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Quick Setup - SABnzbd Windows & OSX Download the latest build listed on our download page. For Windows we suggest the installer exe, for OSX we suggest the dmg. Ubuntu Linux (Releases after 9.04 Jaunty) Install from Apt: sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus If apt does not offer a recent enough version, see here for details on how to install from JCFP's unofficial repository. Other Unix/Linux distributions Get the latest Python Source Zip listed on our download page. Windows Run the installer, follow the prompts. Double-click the .dmg, drag the .app to Applications. Ubuntu Linux You already installed it via apt. For all operating systems, to upgrade SABnzbd simply shut down SABnzbd and re-install. On all operating systems, on first-launch of SABnzbd you'll be presented with our quick-start wizard, which will hopefully get you up and running as soon as possible. Language Selection SABnzbd 0.5 ships with five language choices: German, English, French, Dutch, Swedish and Danish. Theme Selection Access Options Server Setup

Boxee HQ My site isn't doing well in search - Webmasters/Site owners Help Google's goal is to return highly relevant results for every query. Search results are returned from our search index. Our search index is constantly evolving as content is added and modified on the web. The changing content, as well as updates to our ranking algorithms, can cause URLs to change position in search results, and possibly, though less likely, be removed. We understand that these changes can be confusing. If your site isn't appearing in Google search results, or it's performing more poorly than it once did, check out these steps to identify and fix potential causes of the problem. Check your site is in the Google index Do a site: search When a webmaster tells us that his or her site has fallen out of our search results, we often find that it's still included. See if your site has been impacted by a manual spam action Make sure Google can find and crawl your site Crawling is how Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index. Check for crawl errors.

PSPISO Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia Sick Beard - Configuration Search settings Sick Beard does not download actual TV episodes, it only downloads .torrent/.nzb files. In order to automate your downloads you need to also configure SB to communicate with your favorite download program. Torrents: SB will place torrents in a "watch folder", you should then configure your torrent client to pick up torrents from that same folder. NZBs: If you use SABnzbd or NZBGet Sick Beard can send NZBs directly to your download client, just fill in the necessary settings. Note: Usenet/NZBs are far better suited for automated download programs like Sick Beard. Search Providers Simply check off the providers you want Sick Beard to use for searches. You can also configure your own providers for any site running Newznab (free NZB indexing software). Post Processing Once your download client finishes downloading an episode Sick Beard can sort & rename it, generate metadata for your media front end, and notify you that the download is finished. Notifications

Forums • View topic - MovieGrabber - Completely Automated Movie Downloader DescriptionMovieGrabber is a fully automated way of downloading movie from usenet, it supports any nzb client that has a "watched" or "monitor" folder facility such as Sabnzbd+, Grabit and Newsbin. MovieGrabber works by checking imdb for matching criteria and if a match is found the nzb will be downloaded and stored in either a specified queued folder for user review or sent to the watched folder for processing and automatic downloading via your usenet binary client. MovieGrabber currently has the following features:- IMDb Checksimdb ratingimdb votesimdb genresimdb yearimdb actorsimdb directorsimdb writersimdb charactersimdb titles Index Sitemin/max post sizefiltering by format/resolution etc System Checksmovie already downloadedreplace existing movienzb already in watched/nzb/completed folders FAQQ1. A1. Q2. A2. Q3. A3. Q4. A4. Q5. A5. Go to "Configuration" and then select the sub menu item "Folders" fill in the folders for the following sections:- Click on Save. Q6. A6. Q7. A7. Q8. A8. Q9.

Zip Code Radius Finder and Calculator SELECT TOP 1000 pdCountry, pdLatitude, pdLongitude, pdState, pdPostalCode, pdAreaCode, pdCity, pdCounty, (SELECT TOP 1 zipPopulationEstimate FROM PC_Zips WHERE zipZipCode = pdPostalCode) AS pdPopulation, zipcodes.Distance(pdLatitude, pdLongitude, 41.04069, -81.479723) AS distance FROM PC_Postal_Data WHERE pdPostalCode <> '' AND zipcodes.Distance(pdLatitude, pdLongitude, 41.04069, -81.479723) <= 30 AND pdLongitude <> '0' AND pdLatitude <> '0' AND pdCountry = 1 ORDER BY zipcodes.Distance(pdLatitude, pdLongitude, 41.04069, -81.479723) ASC 30 mile radius of 44306, AKRON, OH 0 Mile Boundary Center Point 30 Mile Boundary Matching ZIP Code Radius Finder Application Do you need to perform radius searches for more than 30 miles? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Radius Finder Application is for you! The Radius Finder Application is a free tool that comes with our U.S. Radius Application Features Share This Page Share this page with a friend!

