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E-learning quality assurance standards, organizations and research

I am surprised how often academic colleagues argue that there are no quality standards for e-learning. Well, hello, I’m sorry, but there are and some of them are damned good. However, I was surprised to find while doing some research for a client that there is no single source where one can go to compare different quality standards for e-learning. So I’m starting a list here, and would appreciate it if readers could direct me to ones that I may have missed. (For more detailed information on some of these, see comments below). Canada Barker, K. (2002) Canadian Recommended E-learning Guidelines (CanREGs) Vancouver BC: FuturEd/CACE (also available in French) Barker, K. (2001) Creating quality guidelines for online education and training: consultation workbook Vancouver BC: Canadian Association for Community Education BC Ministry of Education (2010) Standards for K-12 Distributed Learning in British Columbia v3.0 Victoria BC: BC Ministry of Education Europe Sweden New Zealand Marshall, S. (2006). Related:  Learning & teaching for academic librarians

The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea -- The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Click on each rule for elaboration. Introduction Rule 1: Remember the Human Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Rule 6: Share expert knowledge Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes Next page ...Previous page ...Core Rules ...Netiquette Contents

How To Increase Learning Transfer SumoMe When you are about to get surgery or your airplane is preparing for take off, don’t you desperately hope the surgeon or pilot had training that transfers to the real world? With that same passion, we should try to ensure the training we design and develop is transferable to the workplace or to authentic life situations. Learning transfer refers to acquiring knowledge or skills in one context that enhances a person’s performance in another context. According to educational researchers, a person must be sufficiently engaged in a learning experience in order to correct, modify and refine his or her existing knowledge structures to promote transfer of learning. 1. Reflection strategies encourage people to expand on what they are learning and to identify where they have deficiencies in order to correct them. To implement this approach, instruct learners to study in a meaningful way so they monitor their comprehension of the content. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion References: Colin, Kaija.

Continuing Education - Lifelong Learning Market Predictions for 2012 To wrap up 2011 and tee things up for 2012, I reached out to a number of colleagues at associations, learning technology firms, and other consulting firms across the sector to get their predictions (things they think will happen) and wishes (things they think ought to happen) in association education in 2012. In the first part of what follows, I have tried to weave all of the input into a cohesive narrative that spans five major themes: Following this narrative, I provide the full input from each person who participated. There is a great deal of good insight here – all of which merits careful consideration if not action. I encourage you to share this and discuss it with colleagues at your organization. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to provide input. Jeff Competition Keeps Driving Change I’ll start with one that I think most associations will have no trouble buying into: competition will continue to increase. Social Learning Goes Mainstream… …and Mobile Finds Its Mojo (Maybe)

Assessments Marcia Conner Assessments I developed the following assessments for various books and organizations. Many were originally published in Learn More Now (Wiley, 2004), which also contains assessments on observation and collaboration styles. Learning Styles Assessment This easy to use inventory can help you assess your own approach to learning and how you take in information. Motivation Styles Assessment This straightforward assessment can help you determine what drives you to action and what’s the reason behind why you want to learn. Direction Style Assessment This short checklist can help you identify if you prefer to learn from the big-picture or in a more detailed way. Engagement Style Assessment This simple quiz can help you determine how you prefer to engage with others when you learn. From Creating a Learning Culture: Strategy, Technology, and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2004) I developed this assessment for the Online University Consortium photo credit: Joan M.Mas, Communication

Experiential Mobile Learning Activities Presentation I am presenting workshops on Experiential Mobile Learning Activities at the Digital Media Literacy Conference 2012 and the Mobile Learning Experience 2012. What follows is the slide deck from and a description of my presentation. This interactive, experiential BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) workshop has its foundation in two guiding principles: (1) Building a sense of community in the classroom helps address the whole learner including achievement and academic success, and (2) Mobile devices are extensions of young people. As such, they should be leveraged in the classroom. Young people are connecting with one another through technology in unprecedented ways. Through participation in this workshop, you can expect to: This workshop is divided into three parts: Supporting Research Abrams, Mi., Scannell, M., & Mulvihill, M. (2011). Postscript The session, as she explained before we began, was much less of a talking-head lecture and more of an interactive experience. Like this: Like Loading...

