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21st Century Pedagogy

21st Century Pedagogy
Even if you have a 21st Century classroom(flexible and adaptable); even if you are a 21st Century teacher ; (an adaptor, a communicator, a leader and a learner, a visionary and a model, a collaborator and risk taker) even if your curriculum reflects the new paradigm and you have the facilities and resources that could enable 21st century learning – you will only be a 21st century teacher if how you teach changes as well. Your pedagogy must also change. Definition: pedagogy - noun the profession, science, or theory of teaching. Key features How we teach must reflect how our students learn. Knowledge Knowledge does not specifically appear in the above diagram. We need to teach knowledge or content in context with the tasks and activities the students are undertaking. Thinking skills Thinking Skills are a key area. Collaboration The 21st century is an age of collaboration as well as the Information Age. 21st Century students, our digital natives, are collaborative. Assessment Fluency

21 Century Info 21st Century Info This is a page that will be growing with twenty first century information. Please be sure to read the background philosophy and check out any links to important research and information. Enjoy your journey as you uncover the need and become more familiar with 21st century education. Twenty-first Century Skills - Their Research With My Reflection Above image is embedded from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.The Partner For Twenty First Century Skills provides a rainbow which sets a framework for 21st century education. I could reexplain it here, or just send you to the horse's mouth. Keeping Kids In The Twenty- First Century Engagement Zone It seems that today a key word in 21st Century Learning is Engagement. Revising Bloom Makes Sense In The Twenty-First Century Above content is based on research by: L.W. Teaching in the 20 Century Classroom As Compared To 21st Century: (Things To Think About) What Are The Top 21st century Skills - Check Out This Graph!

Aprendo más si leo 4 libros a la vez Suelo leer 4 libros a la vez -además de diarios y revistas-. Uno de psicología o educación, otro sobre temas empresariales, otro sobre temas científicos y tecnológicos, y otro puede ser una novela, poesía, curiosidades, antropología, sociología, historia, etc. Empiezo leyendo indistintamente el capítulo de conclusiones, la introducción o alguno intermedio, según la atracción que me genere al revisar el índice. Cuando fui escolar -hasta egresar en 1968- la receta pedagógica vigente era la de leer un libro por vez, -generalmente escogido por el profesor-, de manera lineal desde el inicio hasta el final. Inclusive si nos salteábamos algunas páginas sentíamos la culpa de haber hecho algo malo o de habernos perdido algunos datos importantes. Hoy en día la neurociencia nos dice claramente que el cerebro no tiene un funcionamiento lineal, que el aprendizaje es multidimensional y que las ideas creativas son producto de conexiones cerebrales no convencionales. Artículos afines en:

Mapping Complex Information. Theory and Practice Teaching Skills: What 21st Century Educators Need To Learn To Survive What are the traits that would make for the ideal 21st teacher? What does an educational professional need to be or do to tune in and synchronize with the new realities silently emerging inside schools and educational environments? Photo credit: Lisa F. Young The profound, deep shifts we are starting to witness across all of the established educational institutions, pivot around four key components: 1) Learners driving. These new "teachers" think, act and perform their multiple roles of guides, facilitators and learning advisers with a spirit and attitude that is radically different from the one that is typical of the traditional, classic educator. Andrew Churches challenges the status quo and paints a detailed profile of what this new breed of professors is going to look like. Eight Habits of Highly Effective 21st Century Teachers By Andrew Churches What are the characteristics we would expect to see in a successful 21st century educator? 1. 2. 3. Educators too, must be collaborators: 4. 5.

Institute for Social and Network Literacy | Life Skills for Knowledge Citizenship The Art of Insight and Action 21st Century Schools or 21st Century Learning? Even this picture is way too old…We need to start having focused conversations on this topic. Just let me start off by saying that the term “21st Century Learning” still drives me crazy. If you think about it, have we progressed in our thoughts about what learning should look like and could be in the last 10 years? What about in the next 50 years? Will “21st Century Learning” be the same or will we still promote the same skills? Who knows but I am sure that our world will continue to change significantly. With that being said, for the sake of discussion, I will use the terms. I had a great discussion with some educators the other day about the idea of “21st Century Schools vs. 21st Century Learning”. This has been really weighing on my mind a lot since I have seen a lot of iPads in schools in a 1:1 environment. Pretty crazy since they had an online textbook to keep them entertained A question that I often ask to many educators is this: can you tell me your school’s vision for learning?

