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Web 2.0 Directory : 900+ Web 2.0 Sites in 50+ categories : eConsultant

Web 2.0 Directory : 900+ Web 2.0 Sites in 50+ categories : eConsultant

Webby Awards Webby Honorees, Nominees and Winners truly represent the best of the Web. They are but a small percentage of total entries and chosen by members of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. See them all here. Webby Lifetime Achievement: Mayor Michael Bloomberg Webby Person of the Year: Louis C.K. Webby Artist of the Year: Björk Best Actresses of the Year: Juliette Lewis and Graydon Sheppard of "Sh*t Girls Say" Webby Breakout of the Year: Instagram Webby Agency of the Year: BBH With nearly 70 categories, Website entries make up the majority of Webby Awards Winners, Nominees and Honorees. Jump to category: back to top

Keeping Tabs on Web 2.0 Even with consolidation going on left and right, the galaxy of sites that make up what we call "web 2.0" is expanding at a frantic rate (or perhaps that elusive goal of being snapped up by a bigger fish is helping to drive it). So how do you keep up with this ever growing array of web 2.0 sites? That is, other than reading Read/WriteWeb. The answer: via the ever growing array of web 2.0 lists. A little over a year ago, Richard MacManus posted his List of Web 2.0 Lists. eConsultant: Web 2.0 Directory - It appears not to have been updated in nearly a year, and is (hopefully) the only inclusion on this list that's not up-to-date. Conclusion I think its safe to say that there are more sites devoted to tracking web 2.0 now than there were when Richard made his original list in May 2006.

InfoTangle :: The Hype and the Hullabaloo of Web 2.0 :: January by Ellyssa Kroski Phase Two of the World Wide Web has begun and with it comes a renaissance of participation and regeneration. What is Web 2.0 all about? Proponents of the concept claim that it is the second generation of the Internet. This exciting evolution sees the user as the center of the virtual universe. The Web 2.0 mindset is about using the wisdom of crowds to develop better software, designing simple and straightforward applications efficiently in response to user inclination, and sharing that technology so that others can build upon it. There has been a fundamental shift in the paradigm of how we think about and use the Web. But what some consider a rally cry; others deem a lot of “bunk”. The Hype Tech media guru Tim O’Reilly and cohort Dale Dougherty of MediaLive conceived of the term “Web 2.0” in 2004 as a way to designate the post-crash Web, and at the same time name an upcoming conference. The Web is a Platform. The Network Effect. Harnessing Collective Intelligence.

Main Page - SJCPLSubjectGuides Web 2.0 World Wide Web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier Web sites Web 2.0 (also known as participative (or participatory)[1] web and social web)[2] refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatibility with other products, systems, and devices) for end users. The term was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999[3] and later popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the first Web 2.0 Conference in 2004.[4][5][6] Although the term mimics the numbering of software versions, it does not denote a formal change in the nature of the World Wide Web,[7] but merely describes a general change that occurred during this period as interactive websites proliferated and came to overshadow the older, more static websites of the original Web.[2] History[edit] Web 1.0[edit] Some Web 2.0 capabilities were present in the days of Web 1.0, but were implemented differently. Characteristics[edit] Web 2.0[edit] Search

Les Blogs 2.0 Video Archive Author Yellow Pages i-wisdom: Presentatie Tom De Bruyne @Kortom Lustrumcongres (upda ThursdayDecember 1 Mijn presentatie die ik vandaag op het Kortom Lustrum congres gegeven heb over hoe overheden het internet als participatief medium kunnen gebruiken. De titel van de presentatie was "10 digitale instrumenten om als overheid mee aan de slag te gaan" en deze kan je hier downloaden. Update: Pietel wees me op het feit dat ik bij de foto's die ik ter illustratie gebruikte, geen bronvermelding had bijgezet. Link: Download kortom_lustrum_dec2005_update.ppt

My Boxxet Collection Copyright © 1999-2012, LLC. All rights reserved. *One FREE .COM, .CO, .NET or .ORG with purchase of a new 12-, 24- or 36-month website builder plan. Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 per domain name per year. + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. _ Web 2.0 Explorer _ Dan Farber was one of the first to cover the Giant Global Graph, here on ZDNet. A few days on, though, there's value in taking a look at how these ideas are being discussed across the blogosphere.The GGG, or Giant Global Graph. It sounds like something with which you might terrify a child at bed time, but this is no Gruffalo, no Jabberwock, no Smaug. Rather it's father-of-the-web Tim Berners-Lee's label for his latest attempt to express the power of the Semantic Web's core technologies in ways that will resonate beyond the established SemWeb literati. In the post he writes; “So, if only we could express these relationships, such as my social graph, in a way that is above the level of documents, then we would get re-use. That's just what the graph does for us.

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