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jQuery effects, 150+ best for web developers and designers

jQuery effects, 150+ best for web developers and designers
Since the arrival of the jQuery library, the life of JavaScript programmers have gotten a lot easier because now it’s simpler to develop web 2.0 applications. With jQuery, the programmers can keep their code organized and concise, which is the major slogan of the library, “write less, do more”. You can utilize jQuery to handle events, generate animations, and even add an Ajax support into your web applications in a very easy way. Certainly you can use JavaScript to execute all the jQuery functions, but if you use it, your programming times will reduce and your effectiveness will increase, and that’s the real magic of jQuery. Transition effects As the name says, these effects are designed to generate animated switches between different elements, from smooth transitions to overlapping animations, here are some of the nicest transition effects made with jQuery: Special Presentation: jQuery SliderShock 1. A standard transition effect that always works well when implemented on your designs. 3.

ColorBox, A jQuery Lightbox A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery Fork me on GitHub View Demos Download Released under the MIT License. Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.Lightweight: 10KB of JavaScript (less than 5KBs gzipped).Appearance is controlled through CSS so it can be restyled.Can be extended with callbacks & event-hooks without altering the source files.Completely unobtrusive, options are set in the JS and require no changes to existing HTML.Preloads upcoming images in a photo group.Currently used on more than 1.9 million websites. Instructions & Help The FAQ has instructions on asking for help, solutions to common problems, and how-to examples. Usage Colorbox accepts settings from an object of key/value pairs, and can be assigned to any HTML element. Settings Public Methods Event Hooks // Example of using an event listener and public method to build a primitive slideshow:$(document).bind('cbox_complete', function(){ setTimeout($, 1500);}); Hey,

Filtre CSS « flou localisé » ou « flou progressif » - Créer de la profondeur de champ avec les filtres et les masques Cette démo fait suite à Effet « soft-focus » en CSS, mais fait entrer les masques CSS et SVG pour créer des effets de « flou progressif » ou de « flou localisé ». Le principe est donc strictement le même que la démo précédente, hormis l’utilisation des masques sur la seconde image qui superpose la première. (Je vous conseille de lire le premier article avant de continuer) Ajout des filtres CSS et SVG Dans ce tuto, je vais entrer sur la partie spécifique des filtres et des masques. Nous partons donc du principe que nos deux images sont superposées : Il nous suffit d’appliquer un flou avec la propriété filter sur cette seconde image. Et le SVG correspondant : Ajout des masques CSS et SVG Maintenant, il nous faut masquer une partie de cette image avec les masques. Et le SVG correspondant au masque : Cette technique ouvre la porte a beaucoup d’effets visuels très intéressants.

Submit A Form Without Page Refresh using jQuery Previously on Nettuts+, Philo showed how you can use jQuery to add form validation to wordpress comments that works without any page reload. Another great way of utlizing jQuery to enhance user experience is to not just validate, but to submit your form entirely without a page refresh. In this tutorial I'll show you how easy it is to do just that -- submit a contact form that sends an email, without page refresh using jQuery! (The actual email is sent with a php script that processes in the background). Let's get started. What We're Building In this example, we have a simple contact form with name, email, and phone number. If you have found this article without any prior familiarity with jQuery, a great place to get started would be Jeffrey Way's article on 15 Resources to get you Started with jQuery From Scratch. Step 1 - Build the HTML Form Let's take a look at our html markup. You might notice that I have included a div with id contact_form that wraps around the entire form. Conclusion

25+ Create Amazing Image Effects with Some of the Best jQuery Plugins Available JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and, Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like WordPress and Drupal.The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 25 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started! By the way. tripwire magazine have provides several articles covering javascript frameworks that I will recommend you take a look at: Advertisement CrossSlide Highslide JS Highslide JS is an open source image, media and gallery viewer written in JavaScript. These are some of it’s features: JQZoom Galleria

50 super plugins jQuery récents pour rendre votre site ergonomique et attrayant Cela fait quelques années que le Javascript et notamment jQuery – qui simplifie et norme son utilisation – continuent d’être de plus en plus utilisés. Aujourd’hui cette technologie est toujours plus facile à exploiter grâce à l’installation de plugins, c’est-à-dire de petits modules de code. Il n’a jamais été aussi facile qu’aujourd’hui de rendre un site ergonomique, originale et attractif ! Ces 50 plugins sélectionnés avec soin parmi les milliers existants vous permettront de transformer n’importe quel site fade en site riche, intuitif, interactif et ergonomique, y compris sur mobile. Leur mise en place est en général très simple. Plugins pour réaliser des sites avec effets de scroll et/ou de la parallax Parallax.js Déjà présenté dans Le meilleur du web, ce plugin très puissant et relativement facile à mettre en place vous permettra de recréer un effet de parallax facilement. Parallax.js Pour créer des sites à parallax verticale facilement : One Page Scroll Parallax.js Fullpage.js Skrollr via