TEDxLondon presents the Education Revolution David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine You've seen the extraordinary TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson, on how to repair our education system to boost creativity (what? You haven't? With new tools around that harness the power of technology to truly democratise learning, and the sum total of human knowledge only a web browser away, the role of teachers is changing dramatically. The event is organised in collaboration with Sir Ken Robinson, and aims to explore ways to re-invent an outmoded model of learning. It's an impressive list of speakers that's been announced so far, including: Jude Kelly - artistic director of the Southbank Centre in London; Scott Snibe - One of the app developers involved in creating Bjork's recent Biophila project, as covered in Wired; Sir Ken Robinson - via a video link; Ken Spours - Professor of education at the Institute of Education, University of London; Salman Khan - founder of the Khan Academy, via video link; Geoff Stead - Head of Innovation of Tribal Group.

50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below. The 21st century teacher should be able to : 1- Create and edit digital audio Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Free Audio Tools for Teachers 2- Use Social bookmarking to share resources with and between learners Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : A List of Best Bookmarking Websites for Teachers 3- Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Webpages for your Class 4- Exploit digital images for classroom use Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Web Tools to Edit Pictures without Installing any softwareTools to Convert Photos into Cartoons ~ Virtools Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Virtools est un logiciel de création d'applications 3D temps réel. Virtools a été créé en 1999, outil issu des développements de la société éponyme fondée en 1993 par Bertrand de La Chapelle et Bertrand Duplat, et racheté par Dassault Systèmes en 2005. Il permet de créer des applications pour le web et des applications pour de grands environnements immersifs comme un Cave, un Reality Center ou même pour La Géode. Virtools est un espace de développement d'applications temps réel et n'est absolument pas un modeleur 3D. Virtools permet le développement par schéma de programmation, nommé: "Schematics". Par exemple, pour lancer une action lors de l'appui sur une touche, il faut glisser le BB 'Key Event' et de choisir la touche. Virtools a été pendant longtemps une solution de référence, notamment pour les applications de réalité virtuelle et de simulation. Solutions analogues[modifier | modifier le code] Il existe des packs additionnels :

A Great New Collection of Educational Posters for Teachers Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is back to you with a list of some awesome inspirational posters that you as a teacher would really enjoy and hopefully hang on your classroom wall. They can also be equally inspirational for your students. I am definitely adding these posters to the section we created here under the title : `` Educational Posters for Teachers ``. The importance of posters lies in the fact that they give us a pause from whatever we are engaged in and take us into a journey ,no matter how long or short it is, into the world of meditation and contemplation. The benefits of these two thinking strategies are enormous, isn`t it the ultimate goal of education to bring up critical thinkers who will be ready to process information before taking it in rather than rote memorizing it ? Posters can help you achieve it . Here is what we have for you for today : Please remember to pay tribute to Poster Street which is the source from which have taken these posters.

Inteligentes pero sin carácter, logran poco David Levin, cofundador de la famosa red de escuelas intermedias charter “KIPP” de Estados Unidos, que fomentan el estudio intensivo por parte de estudiantes de bajos recursos logrando que obtengan muy altas calificaciones para ingresar a la alta secundaria y a la universidad, encontró que sus ex alumnos tendían a abandonar los estudios superiores graduándose solamente 33% al cabo de los 4 años del primer título universitario. Si bien seguía siendo superior al 31% del promedio nacional y 8% del promedio del quintil más bajo, estaba muy lejos de su meta de graduar al 75% de los egresados. Levin encontró algo curioso: los alumnos que se mantenían en la universidad no eran los que tenían las mejores notas en el colegio, sino los que evidenciaban tener muchas fortalezas de carácter, como optimismo, perseverancia e inteligencia social. Sobre este tema Paul Tough publicó el 14/9/2011 un interesante artículo en el New York Times “What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?”
