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TUBE+ Watch full length TV Shows and Movies online for free Download Free Political Documentaries And Watch Many Interesting, Controversial Free Documentary Films On That You Wont Find On The TV! Cure from Addictions The following prayer is for curing all kinds of addictions, from drugs to tobacco, alcohol to womanising, and also any other forms of evil habits. INSHA ALLAH. The following should be read for 41 days by either the person who wants to change his / her ways, or someone else can read on behalf of the person that is addicted. After reading the following ask Allah to relieve you if your addiction or bad habit. If someone is reading on behalf of another person, then the person who is doing the Dua should mention the full name of the addicted person and that person's mother's name, for example: Ya Allah relieve and cure {the addicted person's full name} son / daughter of {the addicted person's mother's name} of his / her bad habits. Read the following DAROOD 11 times Next read the following DUA 11 times Finally finish by reading the above DAROOD 11 times again.

The making of an action hero body - Entertainment - Movies When I was hired to train an actor for an action film, the studio executives would express how important it was to transform their body so they looked like an action hero. That's why I made the decision to utilize the same method of dieting and training I used to win many of my champion body building competitions. Matt Damon and Kevin Spacey were extremely excited to work with me, which made my job a lot easier than it had been with some of my other celebrity clients. I have the actors do weight training in the morning and cardio at night. WEIGHT TRAINING SESSION(* — increase weight each set) Monday – Abs/Biceps/Triceps Abdominal Crunches - 3x50 Hanging Leg Raises – 3x30 Hyper Extensions – 3x25 Seated Dumbbell Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Standing Barbell Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Standing Cable Curls – 3x15/12/10 * Tricep Cable Pushdowns – 3x15/12/10 * Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions – 3x15/12/10 * Dumbbell Kickbacks – 3x15/12/10 * Wednesday – Rest Day

the Stoner collection - a list by max_hol O P o t B 5,000 Free Loops – Drums, Guitar , Orchestra, Heavy Metal, & More - Hip Hop Makers Here are over 3 gigabytes of free loops of drum samples, guitar loops, Dubstep loops, bass loops, Hip Hop loops, and many more free loops. Please share this post and follow us to show support. New free downloads added weekly. Get our free newsletter. Free Loops to Download Sell Your Music & Products Create a website to sell music, beats, and products. P.S. Check out these other free sample posts: Enjoy! Written by Mark Hi I’m Mark V, a creative designer, full-time blogger, and coder.

Handmade Charlotte :: DIY Crafts & Daily Design Inspiration Windows 8 RTM ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’ Super List Now that Windows 8 RTM has been out for a bit you may be wondering about all of the new keyboard shortcuts associated with the system. Yash Tolia from the MSDN blog has put together a super list of all the keyboard shortcuts you could ever want into one awesome post. A quick copy, paste, and save/print using your favorite word processing program will help keep this terrific list on hand for easy reference whenever you need it! List of Windows 8 Shortcuts [Nirmal TV]

How Joyful | Design. Tutorials. Sewing. DIY. Recipes. Crafts. A blog by Joy Kelley [All-In-One] Huawei Ascend G300 (U8815) - Huawei Ascend G300 - androidPT Este tópico tem o intuito de vos auxiliar na navegação e procura de ROM's, Kernel's, root, e guias para o Huawei Ascend G300. Muitas partes deste ALL-IN-ONE é retirado do fórum Modaco. O fórum androidPt assim como a sua equipa não se responsabiliza por qualquer dano que possa causar ao vosso equipamento. Considerações: ROM's B8XX são ROM's GingerBread (2.3.X) -> Baseband: 109808ROM's B9XX são ROM's IceCream Sandwich (4.0.X) -> Baseband: 2030Antes de flashar qualquer ROM tenham em conta a baseband da mesma e da que estão a usar. Este procedimento é especialmente importante pois se perdem o IMEI ficam com o telemóvel inutilizavel. No telemóvel ir a Definições > Segurança > Fontes Desconhecidas e activar. Este método é o ideal para fazer upgrade se não conseguem actualizar via OTA ou se simplesmente querem uma ROM oficial (Huawei) sem os add-ons da Vodafone. Instalar uma custom ROM GB/ICS/JB Esta secção pressupõe que já têm root e CWM instalados no vosso G300.

UniBeast: Install Mac OS X Lion Using an All-In-One Bootable USB Drive STEP 1: Purchase Mac OS X Lion The operating system is not free. There are two ways to purchase your copy of Mac OS X Lion. The simplest way is to download the Application from the Mac App Store. STEP 2: Create a Bootable USB Drive Using UniBeast Take a deep breath and take your time- this is pretty simple, but it's easy to miss things if you rush. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The process will take about 10-15 minutes, depending on system and drive speed, but will show hours. STEP 3: Install Mac OS X Lion You're almost done! 1. 2. 3. You may have to type extra command line flags to reach the installer. 4. If updating an existing Snow Leopard install, skip 5-14. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. STEP 4: Post-Installation Using MultiBeastMultiBeast is an all-in-one post-installation tool designed to enable boot from hard drive, and install support for Audio, Network, and Graphics. 1.
