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SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten If America should go Communist Should America go communist as a result of the difficulties and problems that your capitalist social order is unable to solve, it will discover that communism, far from being an intolerable bureaucratic tyranny and individual regimentation, will be the means of greater individual liberty and shared abundance. At present most Americans regard communism solely in the light of the experience of the Soviet Union. They fear lest Sovietism in America would produce the same material result as it has brought for the culturally backward peoples of the Soviet Union. They fear lest communism should try to fit them to a bed of Procrustes, and they point to the bulwark of Anglo-Saxon conservatism as an insuperable obstacle even to possibly desirable reforms. They fear monetary inflation, bureaucratic tyranny and intolerable red tape in obtaining the necessities of life. Everybody below this group is already economically prepared for communism. Who else will fight against communism?

A LA UNE - l'actualité internationale en direct, article, report Fuel Your Creativity Gothic Clothing Store - Heavy Red Holland Doc -> Afleveringen Tips for the Creation of Your Darkly Gothic Poem You're probably wondering how such anguished and artistic individuals pen such magnificently dark epics, where they got their expressive names, and how you can crank out the same self-pitying drivel, uh, create your own shadowed and unearthly opus. Read this list of handy tips for the proper creation of Darkly Gothic poems. Then choose an appropriate subject from the page of poems, and the Goth-O-MaticTM will help you express your inner angst! Choose an appropriate gothic moniker by which you wish to be addressed. Concepts such as darkness, loss, pain, grief, madness, death, night, and the bloodthirsty undead make good topics for Darkly Gothic poems. If you don't know Poe... Go ahead and let that emotional turmoil draw you into depression. Enough said. Don't worry about how short the lines of your darkly gothic poem are. 'Falling ever darkly into the ebon abyss of feral eyes, screaming against the groping fingers of your black obsessive passion: torment.' ...

MICK! - Blog the Anarchist Library Liberty - Mother, not Daughter of Order "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. Samuel Adams, (1722-1803) U.S. Anarchist Thinkers Mikhail Bakunin, a founding father of Anarchism. Miscellaneous Essays, Articles, etc. Review of the "Anarchist" Cookbook, raises doubts about this classic piece of disinformation. Short list of Anarchist Links - Large page of Anarchist Images - Return to Flag Home

Ghosts I've always got a kick how people will fall reverently silent and consider you blessed if you say you saw an angel or some "vision", but if you tell those same people you saw a ghost they'd tell you how full of it you were. Is there a difference? I sat in the library for 9 solid hours one day (heaven!), looking at every ghost book they had; "psychic photography", famous hauntings, the haunted; the stupid-ass "ectoplasm" photos of long-ago Mediums, badly faked portraits of spirit photography, the psychology and physiology behind those who claim demonic possession, EVP, infrared ghost photos, Near Death experiences. I reread all the yellowed books of a "famous" ghost hunter and remembered even as a kid realizing what a liar he was. I smiled at the photos of cigarette smoke, water drops, exhaled breath, film glitches, light leaks, developing drips and camera straps that passed as "plasma vortexes" and "spirit globes". Maybe not. But - I know better. Any good ghost stuff, Emaill me.

Analyse très pertinente du traitement de l'actualité dans les différents pays du monde. by karine Apr 17
