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Flood Map Water Level Elevation Map Global Population Density at a Glance (Infographic) Fathom Information Design/Promo image This population density map is making the rounds on the blogs today, to near-universal acclaim. And for good reason; it might be the most intuitive look at global pop. density ever cobbled together. The brainchild of Fathom Information Design, 'Dencity' uses small pixels to connote density, big ones to convey wide-open, unpopulated spaces. Fast Company explains why the design works: In the visual syntax of infographics and maps, bigger equals... well, bigger. Fathom Information Design/Promo image I don't really get what's so unorthodox about this; to me, it seems downright intuitive. China. Counterintuitive or not, it is indeed a brilliantly effective way to convey where population centers are grouped, and where there's still free range. Click here to view a larger image.

Global 500 2010: Maps - Top 500 Companies are ranked by total revenues for their respective fiscal years ended on or before March 31, 2015. All companies on the list must publish financial data and report part or all of their figures to a government agency. Figures are as reported, and comparisons are with the prior year’s figures as originally reported for that year. Fortune does not restate the prior year’s figures for changes in accounting. Revenues Revenue figures include consolidated subsidiaries and reported revenues from discontinued operations, but exclude excise taxes. Profits Profits are shown after taxes, extraordinary credits or charges, cumulative effects of accounting changes, and noncontrolling (minority) interests, but before preferred dividends. Balance Sheet Assets shown are those at the company’s fiscal year-end. Employees The figure shown is either a fiscal year-end or yearly average number, as published by the company. Medians Credits

ceriscope Atlas of Urban Expansion Massive urbanization, accompanied by the rapid expansion of cities and metropolitan regions and the sprawling growth of megacities the world over, is one of the most important transformations of our planet. Much of this explosive growth has been unplanned. Cities in developing countries have been unprepared for absorbing the many millions of the rural poor that are still crowding into informal settlements. These cities are now scheduled to double their urban population in the next thirty years, and possibly triple the land area. And while in industrialized countries the great transformation into an urban society is largely completed, there are growing concerns about continuing low-density sprawl and its deleterious environmental consequences - the effects on carbon emissions, energy use, and the loss of prime agricultural lands. The Atlas of Urban Expansion provides the geographic and quantitative dimensions of urban expansion and its key attributes in cities the world over.

Les blonds en Europe Détails Création : 21 juillet 2010 Parce que cette information est sans importance, elle devient donc fondamentale ! Pour toutes les personnes qui cherchent à savoir où se trouvent les blonds et blondes en Europe, voici une réponse sous forme de mosaïque isometrique ou isoCarte.Cette carte a été réalisée par votre serviteur via les données du site Carte : Pourcentage des cheveux blonds en Europe Une conclusion s'impose : il faut aller dans le nord de l'Europe, dans les pays scandinaves, pour trouver de fortes populations aux cheveux clairs.

La population urbaine mondiale de 1950 à 2050 - carte statistique interactive de l'UNICEF | Enseigner l'Histoire-Géographie EuroMéditerranée <object id="UnityObject" classid="clsid:444785F1-DE89-4295-863A-D46C3A781394" width="1000" height="650" codebase=" name="src" value="uploads/tx_t3unity3d/WebPlayer.unity3d" /><embed id="UnityEmbed" src="uploads/tx_t3unity3d/WebPlayer.unity3d" width="1000" height="650" type="application/vnd.unity" pluginspage=" /><noembed><div align="center"> This content requires the Unity Web Player, please click the button below to visit the Unity Web Player download page.</p><p><a href=' src=' border='0'/></a></div></noembed></object>

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