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Password Generator

Password Generator

Secure Passwords Often, there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals - your password. If they get it, they can get into banks accounts and private files, and wreak havoc. For this reason, it's important to know what makes a password strong and secure. Chances are, you use passwords everyday. To open your computer, to log into your favorite websites, to get work done. The easy route is to have a simple password that works everywhere. And if they already know information about you, it's even easier. Your first thought may be to use a pet's name, a birthdate, an address or parts of a phone number. Thankfully, there are ways to have memorable, but hard-to-guess passwords. Well, your password is there - it's the first letter of each word. But there's more. If you write it down, be careful where you keep it. Criminals may also try to fool you into handing it over via phone calls. And be careful when you get an email that asks for a password - it could be a scam.

OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet applications Common Password Mistakes and How to Create Stronger Passwords « Flower Blossoms' Blog A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication to prove identity or gain access to resources. We encounter passwords in our daily lives, at the ATM, when logging onto our home or office computers, or logging into our table TV decoder when purchasing a pay-per-view event. We use passwords several times per day when we are using our computers, such as retrieving e-mail from servers; accessing programs; databases; social networking websites; or even reading the morning newspaper online. Computer passwords are our first, last, and best line of defense against damaging intrusions. Companies rely on passwords to protect sensitive information from hackers. The use of poorly designed passwords could leave us vulnerable to: identity theft, financial loss, invasion of privacy, exposure of proprietary company data, and sharing sensitive or embarrassing information. The password is easy to locate Monitors are the last place anyone should find your password.

Beyond Web 2.0: The social web or the semantic web ? and the rise of the Umbrella social networks Synopsis: Beyond Web 2.0 is still more Web 2.0(for now). The full impact of Web 2.0 will be felt only in 2008 and beyond. The Semantic web is not the future of Web20. The full impact of Web 20 itself has yet to be felt because Web 20 technologies like cloud computing and ‘umbrella social networks’ (i.e. social networks encompassing the personal web, enterprise and the mobile web and incorporating presence) are still emerging and will gather momentum in 2008 and beyond. Introduction It seems ironic to talk about ‘beyond Web 2.0’ almost a week away from the Berlin Web 2.0 expo (where I am speaking). Extending the ‘2.0’ numbering notation, we could naturally think of Web 3.0. Much has been already said about Web 3.0 – most of it self serving. Nova Spivack and Jason Calacanis have each attempted to define Web 3.0 corresponding to their respective companies (Radar networks and Mahalo) Social software and social computing One might view ‘social software’ as a contradiction in terms. Beyond Web 2.0

Hacking Into Your Account is as Easy as 123456 The big Hollywood pictures always make breaking into computers look like a fabulously hip and complicated process. It involves excitement and ingenuity and often times, because it's just so difficult and exciting, a bit of sweat on the brow. But in reality, it's as easy as "123456". And if that doesn't work, we'd suggest trying "12345", next. A report released today looks at a list of 32 million passwords and what it finds doesn't say good things about most of us and our password practices. The report, released by data security firm Imperva, works with real-world data to arrive at its finding. Like children who won't eat their vegetables, we obviously aren't doing what we're told when it comes to the basics of password security. The report goes on to give a list of recommendations that, as it points out from the beginning, you probably won't follow. According to the data, a brute force attack would likely be able to access 1000 accounts in a mere 17 minutes. Photo credit: danielleblue.

O'Reilly -- What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions. The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0. In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example: The list went on and on. 1. Like many important concepts, Web 2.0 doesn't have a hard boundary, but rather, a gravitational core. Netscape vs.

How Secure Is My Password? The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Web 2.0: Top 25 Apps to Grow your Business Are you doing a good job meeting the needs of your small business? Keeping a good handle on finances? Networking? If you are running a small business, you know that to be successful you need to be a jack-of-all-trades. In this guide we cover the 25 best web2.0 applications for entrepreneurs who are looking for simple, cheap, and effective solutions to solving some of the tasks facing their small business or startup. Finances, Money Management, Payments You’re in business to make money. Prosper. Whether you’re rolling in the dough or just squeaking by, every entrepreneur has to crunch the numbers. Timesheets, Invoicing, Billing For a small business to succeed, managers need to maximize the amount of time they spend on developing the business, and try to minimize the time they spend on mundane tasks like creating timesheets and invoices. FreshBooks. SidejobTrack is billed as a software tool for the part-time independent contractor. Communication and Collaboration Campfire. Organization
