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Online Mental Health Resources - Caltech Counseling Center Online Resources ULifeline In an effort to provide more resources to our students, the Caltech Counseling Center is pleased to be a member of the ULifeline network. Caltech's ULifeline website is customized for the Caltech community and includes information on numerous health and mental-health issues, including depression and suicide, geared towards a student population. Activity on the site is confidential. Transition Year NAPW Member Ellen G Levine PH.D, MPH Research/Statistical Behavioral Medicine Consultant - Healthcare Ellen Levine is a clinical (medical) psychologist and epidemiologist. She received her Ph.D. in medical psychology from the University of Alabama-Birmingham in 1990 and her M.P.H. in epidemiology in 1988. After an internship and postdoc at two Veterans Administration medical centers (Palo Alto and Martinez, CA) she was the project coordinator for the Stress and Health study at the University of California-San Francisco.

Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students With the pressures facing most people today, it is essential to take your mental health seriously. This is especially true for college students and young people, whose lack of experience in the real world could lead to major mental health issues resulting from stress, overwork, fatigue, or even the onset of a more serious mental illness. In fact, up to 75 percent of college students with possible mental health issues do not seek help for what ails them. While this resource is meant to provide college students and young people with quality information on maintaining good mental health and identifying mental health issues, it is not meant to take the place of professional advice from a qualified mental health specialist. Anyone who wishes to learn more keeping tabs on their mental health should consider taking this mental health assessment before diving into the resource.

College Health Resources: Mental Health Home > topics > College Health Resources: Mental Health Mental Health This page is an index of ACHA and other resources on this topic. Resources include association projects, programs, publications, guidelines, and more. Additional information may be available under “External Resources.” Bring Change 2 Mind FICTION: People living with a mental illness are often violent. FACT: Actually, the vast majority of people living with mental health conditions are no more violent than anyone else. People with mental illness are much more likely to be the victims of crime.