Category:Samsung mobile phones From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Subcategories This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Pages in category "Samsung mobile phones" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 234 total. (previous 200) (next 200)(previous 200) (next 200) Gaya Design - Presentation Cycle Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis tellus eros. Nam blandit diam id turpis bibendum nec rutrum dui pulvinar. Quisque fermentum, dolor ut adipiscing suscipit, leo lorem malesuada mauris, vitae dapibus mi ligula ut nunc. CSS Media Queries for iPads & iPhones | Stephen Gilbert iPad Media Queries iPad Media Queries (All generations - including iPad mini) Thanks to Apple's work in creating a consistent experience for users, and easy time for developers, all 5 different iPads (iPads 1-5 and iPad mini) can be targeted with just one CSS media query. The next few lines of code should work perfect for a responsive design. iPad in portrait & landscape @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) { /* STYLES GO HERE */} iPad in landscape @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : landscape) { /* STYLES GO HERE */} iPad in portrait @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : portrait) { /* STYLES GO HERE */ } iPad 3 & 4 Media Queries Retina iPad in portrait & landscape @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

datetime - How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP jQuery Reel Plugin verb ... the room reeled GO ROUND, go round and round, whirl, spin, revolve, swirl, twirl, turn, swim. Try dragging this area or roll your mouse wheel over it Now even on Android Reel 1.3 is an established and the most versatile three-sixty player for jQuery. Teaches your ordinary image tag some new tricks turning it into a gorgeous interactive 360° object movie, panorama or stop-motion animation. Modes covering beyond usual 360° span. back up Demonstration An image is worth a thousand words. Try reel for yourself. Stitched panoramas are supported too: You can also embed annotations (e.g. text or images) of individual features on the scene. See all 19 examples incl. code samples Is it compatible? Runs everywhere! * Under the hood Reel uses nothing else than CSS background image positioning which is pretty common in all today's browsers. Who uses it? Everybody! Latest news To date, Reel is used on 2014+ domains world-wide. The CDN has run dry today and was rejecting requests. Download

L’IPad et les problèmes de redimensionnement des images de fond | @s_hulard Sur plusieurs sites j’ai récemment eu à réaliser des développements de compatibilité IPad. J’ai rencontré plusieurs problèmes sur des tailles et des positionnements de bloc, des petits décalages, etc. Rien de très complexe et surtout plus facile à corriger que sur Internet Explorer 6 ou 7. Certaines pages utilisaient une image de fond générale, image apparaissant derrière tout le site. Sur l’IPad je n’arrivais pas à avoir le même rendu que sur mon ordinateur portable et ne comprenait pas pourquoi jusqu’au moment ou j’ai remarqué que l’image de fond était redimensionnée. De façon assez étrange, l’IPad interdit aux éléments visibles de sortir du cadre de vision. Un grand div centré sur la page avec taille fixe et image de fondUne image de fond sur le bodyUne image de fond sur l’élément principal de mon siteUne balise image de taille fixe et centrée Aucune de ces techniques n’a fonctionné. Il faut donc : J’ai préféré utiliser la troisième technique qui fonctionne très bien!

Realistic Chrome and Glossy Plastic Text Effect Are you in the mood for some glossy plastic and reflective chrome text effect? I bet you do. Chrome effects are very difficult to create because chrome has no color at all. It’s all about reflections. Reflective Chrome Effect For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial will use only a couple of letters to illustrate the process. Start with a 290×230 work area. Now type two letters with a size of size 200px ("TE" in this example). Select the text layer and apply a COLOR OVERLAY LAYER STYLE to it. We are using a medium gray as the base color of the chrome. This is one of the most important parts of the effect. 1) Go to EDIT > PRESET MANAGER… 2) Click on the PRESET TYPE pulldown menu and select CONTOURS. 3) Click on the LOAD button and find the contours (PRChrome.shc) file you’ve just downloaded, load it and then click DONE. 4) Go to the BEVEL AND EMBOSS Layer Style window and click on the little arrow located at the left of the GLOSS CONTOUR swatch. Now, let the magic start.

jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