Learning Styles - Learning skills from Have you ever tried to learn something fairly simple, yet failed to grasp the key ideas? Or tried to teach people and found that some were overwhelmed or confused by something quite basic? If so, you may have experienced a clash of learning styles: your learning preferences and those of your instructor or audience may not have been aligned. Once you know your own natural learning preference, you can work on expanding the way you learn, so that you can learn in other ways, not just in your preferred style. By understanding learning styles, you can learn to create an environment in which everyone can learn from you, not just those who use your preferred style. Click here to view a transcript of this video. What's Your Learning Style? One of the most widely used models of learning styles is The Index of Learning Styles™ developed by Dr Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman in the late 1980s, and based on a learning styles model developed by Dr Felder and Linda Silverman. Get the Free Newsletter

Mobile Learning | Mobile 2012 What is Mobile Learning? Take a look around and chances are you’ll see a mobile device. Phones, iPods, tablets, laptops, netbooks, iPads, and USB drives seem to be everywhere. Combine these ever-present gadgets with educational and productivity uses and you’ve got mobile learning. Still they meet a top priority with viagra viagra higher and click away. Mobile learning can happen anywhere: in a classroom, at the dining room table, on a bus, in front of a science exhibit, at the zoo…anywhere! A learner may take notes on her phone and later transfers them to a laptop where she adds images and shares the document online with her study group.A student who does not understand a math concept finds a podcast to view that visually explains the concept.During class a group of students create flashcards that they can access from their handheld computers at home.Students film video using their cell phones and transfer it to a computer for editing. Useful Links Expand Your Knowledge

Train the Trainer Training Exercises & Resources | Skills Converged You are an expert in your field. The management is very impressed with your skills and wants you to share it with others. You have been asked to give a talk to your fellow colleagues or anyone else in the company who is interested in the subject. The day of the presentation comes. The speaker before you has now finished and it is your turn to present. There is also a voice in your head that constantly says, “don’t screw this up, don’t mess this up, you have got only one chance…” Two minutes into the presentation, you suddenly feel you cannot remember what you need to say next. You chocked…

Mobile Learning | mobile learning We have pioneered responsive elearning design which uses modern web technology to create a single version that works on all devices. We were the originators of Adapt, an open source authoring tool that develops responsive elearning. It’s been used by multiple clients including Logitech, The Scouts Association, City & Guilds, Compass and many more. It’s already won the highest elearning honour, the Platinum Award for Best Learning Design Technology at the 2013 LearnX Awards. In addition to Adapt we use a range of industry tools such as Brainshark for mobile video and Articulate Storyline for tablet delivery as appropriate for our clients. We also develop apps where these can add value to the learning, for example accessing phone functions such as the camera.

10 Specific Examples Of Emerging Educational Technologies For over a decade, the New Media Consortium (NMC) has been charting the landscape of emerging technologies in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry on a global scale. The NMC’s advisory board includes 750 technology experts and faculty members from colleges and universities in 40 countries, and is supported by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The NMC’s latest research efforts, the NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12 Edition and the NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition, were released this spring, and together highlight ten emerging technologies that will impact education over the course of the next five years: cloud computing, mobile learning, learning analytics, open content, 3D printing, MOOCs, virtual and remote laboratories, games and gamification, tablet computing, and wearable technology. As an educator, you have probably heard about many of these technologies, if not all of them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rapid E-learning Authoring Tools | authoring tools We know that often building your own elearning is the best way to go. Let us help you get there. We know a lot about authoring tools and how to make the most of them. We work with internal teams to help them select the best tool for their needs and support them through setting up art direction, training, templates and development processes. Pensions Regulator – Authoring tool selection and trainingDeloitte - In-house elearning capability building programme including specially designed elearning on using their authoring tools Sony Europe – capability building in authoring tools Let us help you with choosing, learning and getting the most out of a rapid elearning authoring tool. Adapt Adapt is our groundbreaking responsive elearning authoring framework. Adapt enables you to develop a single elearning module that works on multiple mobile and desktop devices, saving development cost and effort. Find out more about Adapt. Articulate Studio Find out more about Articulate Studio. Brainshark Lectora
