.0. After Googling WordPress debug plugin it turned out there was no such solution so i decided to developed one myself. Here is why you will find it helpful: instantly inspect global variables (GET, POST, COOKIE, SERVER)debug both frontend and admin areaexecuted MySQL queries and time it took to execute each query (useful for finding slow queries)profiler for measuring performance of your plugins and themeserrors occurred when loading WordPress page If you will decide to use the plugin please remember it’s not a perfect solution, it uses some workarounds, but it’s gets the job done, is lightweight and unobstrusive which i think is most important. Basically the debug bar is attached to the top of the browser window. Globals BTW. Profiler This is probably most useful feature of all. Errors

How to Create WordPress Shortcodes One of the primary reasons why WordPress is the most popular CMS platform available is the sheer level of customizability that it brings to the table. Today, we'll review the process of integrating one of those popular features, shortcodes, in the most user friendly way possible, into our theme. Even though there are a few trillion options to choose from, WordPress has comfortably taken the crown as the king of CMSs and blogging platforms with its incredible flexibility. A shortcode is one of those features that ratchet up the user friendliness of the system. However, most implementations still require you to remember the shortcode itself. It's called a shortcode and it has been part of the base WordPress installation since it hit version 2.5. Here, you can define your own codes to use within your theme. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of a BBCode, and by extension, shortcode, this is how the simplest version looks: There are two more variations you should also be familiar with.

Function Reference Languages: English • Español • فارسی • Français • Italiano • 日本語 ქართული • 한국어 • Português do Brasil • Русский • Türkçe • עברית • 中文(简体) • 中文(繁體) • (Add your language) The files of WordPress define many useful PHP functions. Some of the functions, known as Template Tags, are defined especially for use in WordPress Themes. There are also some functions related to actions and filters (the Plugin API), which are therefore used primarily for developing Plugins. The rest are used to create the core WordPress functionality. Many of the core WordPress functions are useful to Plugin and Theme developers. You can help make this page more complete! Here are some things you can do to help: Add documentation to un-documented functions, by creating sub-pages or at least by adding short comments in the lists below. Read Contributing to WordPress to find out more about how you can contribute to the effort! Functions by category Official and Unofficial References Trac Browser - WordPress source code.

Create a Custom WordPress Plugin From Scratch This tutorial will describe the implementation of a Wordpress plugin starting from scratch. The plugin will connect to an external OSCommerce database and display random products on your Wordpress site. It also implements a configuration page for the Wordpress admin panel. 1. Introduction Wordpress is gaining more and more popularity each day, not just as a blogging platform but also as a basic CMS, thus improving and extending its basic functionality becoming a day-to-day necessity for a lot of developers. In today's tutorial we'll be talking about creating a Wordpress plugin that extracts and displays products from an external OSCommerce shop database. 2. While it would be possible to follow this tutorial by simply reading through it, I would recommend installing Wordpress on your computer and follow the tutorial implementing all the steps. Further on, you will need to set up an OSCommerce shop on your machine. 3. First, we'll need to create our basic files and folder structure. 4. 5.

WordPress plugin: SLT Custom Fields « Steve Taylor This plugin is aimed at plugin and theme developers who want a set of tools that allows them to easily and flexibly define custom fields for all post types, and for user profiles. Full documentation at Code on GitHub. Issue tracking on GitHub. Please note that this plugin isn't suitable for non-developers. If you think this plugin doesn't quite suit your needs, there is a comparison chart of similar plugins to find something that will! Inside WordPress Actions and Filters Advertisement Gone are the days when WordPress developers, wanting to extend the CMS’ functionality, had to alter and hack WordPress’ source code directly, resulting in headaches when upgrading and sharing modifications. When WordPress 1.2 rolled out1 back in 2004, a new plugin architecture was introduced that is now commonly referred to as actions and filters, hooks, and the Plugin API. WordPress’ core has been carefully sprinkled with actions and filters that external code (in the form of themes and plugins) can hook into, injecting new functionality into the standard flow. The Plugin API2 provides a neat interface to work with actions and filters. Warning This is a detailed walkthrough of some of WordPress’ core source code. The Plugin API The functions that theme and plugin developers most commonly use are these: These functions are well-known, well-documented, and used abundantly in a majority of themes and plugins. $wp_filter This function is defined on line 6515. Come Get Some Action!
